The next day after klaus announced to teach them Reus, Sam, Yumiko, Ariana and Anna came to the training hall with equipment.

"So klaus how are we going to train?" Sam asked as soon as he came.

Klaus glanced at him and said "You are going to train like I want you to and I decided that if we are going to train why don't I add two more guys and all the members of the team representing the academy will get united and get familiar with one another"

"Hey you guys!"

As klaus shouted two guys with brushes all over their bodies and swollen faces entered the training hall. These were Robbie Bryan and Brian Clarke the last two members of the team.

Klaus said "These guys wanted to join so I invited them "

Hearing klaus's words with a smiling face both guys thought 'Join you? My foot!'

Ariana said "How did they get injured ?"

Klaus replied "Oh they fell on their way here and got into an accident!"

The two guys felt klaus's gaze like that of predator and nodded hard

"But they don't look like they were in an accident it feels like someone beat them to shit" Sam questioned

Klaus's answer was the same with a smile face "they fell and got hurt"

This time Anna asked "but they don___"

"They fell and got hurt!" Klaus still replied the same with a much louder voice and everyone felt silent understanding the situation.

Some time ago...

"Hey guys come to the training hall!" klaus found those guys and directly ordered them. Coincidentally one of them was the same leader at the competition and the other one was the assassin guy.

"Why should we? You are strong but that doesn't mean you can order me the prince and son of Margrave" They replied in a mocking tune.

Klaus just smiled and slowly got close to them, both felt the same chill when they were facing him at the competition and shouted in unison

"Hey! wh-what are you trying to do? he-hey! HEYYY!"

Slowly klaus's smile turned into a very evil Smile and his shadow covered both of their bodies and then came scary screams from all over the surroundings.

Back to the present...

"I see!" Everyone repeated the sympathetic gaze to the other two guys.

"Now let's get training started to firstly perform all your moves even if it's the most basic or even the most advanced one" klaus ordered.

After each of them showed all their techniques they were exhausted, klaus was writing some notes and then said "Now let's get training started Reus you should aim at increasing your defence through fire magic and add some more swords technique for defense even if they are basic ones ,

Sam you should focus on increasing lethality and control of mana and body, Yumiko you are totally dependent on speed and style of your techniques you should use at least one dark magic, why don't you learn shadow steps from academy,

Araina you should give up on offence and focus on your own self defense leave the attacks to your summon, Anna you should learn a close combat quick attack techniques,

Robbie Bryan you should increase control of mana and grip of sword and Brian Clark you should learn some illusion and surprise moments techniques"

Hearing klaus's words everyone was shocked 'He accurately predicted our flaws and advised on right points with solutions'

"Learn all techniques and spells I will select for you from academy now follow me to the library" as klaus said that he left with all peoples now even Robbie and Brian were silent and were charmed by Klaus's charisma and Divine aura

Klaus went to the library and selected at least 3 thick books for all of them and told them to learn it within 4 days. Some tried to reply to Klaus but klaus replied "It was you guys who asked me to teach you not me!"

After 4 days...

"I think you all have learned what I asked to" Klaus asked them with a smiley face

"Yesss..." all of them replied with a dead face.

"So now we have got the basics down let's start training now!" hearing klaus say those words all of their dead faces were replaced with horrified faces and they all shouted in unison "Why? didn't we learn those things "

Klaus said "What are you talking about? That was just the start"

Now all of them had white and pale faces and with absolutely no spirit they all said in low voice "What the hell is our sin? This is just torture"

Klaus didn't give them any more response and thought with evil smirk 'Your sin is being self righteous you bastards! How good it feels to torche-ahem I mean train these friends '

Klaus for the next 3 weeks trained them like hell...

"Hey you! Stop resting and start the duel"

("But we just did it minutes ago...")

"Hey Reus! Why can't you learn such simple moves"

("But it's the toughest tier 4 technique how can I learn it in 2 weeks?")

"Hey ariana that's your enemy why are you healing him"

("I'm sorry, I'm sorry!")

"Idiot you are an archer use your goddamn senses!"

("But how can I use mine eyes with a blindfold")

"Hey Sam you are a mage not swordsman, focus on spells and defensive spells"

("Sorry I'm still not used to it!")

"Brian don't be afraid of getting hurt and focus more mana in illusion technique"

("But you are just beating me on the slightest mistake")

During these 3 weeks one thing has been printed on the heart and souls of those 6 people that klaus was a goddamn sadistic person.

"Now guys in two days we have inter school competition so go and rest just repeat all the techniques and spells just 2 times a day in the afternoon" klaus said with a happy face and carefree aura

But for those guys it was like the voice of a devil who likes them to suffer 'This goddamn sadistic bastard' everyone thought in unison and left with faces of dead fish.

Now the time for Interschool competition has come and students from various races and countries are competing for it unknown to future dangers. But who cares... none of our business!