As Klaus entered he saw many girls inside a cage with various injuries and some were even in cripples state, then he glanced at huge Goblin at least double size of him, and various other goblins in hoods and some with spears and other primitive weapons,

Klaus understood the situation and said " It's for breeding for these bitches, shits these fucking pieces of SHITS !!! You have really made me enraged from bottom of my heart now



And with that a huge chain in purple colour appeared from thin air with sparks all over its body and it rushed towards the goblins while Klaus rushed towards the huge Goblin at the centre, in a flash Klaus was now in front of him and various swords formed from his shadow and directly pierced the ody of huge Goblin, then he glanced at this surrounding he saw other Goblins have also electrocuted

Klaus looked at the girls he saw many of them had some kinda of injuries and traumatised and in fear, he went in front cage and


With that the cage disappeared and Klaus opened his arms and




And a golden and green light covered the girls and all injuries in their body and mind disappeared, they felt as an angel was hugging them with his wings and their mother was patting their heads on her lap, they were now in more calm state, Klaus then continued

" I'm the adventurer who accepted this quest please follow me to safer place" as he said various clothes appeared and covered the body of girls, Klaus escorted them outside the forest and in some distance he planted various magic circles and took out a huge tent and clothes and said "I have made the tents and also installed various defensive spell, please wait for some minutes and this guy will take care of you till then


And with that a white deer with bluish aura appeared, it hugged Klaus and after some minutes Klaus left bucky there to gaurd them, girls were naturally attracted towards beautiful things, so they stood there like obedient cats and stared at Bucky with sparkly eyes,

Klaus had arrived in front of nightmare trees in just some seconds


"These creepy bitches, really what a day I don't even know why I accepted them as my target sigh, just die


And like that thousands of thunders ran over the violet coloured trees with ugly human like faces and with that all of them died on the spot without even fight, the match ended before it even began

" They are so creepy wweeeah, what do people even get from these trashes...

Suddenly a thought flashed through Klaus's mind as he said " Nightmare trees...nightmare crystals... that's it don't they drop those crystals I can become Tier 7 alchemist with this "

Klaus had trained like mad man in alchemy for 3 years and now he is peak Tier 6 Alchemist a Grand alchemist and can make high tier potions and low tier elixirs as easy as breathing and can even make intermidiate tier elixirs in some tries and with help of nightmare crystals he can be tier 7 Supreme Alchemist, suddenly

{You have leveled up}

{Your current level is tier 4, level 44}

" Hell yeah! it truly is my lucky day with this speed i will become tier 5 with hust normal quest like these, without power levelling in just a month or two"

Klaus grinned with such thoughts and returned to where he left the girls, he saw that all girls were surrounding bucky with shining eyes Klaus sighed in relief as no problem came during the time he left, Klaus arrived to capital in an houra with the girls with help of carriages on his way and they arrived at the Adventures guild and directly went to Sania, he has already unsummoned Bucky before leaving with other girls,

Sonia got excited as she saw Klaus and said " Did you find the party for the request of not i will..."

She was about to continue but Klaus took out the head of a huge python along with bag full of goblins ears and and nightmare crystals and said " My B rank card and i would like to keep nightmare crystals, well the rest"

Seeing this Sonia got totally surprised and screemed "You completed 3 B Rank quests on matter of hours? these quests require days of preparation and a party of 5 B rank adventures and you completed it solo?!"

Klaus didn't replied and stared at her coldly, Sonia came to her senses and handled out a silver card with embarrassed face and said " Bronze card is for E and D rank adventures, silver for C and B rank adventures, A rank has golden card, S rank adventures have Ruby card, SS rank adventures have purple while SSS rank adventures can order their colour and design as they please"

Klaus then continued and said " Those girls are rescued from goblins I have cured them but recommend you to rehabilitate them and send them homes"

As Klaus said he pointed towards the girls he bought with him and left as he stared at his card

(Name _ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age _ 15

Titles _ Saint, Magic Swordsman, Devil Slayer, 3rd child of Whitebloods, Absolute Prodigy, Living Myth, Mythical warrior, ???,???,???,...

Completion rate _ 100% [3 B Rank]

Rank _ B)

Klaus smiled and left towards his home, Klaus entered his home and it was about 1 of afternoon and his family was still there after some simple conversation and launch he directly went to his alchemy laboratory and piled up all the crystals in a violet magic circle and sat in middle of it, Klaus started meditating, various kinds screens and fear was felt by him, his body shivered as he saw those scenes, sweats flew from all over his body and finally after 2 or 3 hours and sudden surge of mana rushed inside his body and t became more pure and powerfull

" Fuu~ Finally tier 7 alchemist, Supreme Alchemist, with this i will be able to make high tier elixirs in rare chance! But it looks like the pure holy energy and mana are becoming more purer and and are now mixing with each other, it's a nice powerup, in a year i will become tier 8 alchemist and by age of 20 a peak level alchemist"

Klaus's aura got stronger by many times and he was now able to control his body and mana in more better way and can conceal himself even from tier 9 intermidiate beings,

" Knock Knock!"

Suddenly someone knocked on , Klaus stood up and came in front of door and opened it and saw Ashia carrying a bag in her hands, she said "The thing you requested has arrived, Isis has also upgraded some things for you"

" Finally! Just at the right time!" Klaus immediately opened the huge box and a huge black coat that looked like it was made of leather with red designs and outlines with furs on necks and black pant with similar design, a black and red t shirt and metallic mask that was made of material that was like cloth but stronger than any material with similar black and red designs and gloves which didn't covered the figures fully and shoes floated in air

Klaus saw this and nodded " All badass characters wear black clothes, in case there was also a red dagger with black design and runes and also a set of various weapons with similar black and red designs,

Klaus felt satisfied and just nodded and went back to his work