Days passed and it was the first day of the academy for klaus, Klaus's brother and sister had already graduated 5 years ago, klaus had collected a lot of information about the academy's inner working, professors, events and important figures and he has been preparing for it for years,

Klaus has dressed up in academy's uniform a dark red blazer, white shirt, red tie with sword and symbol of magic printed in it, and red pants with leather shoes and clenched his hand 'Now it's time to show results! I will reach max favorability with those important support characters of drama that were ignored by Reus and his party after the graduation...'

Klaus got up after breakfast and found that the Stevens mother daughter pair had already left for the academy, he also took his backpack in his storage and got inside his carriage and left towards the academy.

In academy students weren't allowed to bring any knight or maid with them so Klaus came alone, after some time they reached the academy, Klaus bid farewell to the driver of carriage and entered the Academy.

'Fuu~ although I have been preparing for this day it still makes me nervous '

Klaus thought as took his step inside the academy, and as for going to his class he had seen drama for many years and remembered the academy like back of his hand,

'The S class for the first year should be here right?'

Klaus spotted a big room with 'S-Class, 1st year ' written on the side of the door and the sounds of children's talking coming from the classroom. He entered the class after preparing mentally and as he entered the classroom the whole class went silent.

Klaus spotted the protagonist Reus surrounded by many kids of class and a girl with black hair ponytail Yumiko Sakurachi sitting beside him and other main friends of Reus were also sitting near him.

There were about 100 students in that big room and the classroom was made like those classrooms of the university like a stadium where the teacher stood downstairs and benches were arranged from bottom to top, like stairs ...

Spotting Reus, Klaus waved hands at him as an evil plan ran in his mind 'So this protagonist aura he has, he became popular kid of classroom right at start, although he is talking right now he will not do them any favour and only use them for his own good, that self righteous bastard'

Klaus moved towards the Reus with a friendly smile and aura filled with dignity and an easily approachable atmosphere around him and greeted him "Hi Reus we meet again, how have you been all this time?"

As klaus greeted him Reus also greeted him "Hi klaus! I have been great. I wanted to greet you after our last meeting but I couldn't find you"

But in Reus's mind 'Why does this always happen when he's near me, why does he feel so superior and my instincts want him to stay away from me?'

Seeing that the Klaus and Reus talking to each other and acquaintance with each other, the kids of class were surprised because everyone knew that both came from different backgrounds but one kid with red hair filled with arrogance came in front of them and shouted "How dare you son of countryside baron to talk informally with young master Klaus of Whiteblood Duchy and holder of direct bloodline of Royal family"

All kids of class were surprised and heard that some felt he was right and some felt that he was arrogant and is trying to use klaus's name to increase his fame but klaus himself thought 'There he is, the first person who was crushed by protagonist in his rise to top, the only son of Count Anderson, John Anderson.

After Reus beat him up his family's reputation reached the bottom and suffered huge losses, just because he messed with the protagonist in his childhood he was punished like he had betrayed humanity for the rest of life!'

Reus was already stunned by his words and realized his mistake and hurriedly apologised "I'm sorry Sir klaus, I will be careful next time..."

But just as he was saying all that klaus said "Haha no need to apologise didn't we became friends that day, you can talk to me informally but it will be good if we do it in private, if we do that in public you will be sentenced to punishment for ignoring hierarchy established by Royalty and be careful next time it was good that this time it was me or you would have made the biggest enemy one can make "

Klaus tone was filled with sincerity and friendliness and after hearing his words all kids who were surrounding Reus felt a sigh of relief and Reus himself was most relieved and felt klaus was defending him

Klaus then turned towards John and said "It's alright we are classmates, I'm thankful for your concerns"

John having nothing more to say went silent and sat down in his seat.

Klaus after a simple greeting went upstairs and sat just above the Reus at the seat next to the window coincidentally it was the last seat of the classroom...