Klaus right now was on his way to the academy, in carriage with the Maid and knights outside escorting him. Klaus had a serious look on his face as he leaned towards his hand looking outside the carriage

'Now that I have left towards the academy the drama is now going to start, and in few days academy is going to start and the event of test is going to take place where the protagonist had defeated all elites and took first place in academy test I need to use the powers at limit so that I don't make it suspicious to those old bastards and alert other characters of drama , and I should also start placing my plan in action to collect more information'


Just as he was thinking all that suddenly he heard a scream coming from some distance, Klaus immediately ordered the Captain Ain to go and assist if needed, captain without any questions took two knights with him and rushed towards the area of problem on horses

Soon Klaus also came to the scene, only to find some bandit looking guys captured in rope and some of them dead

'Hm, looks like a scene where the hero saves the beauty from the bad guys '

Captain Ain noticing Klaus was now there, knelt to him with other two and reported

"Young master, it seems like some local bandits were trying to attack the carriage of these peoples for money and some died during attack, knights and remaining are injured but peoples inside carriage are safe"

After being reported Klaus nodded

"You have done a good job as always captain, thank you for your kind service!"

Ain was moved by these words because he has seen the cruel world and except for Klaus and his family not many thanked knights for their services and took things for granted in noble world

"These words are wasted on me young master! I only served my purpose!"

Klaus nodded happily and moved towards carriage, the knights and guards protecting carriage didn't stop him as they also noticed who gave the orders to knights who saved them, Klaus arrived in front of carriage and asked

"The bandits are now delt with , can I ask who is owner of the carriage?"

After a moment of silence the carriage opened and 2 ladies and 1 boy the same age as Klaus came out with a maid, then one lady with brown hair and green eyes broke the silence and said

"Thank you for helping us! This carriage is from the Greenwood family, I'm Eve Greenwood and they are my friends "

Then a girl with dark blonde hair said

"I'm Ivy Ashworth from house of count Ashworth, thank you for saving us"

Lastly the guy with arrogant expression said in a haughty manner

"I'm Smith Villas from the family of Marquis Villas, your knight is quite good , how about you give him to me, I will be sure to reward you greatly"

Hearing this, others face palmed, while Klaus was momentary stunned and thought

'Is this the legendary scene where side characters get beaten up to rise mc's fame?'

And he showed an ugly expression the atmosphere turned cold and Klaus, Ariana and Ain along with knights started showing their killing intent with cold face, with red eyes and white aura coming out from them,

The peoples on the otherwise however were feeling weight of pressure and got paralysed in air not moving a inch as sweat drops filled their faces

'This bloodlust...!'

'It's difficult to breathe!?'

'Am I going to die virgin....'

'I shouldn't have took this arrogant bastard with me...'

'I swear Villa family will pay appropriately for this, but for that we need to survive...'

But just then Klaus took out an badge and showed it to the boy

"Since when were villas so arrogant enough to offend the family of Duke Whiteblood, ha?"

Seeing this that boys legs gave off and he fell on ground and started showing despair

"I apologise young master, I didn't know who you were? If had known I wouldn't even come close.."

But Klaus only gave him cold look before turning back to his carriage ,the ladies and other peoples were also stunned and boy was regretting the most but the leader of knights of those people was trembling endlessly...

Just as Klaus left his legs also gave off as he fell to ground ,

Seeing the scene the girls and maid rushed to him and asked

"What happened sir knight, did you also get injured? "

The knight was silent before saying in a trembling voice

"We have offended very dangerous peoples! They are from Whiteblood family

They were staying low for an decade but I still remember the terror of that family, they say even lowest of low are tier 7 it seems to be true that maid and that knight were tier 9 and rest were peak tier 8, even one of them can wipe out a small kingdom, we are so screwed..."

No one doubted those words as the leader himself was tier 6 and can be said to be important person even at capital ,hearing that all peoples realised gravity of situation and some one said

"A big storm is coming in capital, looks like dragon is returning...."

After today's accident although Villas family will still be there but all big families who knew about Whitebloods severed all connections and villas was crushed from top tier family to fallen nobles