The Stevens also understood the words of Ain, all of servents and Gaurds and they themself knew how they felt about Klaus. On outside they showed respect and love but deep down they feared his strength and authority.

From first day Klaus arrived Amelia was afraid of his Knights and Maid. All her life she was called one of the strongest, a tier 9 being but when she saw Klaus killing Cultist above his strength without any serious damage and then devil at the tournament stadium.

And after that when she saw Ain, Ashia and other Knights killing Cultists easily and the killing intent they emitted, she understood the difference between her and other Tier 9 beings. She was weakest of them in truest sense.

She just had stats of Tier 9 being but no courage or experience of strongest beings. She hasn't seen rough world despite being Tier 9 being. She just killed monsters and hailed as Prodigy and became friends with Klaus's Mother and thought herself as a Capable person.

But just when Klaus entered the Masion he showed her how big the World and she is just an ant in the world. Klaus was an unreachable prodigy surrounded by strongest people of World and even if he didn't do anything anymore he would still be written in History Book as biggest prodigy to ever exist in Golden words.

And tomorrow when Klaus captured his assaultists and torchered them to get information she knew he was right but because of her personality she still showed fear when she met Klaus. When Klaus glanced at her with disgust on his face she instinctively avoided his gaze.

She was just finding excuses to hide her incompetence that's why she asked Ain despite knowing the truth but the Ain who didn't had any chains stopping the beast inside him opened her eyes and told the truth to her.

She was stunned because today she wasn't able to find any excuse and stood there like a fool and Ain left. After Ain left she knelt on ground and mana surrounded her and seeing this all servents and Shia came towards her but were pushed back because of strong Mana waves.

After some minutes the mana waves surrounding her disappeared and she opened her eyes and now she had a new glow in her eyes like she broke one of her biggest chains stopping her and she said "I was really too timid, I need to change not physically but mentally! "

As she said she clenched her fist and a new resolve was shown on her face! Seeing this Shia smiled and was genuinely happy for her mother.

On the another hand, in about 30 minutes Klaus arrived at front of the Mansion. The Mansion was super big at least 3/4th the size of Academy. Klaus and others entered the gates that was designed in shape of swords and design of stars.

After entering they were welcomed by 50 maids and servents along with one Young Butler who had silver hairs combed neatly and shaved hairs on sides and backside with shaved face. He wore Monocole glasses in right side of his eyes. He looked an noble gentleman with handsome aura surrounding him.

Klaus exited his carriage and then all of servents shouted "We welcome Young Master!" All of them said with smiling faces and but when Klaus's eyes met with Young Butler he burst out laughing "Puhahaha! What the hell! Why are you making that funny face?"

As Klaus said all turned towards the butler and they saw Butler's face which looked extremely evil when he smiled, the servents there face palmed while knights and Ashia also laughed when seeing him.

Suddenly a young servent said "I told you to not smile, you look like a creep!"

As he said others also nodded. Klaus came in front of him and said "You can smile but please don't smile in front of any outsider or you will cause a big misunderstanding with them"

As klaus said that others laughed more loudly and Klaus went inside the Mansion Ain also arrived to the Mansion and he arranged all the Klaus's things inside Klaus's room. Klaus took Bucky to a huge lake surrounded by grasses and trees which looked like mini forest,

Bucky was super excited seeing this. Many servents who saw Bucky for first time were very excited and a Maid commented "This is never seen before contract beast right?"

As she said Klaus glances at her and said "Yeah it's a new type of beast and super strong one that, I don't know how but it can also heal others, maybe because he is contract beast of Saint hahahaha!"

Klaus said it as a joke but others took it seriously and their gazes turned strong with sparkly eyes. And they were obviously excited to touch it. Klaus didn't notice it and said "Guys you have to wash him with these things once a day and give him these things I'm giving you, he is my best friend so take care of him!"

Klaus took out many soaps and shampoos from his Storage and put it in front of servents and said "Now let me show you the recipes I have especially saved for mine family, let me teach you all kinds of dishes that I know of!"

As klaus said the eyes of all maids shined brightly and then Klaus taught them all the recipes he knew of and even some new ones like ice creams, shakes,etc. After that klaus took out a lot of books from his storage and said

"I was waiting for this day! hehehe Guys come here! These are grimories and all kinds of weapons techniques like dagger, swords, blades, arrows, because of attributes and other things I couldn't teach others but now you guys are here take them all, I have many more techniques and magics all above tier 7 I will give them after you master these things."

Klaus had made some new techniques during his stay at Royal Capital and he was waiting to teach them to peoples from Whiteblood family and now the day has come he took out about 50-60 techniques and magics to teach them.

All servants and butler were very surprised by that and with that their loyalty reached the peak just on first day they met. Even if they were from Whiteblood Family getting tier 7 techniques and magic was rare so they all jumped on pile of books and took what matched their styles.

Klaus after throwing all the techniques and magic like it was waste taking extra place in his storage went to Butler and said "What's your name Mr. Butler? "

To which Butler replied "Alex, Young master!"

"Alright Alex let people of Emperor, Church, Golden Turtle Organisation come inside the Mansion ofcourse keep an eye on them, not everyone can be trusted. And I think your attribute is light and water right?"

Alex nodded with serious face and Klaus took out 3 books and said "Don't tell others about these books it's a peak tier 8 magic which has strength of intermediate tier 9 magic called 'White Sword Judgement' and these two are intermediate tier 8 magic and dagger technique 'Water Dragon Rush' and 'Silver Thread Arts' learn these things !"

As klaus said that Alex nodded and said "Don't worry young master althrough I'm very patient person, If you insist I will learn them immediately"

"At least wipe that droll, your words aren't very convincing! " Klaus said with narrowed eyes and left.