Klaus's cold aura disappeared and once again he became cheerful and smily person, he left the platform and returned to Reus and his friends, as Klaus entered the room he started taking off his leather armour and said " I don't think he will be able to do anything again!"

As Klaus said Anna came forward with teary eyes " Th.. thank.. you.. Klaus.. sniff ...I was so scared.. sniff ... he said he will kill my family... and sniff... then.. sniff...he he will.."

Anna was most cheerful person of the group and seeing her crying like that made everyone present there get emotional, Klaus directly hugged Anna with both of his hands and covered her like he was protecting her, seeing this Ariana and Sam also came and covered her from back, Reus and Yumiko also got emotional they also joined the group, everyone has wet eyes they were crying because of Anna's hardships but they were also crying because Klaus was going out and there was no gaurantee that they will meet again

' This is not a drama, people here also have emotions, in drama Anna's backstory wasn't seen as anything special but just by imagining her pain... it hurts in my heart, it looks like these guys aren't just story characters anymore, in first time of my 2 lives I also have true friends, that I can trust!! It feels so great and reassuring, even if I have nothing, no powers nor money I will still have my family! My friends


but wait a second! am I planting a flag here, this scene why does it seem so familiar... wait isn't this the scene where Anna gets trapped by that bitch!?'

Klaus looked at Anna who was constantly crying and her face have slowly started to turn red, her eyes looked bigger and her smaller figure looked cute, ' that's definitely it but, I won't do romance shit just now and she doesn't truly loves me its just moments illusion she likes Sam, there was also a plot like that so before it gets worst let's destroy the flag, Klaus opened his mouth and said

" You can always count on this big brother Anna this big brother will always help you, I will be doing adventures with identity of commoner named Klaus, you can request me if you need anything, till then you can count on Sam, he is very reliable person"

Klaus purposefully said word 'big brother' and 'Sam is reliable' in louder tone to put those words in mind of Anna and change her heart and bend it towards Sam

Hearing this Anna's red face turned to normal and she nodded silently, Ariana and Yumiko gave Klaus a thumbs-up, they also knew about Sam's feelings for Anna, Sam just blushed while Reus had clueless face all the time and though ' What the hell is going on?'

After this emotional moment Klaus opened the room and left while showing his broad back to others and with one hand on his sword while another was waving towards them without looking back, suddenly all of them shouted " We will also become adventures after graduating! Let's go on adventures together then!"

To this Klaus just replied in soft voice "Sure! I will be sure to protect you all" and disappeared in shadow of trees.


Klaus was laying on his sofa with red grapes on his hands, he was eating then while waiting for something, after few minutes Ashia entered that room and said "Young master it has arrived, here!"

As she said that she passed a wooden box with engravings to Klaus, Klaus hurriedly stood up and opened the box, inside the box was a circular white badge with the symbol of Genesis Academy engraved on it, it was the badge that represented second most powerful authority of Genesis Academy as representatives of Genesis Academy!

Klaus opened his mouth and said " Finally I became full time adventurer, from tomorrow let's start our hardcore leveling and goal of becoming A rank adventure in half month!"

Ashia left the room and started doing her work, 'Now that I'm free let's go and meet my new subordinates!' with this thought Klaus moved towards the training ground of his family, as Klaus arrived there he saw 10 dragonkins and 3 fairies along with Merlin and others training there,

Upon noticing Klaus's arrival, all knights, mages and assassins along with dragonkins, fairies and Merlin knelt on the ground and shouted "We greet the Master!"

Klaus waved his hands at them and said "No need to trouble yourself I'm not here for inspection or anything, I'm just here to meet you guys" as Klaus finished speaking whole ground was covered in huge magic circle and next second it activated all the sweat, fatigue and depleted mana formed from training recovered and everyone felt energised,

Klaus talked about some things with them and even gave some pointers to his new subordinates and then moved towards where Merlin, Dragonkins and Fairies were training,

The Dragonkins had horns like dragon on their heads and some scales on their body of dark blue colour and it looked like they can transform all their body into scales they specialise in close combat and magic and with body and magic stronger than normal humans of same tier each of them were Tier 8, fairies height was about 20cm each with wings on their backs and they specialised in support and attack magic and they were also Tier 8,

It turned out that fairies and Dragonkins came out of there in human world because of Klaus, both had a prophecy about Klaus helping them, Klaus right now stood in front of them and said "Dragonkins I will name you 'Squad 0' from now on and you shall be peoples who will be directly under me, from today onwards you guys have to find these locations within a month because Dragonkins are the race that are most sensitive to mana after real Dragons and it's annoying calling you by your race, please tell me your names "

The Dragonkins had happy faces and a man with dark horns came forward " My name Rindur and I'm the leader of these guys! It's my biggest honour to meet the Saviour"

"My name is jase, I'm vice leader! " this time it was a girl with white horns and Klaus felt a little closeness with her powers.

And like that remaining 8 introduced themselves as Qyrad, Black, Izair, Varso, Cendig, Chorvyg, Green and Pedig. All of them had 4 attributes and dark and fire was common in all of them, so they were perfect for low profile and high damage combat jobs.

Klaus moved forward but this time unlike Dragonkins who were very disciplined fairies had cheerful nature and they started flying all around Klaus and giggling like little kids,

" Hey! this one looks cute right?"

" Hihi he looks handsome not cute, this type of boys are cheerful and protective"

" Ohhh, is that so? but he is strong through and his mana is pure and aura is more pure than even Fairy Queen"

Klaus seeing hearing all this smiled and looked at them with curiosity, he glanced at the Dragonkins and they were just sighing and shoking their head helplessly, Klaus asked them "Do you know about fairies?"

Rindur started talking "Well we Dragonkins are descendants of Dragons and we stay with Dragons, in a way they are our ancestors, Dragons love Dragonkins like their kids, we all have blessings of at least one dragon while fairies are like neighbour of dragons, they visit us once in a while and despite their looks there lifespan is comparable to Dragons, After Gods and Dragons, fairies are strongest race in existence, Dragons are born at Tier 7 and fairies are born as Tier 6.

Just their bloodline is able to overwhelm all races in world and fairies teaches Dragonkins about world and magic, so they are like our elders and these three are special ones, they are main elders there and I bet they came here just to play here!"

Hearing this Klaus looked at fairies with wierd gaze while fairies started to argue with Rindur.

Suddenly a fairy with long blonde hair came forward and said " My name is Fae and that silver one is Luna and that violet one is Cassie, hey! name our group too!"

" Yeah name us too!"

"Mhm~ mhm~ "

Klaus thought for sometimes and said "Let's name you guys 'zeroth order' and you will just stay with me, you are small so you can hide with me!"