
"Boss." assistant Yu said.

" Are you not going back home?" He asked when he entered the his boss'office.

"No I have alot of work." Mo Zhang Xue answered as he typed away on his laptop.

But boss you-

" You can go back." Mo Zhang Xue said.

" You don't have to stay today." He added.

" Oh okay." assistant Yu said.

It was already coming to 11pm.

He looked at his boss whihad been working like a machine for days.

"Should I add you more work." Mo Zhang Xue asked as he kept working.

Actually assistant Yu wanted to persuade his boss to rest but he knew the look on his boss' face.

The look said don't disturb or else I will show you what he'll is like.

Assistant Yu knew enough what the devil in front of him was capable of so he backed off.

He decided to use the chance that was given to him while it was still valid.

When assistant Yu left Mo Zhang Xue received a call from his mother.

"Mom it's late." he said as he pushed his chair back and stood up.


"As if you care." Zhao Chu Hua said.

Madam Zhao already knew that her son was a workaholic.

She was just trying luck.

If you want me to sleep early then why don't you pay your mother a visit she said sounding pitiful.

This son of hers was just like his father only that she had managed to tame her husband and only her son was as cold as the polar ends of the earth.

He had gone to Africa without telling her and even came back without informing her.

She had to squeeze the information out of his subordinates who were also strong headed until she threatened them.

Even after coming back that heartless son of hers didn't step a foot at the Mo mansion where his parents lived.

" Ah you can also get me a daughter-in-law." She added excitedly.

Immediately she said daughter-in-law Mira's honey brown eyes popped up in his head.


"Zhang Xue?" Madam Zhao called.

"Ahh mom I will see you sooner or later but right now I am busy." He said walking to the large window.

Okay you have to rest bye he finished and cut the call. He took a long breathe and looked at the vast brightly lit city that he could see from his office.

He knew his mom said all that to make him feel guilty and go home to see him.

Someone would pick her at the airport and take her to the hotel where she would be staying.

The rest of the days she would be on her own to enjoy.

Her journey back to country case was however taken care of by the same company.

"Miss have you been to China before?" Mr Li asked as he drove.

"No why sir?" Mira replied with a question.

"Your Chinese is better than most foreigners." He said.

"Oh really?"

"I just learned it." Mira said.

" Oh." he said nodding his as he looked at her in the driver's view drive.

Mira looked outside.

She could see a very different world from country X.

China was really a first world country.

The streets were so bright even in the night.