As fairies were flying above Klaus he moved forward and said "Merlin it's been a while we didn't have much talk these days"

Merlin's face was bright red and she said in shuttury tone " It's en..enough that you thought me as someone important and remembered my name! It's forever my honour to serve you!"

Klaus seeing her nervousness smiled and said " Well I think I'm luckier to get the youngest Tier 9 Mage to have all for myself, not many have chance to have this! bla...bla...bla...

That all side Merlin I want you to increase your fame and make contribution and become head of Magic tower as fast as possible!"

' Magic tower is a place where Mages gathered, it's like mage version of Swordsman schools or Assassin guild. Magic Tower controls almost all the Mages of the World and it also control many more minor organisations and attack forces, it will be good if Merlin can take control of it'

Klaus had pretty long train of thoughts and the Merlin who was standing before him was the key to start that train, after hearing Klaus's word Merlin didn't questioned anything and immediately said "Yes! I will not disappoint you and will take control of tower as fast as possible;"

Klaus nodded with satisfaction and took out a pile of books and scrolls and many papers and threw it on dry ground and shouted " Guys these are all the new made techniques and magics, everybody who specialise in these can learn them, one by one, all of them are above Tier 7 and there is even 1 tier 9 spell, swordsmanship, spearmanship, Archery and assassination technique, lucky person can keep it!"

And after dropping the bomb he left, as Klaus left all the figures on the training ground blurred and next moment the pile of books vanished,

" This is damn amazing, a tier 7 techniques that looks more better than Tier 8,!"

" Jackpot, it is perfect technique for Assassin like me, these dagger techniques... just wow!"

" Ooooh i got Tier 9 archery technique, and it even has wind attribute, was it made for me?!"

" Lady luck is shining on me! I got two spells at Same time, and both mach my attributes;"

Various happy cheers echoed in the hall, Klaus smiled on his way out, and a Tier 9 spell book was caught by Merlin and now all the fairies and Merlin were reading it, while a tier 9 swordsmanship and assassination technique was caught by Rindur, he read that and was amazed by it, 'it's even better than the books of Dragons and fairies, just how did he do that! but as expected of Saviour he is Unrivalled'

After reading it he passed the technique to other Dragonkins and read the techniques they have caught, each techniques was best and top category in his Tier, so naturally all of them were happy but for Klaus 'It will greatly boost the overall strength of my subordinates, I can use them in more versatile ways, kehehehehe'

After that Klaus left the training hall and after disguising himself, he moved towards the adventurers guild, Klaus went to Sonia to ask for new requests, " Sonia! Give me 5 new requests!"

Sonia was busy with some papers but as she heard Klaus's voice she immediately stood up and said " Oh! I was quite surprised, you didn't came here for few days, here I already arranged the quests you might want!"

Sonia handled Klaus a bunch of papers and after thinking for some minutes, Klaus choosed his 5 quests, and with that he quietly slipped outside the guild and rushed inside the forest, ' Let's see once again Goblin Village subjugation, Wind eagle feathers, Swamp Ruler subjugation, leather of Water lizard and finally....an Escort job!'

Klaus rushed outside happily and went to the forest by commoners carriage in order to not attract attention and cleared the Goblin Village without any problems and moved towards his second quest 'So the client wants feather of Wind Eagle, that's quite tough job, Wind Eagle is known to live at highest places even among the other monsters, this one has preferred to make his nest at top of the highest cliffs well whatever'

With that Klaus searched for highest places and moved towards that area, as Klaus arrived there he saw a huge straight cliff, it was 90° straight cliff, ' Sigh! just how do they expect us to climb this without flying, Klaus then took out a small scythe like object with chain attached to it's edge, it's commonly known as chain scythe used by ninjas, Klaus joints the edges with his suit and then ...Tier 5 Magic... Rise of Ruler!'

Klaus had made this technique while making a Tier 8 technique, although using Tier 8 spell will be more effective but it will take too much mana and Klaus's needed to save that for other Quests, A magic circle of Light Green colour formed on Klaus's foot and Klaus jumped, his jump was about of hundred Meters, and the cliff was about 350 Meters, in world of magic cliffs like these were although rare but weren't considered much high,

As Klaus reached 100 meters he enhanced chain scythes and threw them upwards with lot of strength, the scythes thrusted inside the rock cliff and with the help of those Klaus moved upwards, Klaus then took out one of scythe and threw it upwards and it also got attached with cliff, Klaus kept repeating the process and finally reached the top, as he reached the top he saw a huge eagle with greenish white colour opening his eyes,

As the creature opened his eyes a cold light flashed through his eyes and it immediately rushed towards Klaus, but Klaus had calm face 'Well chain scythe isn't usually used like this, they are awesome weapons for both close and long range combat, I will show you how we use it!'

Klaus has trained hours with all kinds of weapons since the day he was able to move his body, and because of effects of God's Blood and instructions of system he had become proficient in all kinds of weapons, as the Wind Eagle came at range of 10 Meters, Klaus waved the chain scythe and next moment both scythes were thrusted inside both wings of eagle, Klaus didn't wasted any second and rushed towards Eagle,

The Eagle was already shocked by the speed at which the scythe has pierced his body but next moment the chains of scythes were surrounding his neck and next moment Klaus waved the Eagle like clothes and crushed him at ground, Eagles eyes lost colour and it fell with life less body

" Eagle's feathers acquired! Now on to the next one!"

Klaus waved the quest paper on his hands and after putting eagle's body in his storage pouch he jumped down the cliff, and as he was about 50 meters above the ground

" Tier 6 Magic... Feather Fall"

His body became light as feather and all the gravity force disappeared and he slowly landed on the ground, Klaus moved towards the swamps, on his way he got attacked by small snakes from trees but they died before even reaching to him because of a thunder,

" Eeew this smells like shit in here! I'm not afraid of fighting dragons but fighting in shit is..." Klaus was standing at top a tree and looking towards the green swamp in front of him, as Klaus was looking and this suddenly a ball of muddy water came towards him from the side, Klaus immediately dodged that and jumped on the ground, he looked upward and saw the branch he was standing at was completely detached and fell 20 meters behind him,

Klaus got serious and took out a huge man sized shield in front of him of black and red colour, just as Klaus took out his shield dozens of those muddy balls attached him but were blocked by his shield, 'A minute late and I would be covered with all that mud, as the muddy balls stopped Klaus threw his shield and took out Bow and arrows and shooted then at exact position from where the muddy balls were launched,

After few seconds dozens of frog like bodies covered in mud floated on the Swamp, but Klaus still didn't relaxed and next moment a huge frog covered in greenish mud of about 15 Meters jumped out of the Swamp and his tongue immediately launched towards Klaus but Klaus avoided his attacks and shouted "Don't you fucking dare to waste my new suit you bastard!"

And he took out a large hammer and crushed the frog with that, Klaus took out a large magic stone from inside the frog and left.