And this is where they parted but before they parted their ways, the party leader of Steel heart invited Klaus to join the party "Hey do you want job our party? We witnessed your skills, if join us you will be able rise your rank faster!"

But was refused by Klaus " Sorry! but thanks for offer, I don't want to join any party for the moment!"

And then everyone parted their ways although healer was quite disappointed but they still left,

' I learned new things a adventures, but quests here are not many, I should move to that place, there are many monsters and I would also be able to start my plan to get the last Divine artifact from the drama!'

Klaus didn't stayed there for any more time and returned to the Capital, he went to Sonia and showed her quest and registered it, Sonia was shocked by Klaus's speed, he arrived at Capital from that city in less than an hour,

"Hey Sonia! What is condition to move to Rosario city?" Klaus asked the question he was thinking about,

Sonia said in straightforward way "Well there are no such condition for adventures, you can move any time you want, but that is just for official papers, it is unwritten rule that adventures should be in B rank party or A rank themselves to move to Rosario city or they will be looked down by adventurers there, that city is full of dungeons and that forest which is counted as one of most dangerous place on world, at that place only strength matters, B rank adventures are only called average there, A rank will be respected a little, there are even many S rank adventurers there and it is rumoured there is one SS rank adventurer living there!"

Klaus heard this and thought 'Becoming A rank is my goal for month, but it is still shame to not move there, I could have hunted high level monsters and leveled up like crazy!' Klaus thought this with disappointed faces and said "Thanks! I will rank up fast!"

With that Klaus left the guild and from next day Klaus started taking 3 to 4 quests and like that half month passed by, the quest Klaus took were very tough and rewarded more contribution points,

All of quest took were done solo and the conditions the corpse bought by Klaus were very good, normally there would be some damages in the corpse of monsters but Klaus's cuts and magic was very clean so the staff and adventurers who saw this were very shocked and nicknamed him as... 'Deity of Death!'

Klaus's name was almost forgotten and they usually talked about him with his title, Klaus didn't talked with them and only focused on quests, today Klaus returned with his quest items,

"Sonia here is the 'Flame boar', 'Fangs of Blue Barbarian' and body of 'Scale serpent!'"

Klaus dumped the bodies and guild staff took the bodies away and Klaus's registered his card with help of Sonia, Sonia's face suddenly brightened and she said " Klaus your contributions are full, you can Rank up to A rank after completing this mission!"

Klaus was genuinely surprised and said "Which quest?! Give me now!"

Sonia took out and said "This one! Bandit subjugation while rescuing the peoples who got captured by them!"

Klaus took the quest papers and disappeared from adventures guild and now he was running towards the location of bandits according to the quest papers, Klaus arrived there and saw a tunnel like cave,

'48 bandits of about Tier 4-5 and a leader of Tier 6 and peoples to rescue are about 13' , Klaus hid behind a stone and observed then with magic and after making some plans he took out the daggers and ran inside the cave,

As Klaus entered he jumped upwards saw two bandits standing in some distance, the cave inside used to be a mine and while place is inside a tunnel before it was caught by bandits,

' Tier 7 magic... Short distance teleport'

Klaus arrived behind the bandits and without them knowing, their heads flew in air, and their lifeless body fell slowly on ground, Klaus took their bodies to the side and moved forward,

'Let's complete the quest silently, if the bandits got to know about me they will harm the peoples I have to rescue!

Tier 6 Magic ... Presence Concealment'

Klaus's body became presence less and he moved forward and killed 41 more bandits and went deeper inside the tunnel and finally arrived where 13 peoples were captured inside a cell,

Klaus moved slowly and came near the cell and said in low voice "Don't make any noise, I'm adventurer and here to rescue you guys"

Everyone was shocked but nobody made any sound and Klaus took out his dagger and slashed the iron cell into pieces without making any noise, Klaus took the lead and others followed him outside but suddenly an old women fell and shouted "Ugh! My knee! Uuuhhh!"

Her voice was very loud and because it was tunnel the voice got amplified and was heard much louder, Klaus seeing the old lady was dumbfounded 'This crazy old hag! Does she really wants to be rescued, is it necessary to scream like that! For God's sake I came here to rescue you! why do you make things so difficult!'

Others also had same reaction but Klaus reacted quickly and shouted "Everyone run to outside, we don't have time now!"

As Klaus said everyone ran towards outside with full speed, Klaus had buffed few peoples, so despite the difference in physic everyone was able to run fast, but just as they were in front the exit 5 bandits appered in front of them and a rough voice sounded from backside

"Where do think you are going?"

Everyone looked backward and saw a rough man with naked chest and two huge giant axe and long beard and long hairs leaking his bloodlust in air, Klaus sighed and said " I thought I will be able to do this easily but this fool wants to die early..."

Hearing this other bandits also released their bloodlust and their leader said while releasing pressure "What ya crazy motherf.."

Just as he was about to say that a dagger passed through his head leaving a big hole there and then Klaus didn't gave any bandit a chance and stabbed everyone one on neck and heart and all their bodies feel on ground in less than 2 seconds,

Most of peoples weren't even able to see Klaus's movement and only saw Klaus turn blur for a second and all their bodies fell lifeless, the tunnel was very dark so they weren't able to see Klaus's figure but as they exited outside they saw Klaus's glorious figure,

A man with slightly long curvy silver hairs, tied to his back with black mask and full body suit with crimson red designs and blue eyes, with daggers on back,

" Woah! So cool brother!!!"

" Yeah! The dagger and suit is so shiny!"

" It's my first time seeing someone with silver hairs!"

" You were so awesome! You killed that scary uncle in one go!"

There were about 4 kids of age around the kids of primary school, 3 old peoples and 4 womens and 2 young men.

Seeing Klaus's figure outside the tunnel was amazing moment for them, Klaus returned to the tunnel saying "You guys wait here! There are no more bandits or monsters here I will be back in a minute! "

Saying this he rushed inside the tunnel and arrived at room ' As expected when there is bandit there is treasure!'

It was room off bandit leader, it was filled with different kind of weapons and previous ornaments and money. Klaus took all these inside his storage and left the tunnel leaving it totally empty,

Klaus then escorted those peoples to the Capital and went to Sonia " The quest is done! You can check it!"

Sonia ordered a staff and after sometimes she took Klaus's card and after some minutes she came out with a golden card,

" Here! Congratulations Klaus, you are fastest person to be promoted to A rank! Even legendary hero took 21 days to get promoted and you did it in 19 days! it's a new record!"

" Thanks! and I will be moving to Rosario city tomorrow!" Klaus smiled and took his new card and left, Sonia just smiled and suddenly a co-worker came and said to Sonia "What will you do now Sonia, he is leaving the capital tomorrow?"

Sonia grinned and said "The day he talked about moving to that city, I already send my application for transfer, I will also be moving to the city tomorrow! I'm such a genius kekekekeke!!!"

The coworker sighed and left ' crazy bitch if only your brain worked that fast in other things, you would have been promoted years ago!'