Klaus was escorted inside the main hall of the church, all peoples sat there were bigshots from all around the world and right now Klaus was standing in front of 7 Giant statues, he recognised one of them as the god who sent him here and stared at others,

He also noticed Reus and others present there, everyone looked happy while Reus had complicated expression, Sam was excited, while Yumiko and Anna were waving there hands happily

Ariana looked totally crazy and was staring at Pope like diehard fan, Klaus also noticed that Royal family was also present there and representatives from various countries have also arrived there, along with knight order of Church and Empire, he just greeted them from distance

'Statues and building here is so grand as expected of the centre of all religions of the world! but why is he made more attractive than reality, he obviously looks like a kid in reality!'

Klaus thought while looking at the statue of the god who sent him here, suddenly his thoughts were interrupted as the Pope appeared with things needed for the ceremony and she said " Saint please come this way!"

She said and pointed towards a ground which was slightly above the ground but was covered in various patterns of golden and silver colour and magic circles, as Klaus stepped on that place the ground started glowing and after sometime the light dimmed slightly, all peoples present there were surprised except for peoples from church,

The Pope nodded church people even started crying, All people saw this but didn't interrupt them as they also understood their joy of seeing a new Saint after the era of heroes,




Klaus glanced at the system panel and silently agreed, 'What I lack most is holy techniques and knowledge so everything is important'

It was true that Klaus lacked them and previous techniques and magic was made by the system by mixing all kinds of rules and laws of the world in them and there weren't any proper techniques for Klaus for Holy Magic

"Saint please drop a drop of blood in this crystal!"

Pope instructed Klaus as she presented a huge spherical colourless crystal in front of him, Klaus didn't said anything and took the small needle and pinched his fingure and a drop of blood dropped on the crystal as soon the blood touched the crystal it glowed in golden and silvery light and whole hall got covered in the light every one covered their eyes to avoid the damage

After a few seconds the light dimmed and Pope said in a happy voice " You have been recognised by god as an adult, now you are eligible to have titles and job

Now that you are eligible, church and Emperor and others would like to grant you some titles ...

Church officially grants you the title of 'Saint', new title of 'Holy Swordsman' and grants the 'staff of Saint' to you!"

As she said another two priest came forward and presented a sword and a staff, Klaus recognised the sword as the same sword that he manifested with his aura back then to avoid troubles but now it was no use to him so he said "Church can take the sword for itself and I would gladly accept this staff!"

As Klaus said the room felt silent Klaus got startled and thought his words were misunderstood but next second a person from sidelines shouted

"Saint is benevolent enough to give his aura to us, so kind!"

then suddenly one after another voice came

"That sword can cure mental problems just after seeing it once"

"The staff of Saint doesn't contain much holy aura now and can't be used by us so Saint has given a sword for current use!"

"So mercifully so kind!"

After sometimes peoples quite down and then Klaus finally took the staff from hands of Pope, the staff was of golden colour with silvery outlines and designs, the top of staff was in spherical shape and 8 rings floated around it like rings of Saturn, just as Klaus took the staff suddenly his aura got released at once,

The whole hall was filled with pressure of holy aura, the aura was so dense that many were troubled in breathing, Klaus was also surprised but he immediately took action and controlled his aura, his aura was in shape of huge phantom with 8 pair of wings, it was seen even to peoples outside the church, it was very huge,

The Pope was also surprised and said in shock " Staff recognised Saint this fast? There has never been anyone to get recognised this fast in the history of the Church!"

Klaus understood the situation and thought ' This staff seems to amplify my holy aura just now, the system show me the options of staff!'


[ Jhudiel_ Staff Of Saint

Grade _ Mythical (Divine Artefact)

Type _ Holy Staff

1. Indestructible

2. Amplifies Holy Mana by 200%

3. Can use 'saints prayer once a day to purify all corrupt beings

4. Resistance to evil increased by 100%

5. In presence of evil damage increased by 100%

6. ??? sealed

7. ??? sealed

Divine artifacts in a sealed state, can be used only by one who has the title of saint, the staff contains will of 7th archangel of supreme god, the seal can be lifted when host is tier 9 being]

Klaus was surprised by his new discovery and finding an unofficial divine artefact like this, he was super happy and excited but he still maintained calmness on outside then

"Now the Emperor would like to grant you the title ..."

Pope interrupted the thoughts of Klaus and Klaus saw the Emperor entering the stage, as the Emperor came in front of Klaus he said "I, with my authority as Emperor of this great Empire would like to give you the title of 'Magic Swordsman', 'Hero' and noble title of 'Margrave' for your deeds till now!"

Klaus and others got more surprised as they heard the Emperor but no one objected as they also understood the situation and like this the world got another Hero after the first hero and another Magic Swordsman after the first hero!

Suddenly another servant came and the Emperor took out the sword from the box he was carrying and said " This is the sword of the hero! I hope you will take care of it!"

Klaus nodded and said " Of course I will!" and took the sword, as soon as it came to his hand another burst of mana got released but this time it was filled with nothing but pure pressure of strong presence comparable to holy aura and another phantom formed behind Klaus, it was of male ARCHANGEL with pair 8 pair of wings, this time aura was very chaotic and many knelt to ground from sheer strength and pressure

Klaus was quicker this time and immediately controlled it and he felt deja vu as he saw the Emperor's stupified face and heard the Emperor say " You also got recognised by the sword this fast!"

'Appraise this one too' it didn't need one to be an absolute genius to understand the situation and Klaus immediately appraised the sword

[Uriel _ Sword of Hero

Type _ Sword

Grade _ Mythical ( Divine)

1. Indestructible

2. Deals 100 % increased damage in presence of evil

3. Can use 'Waves a Justice' once a day to eliminate evil

4. Amplifies all stats except mana by 50% passively

5. Resistance towards evil increased by 50%

6. ???(sealed)

7. ???(sealed)

The sword is used by the legendary hero and can only be used by one with the title of hero, it will unseal itself once the host becomes tier 9 being]

Klaus was very much surprised but he kept quite and like that the ceremony continued and Klaus got position of friends from all the countries and then came the representative of demons,

He took out a huge scroll which burned in air and now it's place a figure appeared, those who knew him immediately stood up, he was the king of all demons and himself was strongest demon, the Demon King Xerneus the third

Klaus was also surprised by the sudden turn of events then suddenly the Demon King started speaking and he said " I, the Demon King Xerneus would like to give you the title of Duke among demons, will you accept sir Saint?"

Klaus and others who heard that were absolutely surprised, they were in peak of exploding from excitement , Klaus didn't wait any more time and immediately said" I accept!"

Hearing this Demon King nodded in satisfaction and the figure disappeared in air. The representative of the demons came forward and said "It was a communication scroll so the meeting couldn't be long! Please visit us someday, Hero!" with that he left,