After the White Deer came out all peoples were stunned and shocked because they hav never seen such creature and could be said a new discovery for humans

They were lost in beauty of it, beautiful eyes with long purple eyelashes and black eyes and bluish nose and pure white skin with a hint of sky blue colour and black hooves and black horns and aura of blue surrounding it's body, black at his foots and violet in his horns

Klaus touched his head with his own, many girls were screaming inside their heads and many became prey of klaus's handsomeness, it was truly beautiful scene, suddenly one professor of magic shouted "bring the measurement device "

His assistant came running and professor snatched the device that looked like tab and ran toward the creature, the device glowed and 'Tier 7' appeared on it .

All peoples were shocked by today's turn of event and then klaus said

"Your name shall Bucky "

And like that 2 months passed, nothing especial happened during this time klaus introduced Bucky to Stevens family and his subjects all were stunned and klaus's maid was given role of taking care of bucky, Klaus made a pool for Bucky and just spend his time with Bucky in grass fields owned by his family and Stewens

"Allright class now the time for inter school tournament for first years of various schools and academy is coming, the tournament is in a month those who want to participate register themselves here, then we will proceed with selection tournament and 7 peoples will be selected for inter school competition "

Today the teacher of S Class announced the competition to which klaus and Reus's face brightened like a torch

'Finally the tournament, I can prove myself better from klaus' thinking that Reus clenched his fist thinking he has finally chance to become centre of attention

But klaus's thoughts were different 'Finally that event, where those bastards made their first entry and clue was released for the last boss' klaus was thinking of more into future without giving Reus much attention

Klaus and Reus both registered for the tournament along with 10 others and total of 56 students registered for the tournament

It was their chance to become famous, for nobles it was their way to gain more fame, for commoners it was way to prove themselves and for bigshots it was way to know about real competition of world

'According to drama the tournament this time is going to take place in Capital and total of 8 academies will be taking part in competition, with different races and countries, but during the tournament a plot was revealed that the Evil Gods cult was planning to blow up whole stadium and the 7th vessel of evil god slaughtered 50% of peoples present there before Reus can stop them with help of others, they were killed just to show Reus's growth to audience, fucking hell'

Klaus was burning in rage because of what happened in drama but at same time he has developed a plan and peoples to stop this event with least casualties

Two days passed since the announcement of tournament today all the students were ordered to come at the stadium to tell them about rules of selection and let them meet others and know their future possible teammates

The stadium was filled with 56 students and two teachers as teacher announced the names to confirm the students

"Class S, Klaus De Whiteblood"

"Class S, Yumiko Sakurachi "

"Class S, Reus Ragnar"


"Class C, Ark Gadot"

After all names were called out, it was revealed that from Class S there were 12 participants, Class A had 16, Class B had 17 participants and Class C had 11 participants

"All students have now gathered here now I will tell you how you will be selected

You all have to duel with one another according to random draws and winner will make it next rounds until last 7 are selected, the top 7 will participate in tournament, you all are representing the Empire so you can use whatever magic and swordsmanship you have , two days from now the selection tournament will be held in front of all students and teachers"

"Do you understand? "

"Yes!" a clear voice came from all students.

When all were returning to their classes suddenly a student of class A shouted

"You will see I, Will Asmeth, will be one to represent Empire and you all will be defeated by me and I will be at top, Reus and Klaus will be defeated by me"

Klaus was calm after hearing but Reus couldn't maintain his calm after such direct provocation and shouted "We will see about that, but are you sure you have ability to defeat a Class S student like me "

After hearing that, the student that provoked made an ugly face and shouted "It was just a bad day for me that day that's why I couldn't enter S Class, people like you are strong just in rumours"

Reus was now fully enraged and was about to rush towards that kid but...

Klaus was amused by situation and he grabbed Reus shoulder and said "Let him be, you just have prove it in selections"

The student of Class A heard it and in moment of rage he attacked towards klaus with magic


To which klaus launched a smooth counter attack



He blocked the fire lance with water magic and immediately launched counter attack, the kid was blasted away in stadium and after coughing blood he lost his consciousness and fainted

Seeing such smooth reaction all students were stunned and teachers just took that student for treatment

Now they felt the rumours were true and looked at klaus as their biggest rival...