

I took a look at my wristwatch, 

9:45 am. 

I was in my office, waiting for it to be 10 o'clock so I could move to the conference room. 

In about a few minutes, Dylan and I were going to hear who had succeeded in getting the most investors… we were going to be told which one of us was turning vice president, and which one of us was moving to Tulsa; 

Some news I wasn't really sure I was ready for, yet. 

My relationship with Dylan had been nothing short of perfect so far, 

Almost a month of blissfulness… of enjoying our second chance as man and girlfriend, and I must say, we were both settling into the role a little too much if you ask me. 

I may have quickly forgiven him for being a jerk when he found out about the whole cheating-that-actually-turned-out-not-to-be-an-actual-cheating-situation, but that didn't mean I didn't make him work for that forgiveness.