As he said that Klaus's surrounding turned black and he founded himself in space, there were various balls lights filled with different colour floating there in immeasurable distance, although they looked small they were unimaginably big, suddenly a thought came to his mind ' Are those universes?!'

Klaus immediately looked left and right and found that whole space was filled with these type of infinite balls, ' But where is the strongest Noxus was talking about?' as Klaus thought that he looked in all directions suddenly he looked upwards,

What he saw was simply unimaginative, he saw a human like creature unimaginably big, so big that even the universes looked like ping pong balls, he was sleeping like a carefree child and looked like he was 20 year old young man, he wrote yellow clothings that covered his lower parts and another yellow clothing on his shoulder, his body has darker skin with bright shade of blue, his face was truly flawless, the most perfect body and face and a golden crown on his head, his face looked like origin of light,

Klaus hasn't seen any one so perfect, that guy wore a single wing of peacock on side of his crown and a wooden floor was stuck on his waist, Klaus seeing this his mind went blank, there were no thoughts on his mind but he recognised who he was and only one word came to his mouth


Suddenly the space he was in broke like glass and he was now back to the church, he opened his eyes and looked arround him, everyone was still same and looked like he time didn't moved till now, Klaus mind was blank many system notifications were ringing but he ignored them and after sometimes all procedures were done and he went back to his house.

(image reference in chapter comments)

When Klaus returned to his room he finally came to his senses, 'Kanha... he was definitely Krishna? what's happening? isn't this supposed to be fantasy world? How did god from my previous world got here? No! Nexus mentioned the strongest as Omniverse being so it is possible, but damn! I don't even know anymore, let's check notifications first..'

As Klaus thought that he opened the notifications from system one by one

[ Host has seen the 'Strongest existence' One above All 'Shri Krishna' ]

[Nandaka is reacting to the existence ]

[Nandaka has been upgraded to 'Divine Artifact' after witnessing the strongest existence ]

[Host's body and mind can't handle what he saw... finding cure...cure found ]

[Host's race has been changed with the help of 'Nexus' God of creation ]

[Host race is changed from 'Human' to 'Celestial' ]

[Host's body and mind has gone considerable upgrade...]

[ Host has achieved new trait 'Mentality of God' and 'The supreme']

{You have witnessed Strongest being in existence}

{You have become Demi God because of change of race and new trait}

{New title 'The one who saw One above all', 'Demi God', '9th Celestial' and 'The witness of supreme truth' acquired}

{Rewards have been put on hold because you can't handle it right now...}

{You have gained attention of 'One above All' , possibility of getting his blessing has increased!}

Klaus didn't had any more words to say, his mind was blank, no thoughts came to his mind, he just lost his humanity, and even got attention of Strongest existence,

'System open my status and Nandaka's and also explain my race'

[ Command accepted]


Name_ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age_15 year old

Race_ Celestial


Tier_4 LVL_44

HP_ 576000 MP_800000

STR_360 STA_368

AGI_415 INT_600


Trait_ Mentality of God, The Supreme

Supreme blessings_ Absolute God of Creation, Goddess of life, God of death, God of war, Goddess of magic, God of business, God of time and space

Elements_ Fire, water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Life, Death, Space, Time, Creation, Holy, Null(locked)

Title_ The only true friend of creation God , Reincarnator , Absolute Prodigy, Sage, God of %#@&#*(locked) , God's descendent, Magic Swordsman, Evil Slayer, Charmer, 3rd child of Whitebloods, Bender of destiny, Living Myth, Mythical warrior, Devil Slayer, Saint, Snow Slayer, Luck deity, Supreme Alchemist, The one who saw One above all', 'Demi God', '9th Celestial' and 'The witness of supreme truth' ]

Storage_ Nanadaka, Surya kavach, Spirit King summoning scroll, Magic of travel, etc]

[ Nandaka_

Type_ Sword

Grade_ Divine artifact

1. Indestructible

2. Deals 1000% damage to opponents

3. Can turn into a 'Chakra' once a day that will return only after the death of enemy

4. Only one of kind in whole existence

5. Shape shifter

6. The sword that broke it's limits, host can use amplify attributes in by 300% on any attack(new)

7. Host can use 'Song of Gods' to eliminate Spiritual beings and illusions passively (new) ]

[Celestial_ The race that is on top of food chain, the race produced by the will of Strongest existence, the 8 beings were created by him who are now called Gods and you are 9th existence made by will of Gods and Supreme existence

Efect _All stats +200

Mastery over all things increased by


Gain null attribute after becoming

Tier 6 existence

Host becomes after becoming Tier 9


Klaus was amazed by the options and he notices three new options were added in his status after coming age of ceremony,

' So traits are unlocked , and with these traits I think that my mental defense has increased significantly, I feel more mature and tough and it seems my muscles got denser and mana conductivity got better'

Klaus thought as he flowed his mana in his body and made sparks of thunder on his fingure, Klaus grinned but suddenly a message attracted his attention

[ Host has recieved a message from God Nexus _]

'System can also work as messenger? Open it!'

[ Nexus_

Hello Klaus! Congratulations on becoming Demi God! Sorry I didn't thought about the after effects of seeing strongest existence, but look I have given you huge boost, I exhausted so much energy on changing your race so I won't be able to contact you for quite sometime, So let's meet again some day!]

'So that bastard knew about the after effects! And because of his carelessness I almost died again! That lunatic son of bloody -@#|©™¢°√π#$-?!#_@...'

Klaus clenched his fist a cursed in all languages he knew, and like that the day ended, next day Klaus's family left and returned to their territory, there was some drama when they left but everything went well.

But before they left ...

Klaus's father came in front of Klaus and said "We know it's tough for you but we have to take care of peoples in territory..."

Klaus maintained calm face but inside his head ' What are you talking about? I'm quite happy with the way I live here!'

His father continued "... there has been many attacks on you recently that's why I have brought some peoples who wanted to swear their loyalty to you!"

Klaus eyes widened and a thought ran through his mind 'wait a minute, I'm considered as an adult in this world, don't tell me...'

As his thoughts were running wild about 5000 peoples of about 1000 mages and 1000 knights in armour of light blue, light red, silver and black scales like armour with swords, spears, axes, shields, 1000 assassins in black clothings with red designs and light armours, 500 peoples on griffin with light armour and crossbows, and another 500 with cone shaped spears on horse like creature with wings and 500 peoples in scholarly clothings mixed with researchers and alchemists and another 500 peoples filled with dwarf blacksmiths, elven sprit masters, Beast men warriors, Demons and some rare races like mermaids, Dragonkins, there were also 4 fairies which are said to have completely separated themselves with other civilisation and other such races came in front of Klaus

The whole mansion got surrounded by them and then all of them knelt and shouted

"We swear our loyalty to Klaus de Whiteblood and promise to serve you till we die!"

There roar shook the ground, Klaus on the other hand 'My luck nowadays is too good! I'm starting to think that I will become God of Luck at this rate!'

" I accept!" Klaus said in small voice but it heard but all in clear tone, but Klaus continued "But I can't keep you all with me here, in the Capital so only selected few can stay here!"

As Klaus said that a clear face of disappointment can be seen in face of all peoples present there and at the end only 50 mages, 50 knights, 100 Pegasus riders and 50 griffin riders along with 10 dragonkins and fairies remained here and remaining returned to Whiteblood family territory,

Klaus has brought 10 more Mansions that around his home in Capital by giving Double money to their owners, the new peoples were allowed to stay there and Klaus also gained a new Tier 9 Mage, which also stayed in Capital

'Merlin, the mage of annihilation, she is very old yet looks like a naive 25 years old girl, she recently became a Tier 9 Mage, about a month ago and immediately requested to serve me, well in drama she did wanted to follow a strong mage, it looks like my show off attitude made her look up to me, what can I do being genius is sin nowadays fufufufufu'

Klaus thought all this while sitting on his bed, today he didn't go to adventurers guild and rested, suddenly his eyes glowed as he thought

' Now let's apply for early graduation, I thought I would be able to enjoy my days but now with two Devils after my throat... sigh~ '

"Being genius is such a Sin!"