After klaus sat at his seat the kids surrounding Reus moved towards the Klaus but as he was near the window they weren't able to come close to him and just from distance they started introducing themselves

"Young master Klaus mine name is Agus Rinees, I wanted to be friends with you"

"Sir mine name is Ricks Astrid, mine family is in charge of security of the capital"

"Sir mine territory has many waterfalls, i would like to invite you for vacations"

"Sir my name is Rian, can you tell me about the magic you used ..."

The last shout gained the attention of Klaus as he asked "Rian, are you the guy whose family makes bread at the capital and owns the inn named 'Nightsky'"

The Rian guy was surprised to find Klaus knew his family background and embarrassingly said "Yes it's embarrassing to say I'm commoner and yes! that inn is from my family "

Klaus said "What are you embarrassed about? I asked you because I liked the bread, I ate it when I was touring the capital your bread was the best bread I have eaten if you can supply me bread I can help your family business and teach you a tier 5 self made spell"

Rian and whole class was surprised to core, some of them were even going contempt rian for asking about the spell from someone of duke house despite being commoner himself but klaus dispelled such thoughts from their mind by praising him and offering to teach a tier 5 spell on top of that it was self made, meaning never seen before spell

Rian hurriedly said "Sir you don't have to do anything, my family will be most honoured to supply bread to you"

Klaus continued "Well you said you are embarrassed to be commoner but you made it to S Class despite being a commoner and just based on your ability this proves enough that you will be big shot in future and if capital doesn't treats you well you can come to me I will make you employee at Golden Turtle Organisation or make you work privately for me"

While everyone was in daze because of Klaus's benevolence Sam Ridens who was sitting next to Klaus caught the words everyone had ignored and asked "Do you know the owner of the Golden Turtle Organisation sir klaus?"

To which klaus smirked "I don't know the owner..."

Everyone was puzzled by this but later on what Klaus said made the biggest headlines in all newspapers of Empire and the World and klaus was hailed as legend for many generations as 'Greatest Business God To Ever Be Born'

"...I own and established the Golden Turtle Organisation, and am planning to introduce new products and open the restaurants and hotels at full force the delay is because chefs needed more time to learn new recipes"

As Klaus dropped this bomb casually whole class went on uproar and the first day of academy turned into the day the biggest information of year was released, 'the identity of owner and establisher of largest Trade and Business Organisation in world that functions in all directions the 'Golden Turtle Organisation''

Information was released by students to parents from magical devices, the whole academy was in uproar, many passing peoples had also caught the Klaus's words and spread them in the whole academy in less than 10 minutes

Then the Teacher of the class entered the class, he was a long blonde haired guy who tied his hair at back with glasses and sharp jaw lines as he entered class, all kids felt the air had changes and sat at their seats,

After everyone sat, the teacher introduced himself "Hi class! My name is Joshua Agnes and I will be your head teacher and will teach you maths, history and literature "

The teacher had friendly aura all kids and Reus thought he was good but it was different for Klaus he was smiling on outside but on inside he was full on rage mode 'this bastard how can he smile like that after all horrible sins he had committed, fucking cultist!'

In drama klaus hated the Reus self righteous nature the most but he didn't want to harm him and just teach him good lesson and change his way of seeing the world while maintaining the balance of world and saving world from the events which took life of millions but were simply said necessary things to make protagonist grow...

but after that he hated the cult of Evil God most, in drama this was cult of made by evils of all races and they murdered innocents as sacrifice and enjoyed torching them in worst possible way both physically and emotionally, by the time Reus destroyed them 1/4th of worlds population was destroyed and this person was also cultists who came here in disguise of the teacher and in drama on first day of academy, he had killed about three students before anyone can do anything...

Klaus maintained his calm outside, although he didn't care about many people but he didn't like to watch others suffer in front of him and much less by these psychopaths...

And just as the cultist finished his introduction he said "Now you know me let's start the event....hehehe..yahaYAyAYAHAHAHA"

And the doors and windows closed on their own and a creepy smile appeared on his face as he laughed like a maniac