As demons representative left the hall went to chaos, The title of Duke was highest possible rank among demons and was only second to demon king and royal family of Demon King,

It was given only to strongest or peoples with best potential, there are only 3 Demon Dukes till now, but after including Klaus there are 4 now, among all these people's Klaus was most surprised,

'Demon Duke right from start! It means I can have access to library of Demons and with my rank I can learn all kinds of ancient dark and fire magics, even in drama Reus only got rank of Count among demons after becoming adventure for 3 years!'

As Klaus was thinking that the nobles present there went to chaos...

" Demon Duke! I heard it right? the 4th Demon Duke!"

"It gaurantees that his potential is unmatched!"

"It seems we still underestimated Saint's potential, he is like an tip of an iceberg!"

"How many humans have gained that title till now? 2 or 3?"

Seeing all this Klaus was fascinated then he suddenly noticed a red crystal with dark shade floating in air in place where the representative of Demons was standing before, Klaus reached out his hands towards it and touched it with his index fingure suddenly the crystal transformed and turned into ring and got attached to Klaus's fingers,

[ Detected a Tier 7 storage ring of Demons]

Klaus was surprised after hearing new notification and then ' Mana sense' , he started inspecting the new ring and inside the ring he found a whole library, with thousands of books,

'Jackpot! It seems I don't have to go to demon's country to get magic, they sent me all the magic books and historical books I need, so reliable Demon King!'

Klaus thought and then came out of his thoughts because of Pope's new instruction "Sir Saint, please pray to Gods and receive their protections!"

As she said that Klaus came forward and knelt in front of statues of Gods, he closed his eyes and after sometimes he opened them only to find that he was no longer at the church but in front of 7 peoples who were sitting on round table in circular formation, suddenly he spotted the person who sent him here waving hands to him

'Gods?!' Klaus quickly figured out the situation and his eyes widened and he said "How did I died this time?"

" You didn't died this time, we summoned you here!" The same guy replied with happy expressions, Klaus sighed of relief after hearing that and then he said " Why did you summoned me then?"

" Stop getting serious just sit on the chair here!" As he said that a chair materialised for Klaus and now Klaus was sitting in front of all Gods, Klaus noticed that his system was still working so he was assured, he saw that the god who sent him here was wearing a cloth that covered his lower body parts and another clothing covers his chest, Goddess of magic was a girl of about 20 with confident and sharp looks in violet mage robe with some decorations,

Goddess of life and God of death looked like twins and while goddess had long blonde hair, God of death has neat silver hair and they wrote white and black clothes like Greek gods, God of war was burly looking old man wearing armour like clothes, God of business was an man in business suit like clothes and smiling face looking very old but strong at same time, God of space and time looked most careful and he was wearing a T shirt and shorts with and anime figure on his T shirt,

Klaus was surprised because he remembered that figure in the t-shirt that looked like a certain Slime with a huge dragon,.

Then suddenly goddess of life started taking " My name is Aurora, we called you here to give you warning about something, well you would be able to handle that in your own but a certain person doubled your troubled!"

As she said she started towards the God that sent Klaus here, to this that God avoided her gaze, suddenly the God of death said " Well it's not exactly his fault, who knew that the Devil God will get provoked this easily, ah my name is Erebus!"

Klaus hearing all this Klaus got worried and asked "What did you guys did?"

Then God of War started talking in smug tone " Well nothing much I, Arngrim god of war and Noxus went to sealed Evil God but Noxus bragged too much about you killing the Devils even when you are weaker than them and because of that the Devil God got extremely agitated and he ordered the two Devils of 4th and 5th ranking to attack you at same time, at most in a year they will launch an attack together!"

Klaus who heard this almost died from shock again and he shouted "What the heck did you do stupid Son of a @_&-()$$#&_*..."

He cursed Noxus, the God of creation non stop for an hour and shouted " They are at very least peak Tier 9 and I have yet to get the last Divine artifact and you bastard created more trouble, first you threw me here and now...! And how the fuck did I get this title of ' Friend of God of creation'? I ain't your friend you fool we barely even know each other!"

Hearing this suddenly old man in business suit muttered " As expected how can Noxus get friend, he is biggest loner so he lied at that time!....mutter...mutter...mutter"

Klaus ignored this muttering while Noxus looked embarrassed, suddenly God of business stood up and said "Well I can provide you the thing that you need to get that artifact " As he said the system notification rang

[ Mythical grade scroll 'The Magic of Travel ' from God of business 'Guan Gong' is acquired]

[ The scroll can transfer you to a place only once to place you wish to go and then it will disappear]

Klaus was surprised seeing this new item in his inventory, and then said

"Well I can adjust for now, this scroll will save lot of troubles and with this I can go to that place! But I have been thinking for a while... how did this guy got that limited edition anime t-shirt, there are only five of them in the world, even I don't have that one!?"

As Klaus said he pointed towards God of space and time, hearing this that God pointed himself and said "Me? well I can go to your world as I please and I bought this t-shirt there, isn't it cool?"

Klaus was left speechless by shameless God, Klaus wanted to say something but he didn't said anything anymore and said

"Ok so is there anything else? if not I have discuss something with this guy right here!"

Klaus said that and dragged Noxus to the corner and started his scoldings "How can you do that firstly you threw me to the world as infant child and now you are creating more troubles! Do you want me to die that badly!? Aren't you strongest God take some responsibility! "

As Klaus said all this Noxus just stood there and heard Klaus but suddenly he stopped Klaus and said " Well I was just very happy with you achievements, so I got excited so I bragged a little, who would have thought that he was such a petty person!? And don't think I'm strongest! Although I'm strong and control a whole universe along with different dimensions but I'm not strongest, in whole existence I rank second!"

He said all this with proud face but one thing caught Klaus's attention, ' Noxus isn't the strongest, isn't God of creation supposed to be strongest' Klaus couldn't stop his curiosity and said "then who is strongest?"

Noxus stopped talking and looked at Klaus then said "The strongest existence is truly omnipotent and present everywhere, in all dimensions, universe, multiverse and even in Omniverse, I'm just strong as multiverse being, but he is the one who is above all, they call him,#$_&#+#@"

Klaus checked his ears but his ears were still working he really wasn't able to hear what Noxus said, Noxus seeing Klaus's reaction made face of realisation and said " Oh yes! you are still not capable enough to comprehend it let me show you,"

As he said the whole surrounding of Klaus changed, and what he saw was simply unimaginable and biggest shock of his life, after he saw this nothing will shock him anymore...