

The sexual tension radiating off us intensified even more as the door to Brielle's office closed shut. We stood there, lost in each other's eyes for what seemed like a moment before attacking, each one of us in a wild frenzy. 

Fuck, I would never get tired of the taste of her lips against mine, of the feel of her caramel coloured skin against my lips,   

I could never get tired of her. 

My right hand latched onto both of hers, holding them way above her head, my left sought out her soft folds under that sexy skirt of hers. "You have no idea how much I'd been aching to do this since I set my eyes on you in that skirt, Brie." I growled lowly in her ear as my mouth trailed a path to her soft, luscious bra-clad breasts. 

When had she unbuttoned her shirt? 

Brielle's breathy moans of encouragement fuelled my hunger, and I scooped her up in a swoop and headed for her desk.