Months passed and like that he was now 12 years old and in 3 days he had to go to the academy, and right now he was in forest hunting...

"Hah, hah, just die you bastard!, why are you so persistent! huff-huff".

Klaus was fighting a 'snow serpent ' right now which was about 5 meters long and could be considered as intermediate tier 5, but because of his skill of magic immunity, poison and ice attributes he was very tough to deal with for Klaus.

"It's damn annoying to have an opponent with magic immunity!!"

Klaus, then took out another short sword and dagger because the ones he was holding were corroded by poison of serpent, and rushed towards the serpent, serpent also used his tail imbued with ice to attack Klaus which he evaded by sliding and then he jumped towards serpent and throwed his dagger towards serpent who had opened his mouth to eat his prey , and just as serpent dodged the dagger Klaus launched his attack

" Endless Swords - Slashing The Heavens"

The short sword sliced the serpent just right between his mouth horizontally!!

{You have levelled up}

{You are now tier 2, level 25}

"Yes finally!, now I can be rest assured that I can crush that arrogant bastard and those bitches"

[Detected host has fulfilled conditions to awaken 1st gift of God]

[The host has unlocked the title #£%£#¥]

[The host has unlocked the title God's descendant ]

[Host's mana is being transformed to the purest form]

[The host is now able to use 'Mana Intimidation' and 'Mana Domain ']

[The host can now sense and command all divine life forms and equipment]

[The host has gained the passive skill 'Aura of God']

Klaus was once again surprised because of a series of notifications that came and shocked to discover these amazing options he gained after getting this title.

He was happy that he has now become level 25 and now he has barely fulfilled his first goal to become overpowered before entering the academy.

For the next three days Klaus rested and spent time with his parents and the knights, he had discovered many things in these days of training like for example some days ago ...

In the dining hall, Klaus and his father were sitting next to each other and his father was sweating crazily, then the gate opened and his mother came with some maids,

"Now dear and Klaus it's time to taste my new recipe!"

Maids served the dishes covered with plates and gave a sympathetic look to both

"Now start!"

As mother commanded both uncovered the dishes and some purple shit looking thing with awful smell came to their view, Klaus looked at his father with questioned look to which he started avoiding my gaze and Klaus's mother gave him sweet smile which felt like deja vu for Klaus and her gaze were saying

'Eat it dear, are you questioning your mom's skills?'

Both gulped and took a bite and suddenly Klaus's mind went blank and along with the father both fainted with foam coming out of our mouths,

Back to the present...

"Gaahhh! It still gives me chills !"

Klaus was right now disturbing his stat points as he said


Name _ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age _ 12 Year old

HP_74000 MP_21000

STR_ 69 STA_77

AGI_ 154 INT_210


TITLE_ The only true friend of absolute God, Reincarnator, Absolute Prodigy, Half Sage, God of %#@&#*(Locked) ,@$%$£¥€$(Locked), Book Maniac, Charmer, 3rd Child of Whitebloods,The one who defies destiny, Beast Slayer,

STORAGE_ Meat of snow bear, pelt of snow wolf, meat of snow serpent, pelt of horn rabbit, Tier 4 Magic Stones, Tier 5 Magic Stones , Sword of Whiteblood Family, Snow daggers,ETC]

He also noticed that only he can gain stats by exercising and reading while others can only get them by titles, equipment and leveling up ,

Klaus has collected some information from his siblings who came in vacations, it seems that the academy he is going is still the same as protagonist and he is going to stay at home of Academy's principal who is old friend of his mom until he is 16 years old and then he can stay at mansion of whiteblood family,

And like that he left towards the academy with a maid named 'Ashia ' a Tier 9 assassin in late 20s with black hair with sharp black eyes and seems very cold but she has been most doting maid for Klaus and with 7 knights out of which 6 are tier 8 seems very cool with friendly aura and Captain is Tier 9 swordsman with brown hair and azure eyes in his 30s, they were selected by competition because for knights all decisions are made by swords