Phantom Swordsmanship Technique was made by an S rank adventurer who used to wander around the world. He has seen all kinds of battles and monsters, he used to travel from one place to another and despite being from west he loved the swords style of east so when he got there he gained an enlightenment in front a waterfall and he created 'The Phantom Swordsmanship Technique'

He was then hailed as Ghost because of how fast and precise the swordsmanship technique was but after him nobody in the world was able to comprehend let alone master that technique because of its abnormal footwork and precise control

But now, right in front of all peoples in stadium Klaus casually used that technique like it was nothing

All peoples who were familiar with sword knew just how big of an epic is being repeated today and they just shivered with eyes widened because of Klaus's talent.

One can use the techniques more higher level than their own tier but it doesn't shows their true power but the phantom technique was completely based on ones control so this rule didn't applied on the technique that's why it's worth was even more than tier 7 technique despite being called tier 6.

After Klaus won the match he returned to the waiting area while Reus was somewhat frowny

'As expected that was some amazing technique at least tier 5, damn these powerful people...'

Klaus just smiled at Reus and started thinking of the future without even paying attention to his frowns or anything

'The Devil will attack during the Interschool tournament of first years, I have to obtain at least one out of three divine treasures before the tournament starts'

"And for today the tournament is going to be paused for participants to recover and tomorrow at the same time we will begin the second round of selection"

And like that the audience left in low spirits, because of Klaus's match they were excited for more matches but the commentator threw water on their burning excitement

And after a day the match once again started, now there were only 28 participants,

"Once again the opponents will be decided by drawing cards!"

After some time when all participants drew their cards

"Now the result of drawing cards are-

Darwin Blaze vs Andric Suez

Shin Hollands vs Steve Blues

Reus Ragnar vs Tim Rodriguez


Yumiko Sakurachi vs Shawn Sidney

Sam Ridens vs Edward Holmes


Ariana Grande vs Evan Villas

Anna Broadens vs William Pitt


Klaus De Whiteblood vs Patterson Storm"

The audience's excitement was once again high and all the blood was boiling expecting the rough matches, just like before Reus and his party won easily and Ariana's match was handled by her Summon which was peak Tier 2, normal students of the academy couldn't even defeat an early tier 2 beast let alone peak Tier 2

And now it was Klaus's turn, he entered the platform quietly and his opponent was a swordsman with a wind attribute ,

The audience was expecting more from Klaus after seeing yesterday's match


'Hm... let's make this match longer or if it were to end too early these people will be disappointed'

Klaus thought that and glanced at his opponent with eyes of predator

"And begin the duel!"

Klaus's opponent immediately rushed towards Klaus with his sword and using simple wind magic as support and he struck Klaus's figure, then after a moment of silence he shouted

"Heh what top student? What is the strongest freshman ? He couldn't even react to my strike..."

The audience had also thought for a moment that Klaus lost but the next moment Klaus's figure turned into dust and he appeared right behind his opponent and made a sword strike aimed at his sword and his opponent's sword completely shattered

Klaus stood there and said

"You are still 1000 years early to even imagine me being hurt by your sword"

Klaus made a big evil smile and his opponent shuddered

'So this is how it felt to Will when he was facing this monster... absolute despair and helplessness.. '

He was filled with endless shivers all over his mind and soul and clenched his mouth and fist with ashen face and Klaus shouted

"You are a smart guy!"

*Phantom Swordsmanship Technique _ 4th Form! Soft Press*

And just as Klaus's sword touched his opponent's body it stopped .

The whole audience and his opponent thought he was letting him go but next moment a big force behind the sword's strike threw Klaus's opponent out of the duel platform directly to ground like a football.

Klaus then said "I will let you go after insulting and offending me, as Klaus - the top student, but not as Klaus de Whiteblood"

Hearing this whole audience fell silent and Klaus returned to his waiting room and then like time bomb the whole audience shouted


"Did you hear him? That sounded so cool!"

"Yeah and have you seen how his aura changed!"

"From now on I'm your no. 1 fan Sir klaus!"

"Fuck off, I'm his no. 1 fan !"

And like that matches ended and the commentator announced

"Well once again all matches for today have ended, now we have 14 participants tomorrow we will select the participants with special methods look forward to it!"

This time the audience wasn't in low spirits but super excited to know the representatives of the academy