Time has passed and today is the first day of inter school tournament that is held once a year for freshmens. This tournament is organised to know which Empire or kingdom and academy has better future. It's kind of show off for these big shots to show their future might.

Tournament is held between 7 kingdoms and Empire. A total 5 races are involved in this tournament,

Humans, Elves,Beastmens, Dwarves and Demon. Their are still more races like Fairies and Ogres but they come in minority and don't have country of their own.

Firstly as human has most population in world there are 4 countries including The Empire and 3 Kingdom that participate in this tournament. Humans are known for their specialisation in all kinds magic and swordsmanship and also fastest development among all countries.

Elves are known for their long lives ordinary elves can live up to 1000 years and High Elves can live up to 10,000 years. They are also known for their strong magic and they can only use Earth, Wind and Water elements.

Once in while their is special elf born that can use light magic along with other 3 elements and it is called Ancient Elf. It is respected same like Magic Swordsman among humans.

Beastmen are known for their strong physical strength and strengthening magic. They can also use weapons but they prefer not to because most of weapons break . Only King of Beastmen and some chosen peoples are provided with special weapons that don't break easily.

Dwarves are the race of crafters. They are best crafters, carpenters, architects and blacksmiths of entire world and many dwarf work in human kingdoms and Empire. They are also known for their strength despite being small in height.

And lastly Demons, they are not as you are imagining demons are peacefully race that specialise in dark and fire magic and powerfull offensive magic. They have darker skin and glowing purple eyes. They are race who strictly follow social pyramid. They have ranking of baron, count, Duke , Archduke and King. The demons have many more sub races like succubus, orc and goblins. Once in while their are Demon Emperors are born who are stronger than all of same race.

Demons have four Archdukes who are called Heavenly Demons.

And there are also race of Dragons, they are at peak of world and live in Dragon Valley far away from all races, and their are also race of fairy,pixie and ogres but they don't participate because they either live in seclusion or are few in numbers.

Today representatives of all races and countries have come to Empire for the Interschool Tournament. The stadium they are in is very big, it has the radius of

300 Meters and the dueling area is of 200M radius.

The representatives of countries and races sit at special place made for them in stadium along with Emperor and Empress.

Slowly by 10 AM all the peoples from all over the world who wanted to watch it entered the stadium and various spells and devices were used to cover the stadium, for protecting audience from heat,cold and sunlight and protecting them from any problem that may arise.

After the stadium was filled an handsome looking human and the Elf lady entered the stadium on a flying device that looked like a disk.

"Welcome to the early tournament of first year students of various Academies of world!" The male human announced

"We are the commentators and referees for the duels that will take place. My name is Melian!"elven lady announced

"And mine is Eden Shrills!" this time it was human.

"Now that all of you are here let's welcome the participants, the students from Academy of Elves, the Spirit Academy! "


and with that 7 students entered in white and green Uniform with 4 girls and 3 boys. One boy and girl had swords and 2 boys had bow and three were mages.

As they entered the stadium a huge cheers was made by audience because of their beauty and dignified aura. Many elves in audience were exited and felt proud and had smug looks. The participants smiled and waved hands at them.

"Now next up are students from kingdom of Ammar, the students of Oomaza academy!"

The students entered in sky blue uniform with some black outlines. There were 3 girls and 4 boys in team. 2 boys were swordsman,1 was spearman, 1 boy and girl were assassin and 1 girl was mage and 1 was healer. They also smiled and waved.

"Now the students from academy of Ionia, from Cilicia kingdom!"

The students in dark purple uniform entered the stadium with white shirts. They had 2 girls and 5 boys. Both girls were mage, one boy was healer, one was archer, one was assassin and two were swordsman .They also waved and smiled.

"Now from country of beasts, the Academy of Warkinles, the country of warrior"

Students with tails and ears of beast entered the stadium 3 girls and 4 boys. Most were bare handed and only one wolf boy wore weapon in shape of rings . They all looked very lively and they smiled and waved excitedly. They were bare handed but no one dared to under estimate them because of it. Beastmen had amazing magic resistance and most long range weapons are ineffective.

"Now from kingdom of east, Xiao Dynasty ,Immortal sect!"

Students in loose robes entered the stadium all were handsome and beautiful as comparable to elves. All boys had hairs as long as girls which they tied in back but one can still differentiate between boy and girl. All of them had one sword with them, they looked like swordsman but they were not. Immortal sect taught all students swordsman ship, basic magic and support magic. In a sense people there were Jack of all trades.

Their were 5 swordsman and one healer and one mage in team they had calm and happy faces and they simply waved their hands.

"Now students from country of Dwarves, the academy of Ixtal! "

and this time many students in brown and grey uniform entered, they looked like humans because they were kids. They had serious and happy face with well trained body. 3 were girls and 4 were boys with 2 boys with hammers and one with swords. One girl was fire mage and another was earth mage, and last girl and boy were assassins. They came to stadium with calm face and waved.

"And from country of demons, the academy of Asmodeus"

This students were black uniform with hint of violet and with darker skins. They all had playfull faces. Their team was made of 3 boys and 4 girls. All of them were mages. 3 girls and 1 boys were long range fire and dark mages, and 1 boy was defense mage and 1 boy and girl were close combat mage. They smiled happily and waved hands in all directions.

All of students were welcomed with loud cheers!

"And now lastly from the Empire of Orthos, Academy of Genesis! "


and with loudest cheers the students entered. Klaus was in front followed by Reus, Yumiko,Sam, Ariana, Anna, Bobbie and Brian. As klaus entered he received many gazes and cheers.

His works has spread all over the world and the trade from Dwarves, Elves and Beastmens was controlled by him and even 57% trade of demons was in his control. It was because these kingdoms were neighbouring to Empire and Demon kingdom just happens to be the major producer of magic equipments so klaus paid special attention to it.

Many were jealous of klaus's achievements many admired him. So klaus's presence completely shadowed others. Klaus just smiled and waved his hands to audience with others.

Seeing klaus they have heard so much about, one of Demons and Elf tried to pressure him with magical aura and they released their aura concentrating on klaus's position.

It was seen by many peoples some were just about to shout at them but just as the pressure of demon and elf came near klaus,

Klaus noticed this and frowned and activated his aura and whole stadium for a moment felt the presence of an absolute being come from klaus and suddenly a golden, silver and dark violet aura surrounded klaus.

Klaus glanced at the demon and elf and he deflected their aura mixed with his divine aura back to them and next moment both fell into their place with red faces.

Seeing the scene the peoples who noticed that smooth moment of klaus were stunned and right now all people were feeling a pressure of suppression and many of competitors were gazing klaus with horrified gazes.

Klaus after some seconds retreated his aura and everything went back to normal like it wasn't there.