Next day Klaus went to Academy, as always he was popular among everyone and remained as centre of attention. on the other hand Ain and others didn't needed to keep their aura in check so they released their aura inside Mansion and became comfortable.

But due to aura many peoples who lived or passed by the Mansion shivered and maintained distance. People now knew how a lion without chains looks like. Klaus also got the news about how Ain scolded Amelia Stevens and left in a sour way.

Klaus wasn't angry about it and accepted the situation and moved on. Klaus attended his classes normally and nothing much happened . He attended his classes and took Alchemy classes at same time,

And like that a month passed and winter vacations was announced. Klaus was now a peak intermediate alchemist and he decided to return to his parents and get one of divine artifacts to face second devil that will be coming next year.

'Getting all of divine artifact in a year is impossible, thank god I obtained Moons necklace or I would really be doomed, I should try getting my 3rd divine artifact from that place'

Klaus was thinking all that as he was on his way to Whiteblood Family's Territory. When klaus was returning the servents and butler of the Mansion were crying

loudly and suddenly Klaus chuckles "Alex looks more creepy when he cries than when he smiles right?"

As klaus said Ashia nodded and said "Yeah young master! Even I was surprised by the face he made." Ashia said with slight chuckle.

'Ashia also looks very young but Tier 9 peoples live for hundreds of year, you can't judge peoples of fantasy world with outer appearances, and I'm sure if I asked her age she will definitely scold me' Klaus buried his thoughts and started looking outside the carriage.

'Snow has fallen nicely, it was very rare for me to see snowfall in previous world but now snow reminds me my home, Whiteblood Territory has snowfall all around the year.' Klaus thought with a smile on his face .

They were moving forward the territory, the beasts and monsters didn't came near the carriage as they were more sensitive towards strong peoples so sensing the aura of Ashia, Ain and others they maintained distance. There were still some monsters of Tier 6 & 7 who tried their luck but died in less than a second.

And like that Klaus's journey was peaceful and ended with sacrifice of only about 10 or 11 monsters. By next day Klaus and others arrived to their home. Klaus slept inside his modified carriage and others rarely needed to sleep so they kept moving forward.

Klaus and others arrived at front of Whiteblood Family Mansion inside their Territory. 'No matter how many times I see it, it really gives of the feeling of home of last boss of RPG at night time '

Klaus passed by main gate of the Mansion and arrived in front of his home where his parents and siblings who were now adults along with servents and knights standing there to welcome him.

Klaus came out of carriage along with his slightly longer fluffy golden hair and mature and Divine aura arround him in white shirt and blue coat made of cotton and wool to protect him from cold.

He looked more cuter in clothing and new smooth skin and Golden hair. Klaus ran towards his mom and father and both sides hugged each other tightly and the atmosphere turned emotional and all peoples felt touched by the scene.

Everyone went inside the Mansion and Klaus was surrounded by many peoples and they talked about Klaus's achievements and the suddenly Sarah Klaus's older sister asked "So klaus did you bring more food that you sent previously as you promised"

Klaus tilted his head and asked "What promise?" Seeing Klaus's reaction the rooms felt silent and Sarah said while emitting her aura "Don't tell me you forgot the promise of letting me eat the new dishes and sweets?"

Klaus wasn't able to understand her and he looked arround and saw peoples behind Sarah making different gestures towards Klaus. Klaus roughly understood the situation and said "Ofcourse I didn't, I was thinking of making fresh dishes and sweets for you! haha!"

"Oh my, really? Then make me Hot chocolate and other dishes fit for cold times" As Sarah said Klaus moved towards kitchen and gestured the Head maid to follow him. After they arrived at kitchen klaus said "Explain in short form!"

"Well on that day when you send gifts the Madam was very excited and accidentally ate the sweets you have send for Young Miss and to calm her anger it was told that you have promised to give her sweets and new type of dishes!"

Head Maid said that in one breadth and in shortest form. Klaus who heard this sighed and said "then let's make hot chocolate, get me some chocolate and milk and...."

Klaus then made hot chocolate and many warm dishes. And after that whole family enjoyed the dishes. Klaus then took out all of his recipes and Magical grimories and techniques and threw it in front of knights,mages and chefs.

All chefs, knights and mages made surprised faces, one needs his whole life to make a technique or magic but klaus just casually took out about 100s of technique and magic all of them above Tier 6 and threw a pile life garbage.

All eyes shined brightly and they jumped on pile with fanatic faces. These recipes, magics and techniques may even be called holy because they are made by Klaus the Saint, this increased the worth of recipes, technique and magic.

Klaus then rested on his room. 'So Arwin and Sarah have already became the leader of Knights and Mages Orders and started their attacks on monsters, it's earlier than in drama, this should have happened after Reus graduated from the school, should I start my search by tomorrow, No! let's enjoy my holiday for few more days, it's my life not a game is should enjoy it with my family &friend'

As klaus thought that he put down all his thoughts and lied on his bed and started sleeping. His parents, siblings and head maid and butler watched him and giggled.

And like that a day passed...