Rudy saw the card and immediately recognised the man standing in front of him and achievements he has made, he stared hard at card

(Name _ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age _ 15

Titles _ Saint, Magic Swordsman, Devil Slayer, 3rd child of Whitebloods, Absolute Prodigy, Living Myth, Mythical warrior, ???,???,???,...

Completion rate _ N/A

Rank _ E)

After this happened Klaus hust waved his hand with cold face and Rudy rushed out of the Adventures guild building and even Guild master and vice Guildmaster returned towards their office,

Everyone who saw this scene understood that Klaus was definitely some bigshot, they understood that their Guildmaster won't promote just anyone directly to B Rank on first day of registration, they didn't formed a crowd and returned toward their work and atmosphere returned to normal, although many were in shock but they also understood that the new man wanted to keep low profile and nothing good comes from offending such bigshots

Klaus also moved towards the glasses girl and said " Sorry about that! And can you tell me about new card and Please continue the explanation about adventures!"

As he said that the big breasted girl calmed down and said " I should be sorry! Please forgive me sir!" Klaus just smiled and she continued "Your card will be made in some hours please wait, and Adventures are divided from E to SSS rank, they are recognised like this









E Rank is given to directly on registration, B and A rank are considered high ranking adventures and S Rank are most powerfull adventures who can slay hundreds of monsters and hordes alone, There are about 100s of them in whole world and all of them are above tier 7 and SS rank adventures are best among best there has only been 9 such adventures including current Guildmaster and Vice Guildmaster and finally SSS Rank adventures, there has only been one, the legendary hero and Magic Swordsman a peak Tier 9 being, this rank was made specially for him."

Klaus heard all this and nodded with a smile and said "how many quests are needed for promoting as A Rank adventure"

The receptionist immediately replied as she was waiting for the question "The rank will be promoted according the the contribution was made by accepting the quests, you need to complete about 50 B rank quests to get promoted to A rank and 100 A rank to get promoted to S rank"

Klaus just nodded and said with smile " Give me some B rank quests that are still pending!"

The receptionist immediately took out several papers and showed them to Klaus and said "These are the B rank quests you requested!"

Klaus glanced at the quests and took out 3 papers and said "I'm accepting these quests and ...do you want to become my exclusive receptionist?"

As Klaus said the girl got extremely surprised and said "You are accepting 3 quest at same time ...do you want me to be your exclusive!? Really!! You aren't lying right!???"

Klaus just nodded and said " I take it as Yes! Happy cooperation Miss???"

"Sania! My name is Sania, please take care of me!" She hurriedly introduced herself and like that Klaus left,

Just as Klaus left all peoples who were working here and there immediately rushed towards Sania and started asking her questions

"Hey Sania! Who was he?"

"What did he asked you to be?"

"Does he like any girl here,tell me I'm ready!"

"Is he really that strong?"

Sania just stood there with smug face and then she said " Ahem... well he is super big bigshot, he asked me to be his exclusive receptionist and I agreed, do you want to know who he is ?"

Everyone nodded then Sania puffed her chest and said "Then let's see your sincerity!"

Everyone thought ' Here comes her money grubbing nature!' Sania was famous for her nature and everyone felt annoyed because of this but everyone was curious so they took out their pouches and in matter of minutes a pile of money was left on the table, Sania immediately took all money in her spacial bag and then said

"If you are this sincere I should tell you that, he is someone that no one can afford to offend and he made many contribution and you will be first to know his name when I get the permission to say so"

Everyone felt more annoyed when they couldn't know his name even after paying money and they all knew that getting money out of this abyss was not possible so they left with disappointed faces and only some friends of Sonia remained one of them a blonde girl asked

"Even if he is bigshot, why do you look so happy after getting punched?"

Sania hearing this started drooling and said "ehehehe today he punched me tomorrow he will slap me yes~ handsome and rich ehehehehe"

Hearing this everyone facepalmed then suddenly a cat eared girl asked "But did it hurt you, you were sent flying right there "

Sania became smug and said while patting her chest " Although I don't look like it I'm also S rank adventure and look at these I have natural air bags here!"

Everyone made 👁️👁️ disappointed faces while girls looked enviously, a girl couldn't hold her self and said "Old hag who retired because of old age wants a handsome..."

Just as she was about to say more Sania's aura busted out and the girl went flying through the roof,

On the other hand Klaus took out his request papers and muttered " Goblin settlement subjugation, Green poison python subjugation and nightmare tree subjugation haa~ finally some action after years" and with that he left royal capital and rushed towards forest near the Capital

Klaus arrived at forest in about 20 minutes with help of space plate and immediately rushed inside the forest using all his senses and


Klaus launched a magical waves through earth and got location of all the places he needed to go, Klaus firstly went towards a cold cave near pond covered in plants and vines, the cave looked cold and wet

'This place is so creepy, why the fuck do reptiles like such wet places' just as he was thinking a pair of huge green eyes glowed in dark cave and suddenly a liquid flew towards Klaus, but Klaus avoided that easily and said "My my how rude; don't you know how to greet the guests" and with that a cold grin formed in his face,

Suddenly green eyed creature moved and next second whole cave exploded and a light fell on the figure of green eyed creature it was a 10 Meters long green coloured python with red and black patterns came to Klaus's view,

"It looks amazing, it's regrettable i still haven't found that artifact and spell or it would have been awesome subordinate" and with that Klaus's figure disappeared in air like a smoke, the huge python was surprised but next second Klaus arrived behind the Python and a smooth and beautiful arc formed and the head and body of python got separated and violet blood flowed everywhere, Klaus put the whole body in a spacial bag and said " Next green mobs!"

And with that Klaus moved towards a plane area between forest, ' it looks like human village with small houses if I ignore those green pieces of shits'

A village like settlement came to Klaus's view with Hut like houses filled with green creatures eating raw meat of humans and other creatures, there were about 100s 9f them, if they sensed Klaus they will surely attack him together but Klaus didn't gave them any chance and directly rushed towards them with SLEATH activated,

And without them knowing dozens of goblins were killed in matter of seconds, suddenly a Goblin noticed that and alerted others, Klaus seeing this said "Too slow green shits"


And with that an area in radius of 10 Meters turned into flames and half of goblins died as red fire burned them, Klaus moved forward, and grinned goblins who reacted on instincts felt the indescribable despair and fear as Klaus arrived in front of them and killed them like vegetables and fruits and in matter of minutes all goblins present there were killed,

"Kyaaaa Help ... help..please some one save me aughhh...!!!!"

As Klaus was finished he heard a screem filled with fear from the biggest house of goblins, Klaus didn't waited for another second and rushed inside the house...