After the meeting with other participants after 2 days the selection tournament was organised and all students and audience was gathered there

"Ladies and gentlemen, so today the day has come that you were waiting for the selection tournament for the selection of students representing Genesis Academy has come !"

Commentator announced the introduction of tournament

"Now we have 56 participants for the selections and after the matches top 7 will be selected as representatives and opponents will be drawn by drawing cards from that jar"

The announcer announced and pointed at a glass jar filled with folded cards and all participants entered the stadium one by one,

The audience cheered for them and especially Klaus and Reus who were devilishly handsome even as kids got most attention

"Now we shall draw lots of participants please pick a card and after watching it give them to the teacher there on the side"

Just as he announced the students went and drew cards and gave them to teachers

"Now after drawing cards we have...

Darwin Blaze vs Andric Pots

Tom Andre vs Shin hollands

Reus Ragnar vs Amelia Joanne


Yumiko Sakurachi vs Bobs Harvin

Sam Riden vs Mandy Armstrong


Ariana Grande vs Edward Jones

Anna Broadens vs Marianne Johnson


and lastly Klaus de Whiteblood vs Will Asmeth"

and a loud cheer from the audience followed "WOOOAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

Coincidentally Klaus's opponent was the same kid from 2 days ago who provoked Reus and Klaus and announced to defeat them

'Is this luck of mine high or that guy's luck is low to get me as his first opponent'

Klaus thought and looked and his opponent and a evil grin appeared on his face to which Will just shuddered after thinking about what happened previously

All participants showed a sympathetic face to Will and left towards the waiting area and Will also followed after them with white face

After two matches now it was the turn of Reus after he entered a loud cheer was made as they knew him as top student and as unrivalled after Klaus

Reus made a satisfied smile and thought

'This is the attention I deserve as a top genius!'

His opponent was a girl holding a wand and looked nervous as she has seen Reus's strength in Exam, she knew she wasn't his match but she still made brave face

"Start the duel!"

*Gale Slash*

And as the referee said that the girl launched a wind magic attack but it was dodged by Reus and in just a second Reus arrived in front of her travelling 7 meters distance and placing his sword on her neck in a flash

"... I admit defeat!"

The girl admitted her defeat and the referee announced it

"Winner Reus Ragnar"

The match ended too fast within a minute Reus won the match the audience was shocked and then shouted


"Did you see that?"

"He was too fast for a freshman"

"Look how he dodged that magic attack"

Hearing all praises Reus returned with a proud look on his face...

And followed by him after some matches his friend also fought duel

Yumiko's opponent was a tall kid with earth attribute after some clash Yumiko defeated him with her excellent footwork and swordsmanship technique,

Sam's opponent was a kid with a heavy sword and he focused on pure strength but Sam defeated him with ease with earth magic by making spikes all over the ground and covering his opponent's whole body with it

Ariana wasn't good at combat but with help of her Summon she defeated his opponent who was mage

Anna defeated her opponent who was swords women with help of arrows as she was Archer, she disarmed her opponent before she could even react and after that all matches were normal and then it was Klaus's turn

"Now for the last duel Klaus De Whiteblood Vs Will Asmeth"


The audience cheered loudest and everyone was excited to see klaus's battle as they have only heard rumours and haven't seen him till now

Klaus entered the Duel Platform with a calm smile and carefree aura while his opponent had white face and a depressing atmosphere

"Now begin the duel"

And a grin formed in Klaus's face as he shouted

"This time it will not hurt much, I will end it swiftly"

And Klaus moved from his place, will has put his sword in front of his face and deployed all his defence magic

*Magic Shield*

*Fire Wall*

*Penta Shield*

And an six layered shield with fire wall emerged in front of him but klaus shouted

*Phantom Swordsmanship Technique 3rd Form Light Push*

And he imbued his swords with dark mana and stabbed the shield and fire wall disappeared with just the touch and just as last shield broke, Will was thrown out of platform but his time he wasn't hurt and he bowed to Klaus and left

Seeing such a scene the audience was absolutely amazed but those who knew this sword technique just shivered as they knew this style despite being only tier 6 was most difficult to practice and no one had used it in the last 300 years