(Name _ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age _ 15


Tier_ 4, level_ 48

Titles _ Saint, Magic Swordsman, Devil Slayer, 3rd child of Whitebloods, Absolute Prodigy, Living Myth, Mythical warrior, ???,???,???,...

Completion rate _ 100% [51 B Rank, 26 C Rank, 146 D rank, 124...]

Rank _ A)

Klaus was staring at his new adventurer card right now as he was on his way to City of dungeons Rosario on the cart drawn by horse monster!

'So they also add job and tier at A Rank, it seems they also recorded the quests I have done in middle of quests!'

When Klaus was completing his B Rank quests, many monsters used to attack him on his way, he also encountered many herbs and just collected then casually but it turned out that these herbs and monsters were in quest list, so when Klaus submitted the materials it was also counted as completing quests,

Before Klaus left the capital he has told the staff and peoples of Whiteblood family, after some drama he finally left...

" Young master! There are some bandits blocking the way ahead!"

A sudden voice interrupted Klaus's thoughts as he looked towards the masked man in front of him, when Klaus left he also brought the assassins that were left for him in capital with him and also the three fairies,

Ain, Ashia and Merlin and others were left in capital for training, many peoples left to go train their mana and swords, Klaus didn't mind them, the assassins felt very happy that Klaus brought them with him and they were first unit to be named 'Red shadows'!

Fairies were sleeping inside the bag Klaus had brought with him,

Klaus nodded and said "Clear them! Arno don't even leave their shadows! I want the journey to be a peacefull one!"

Arno was head of the assassins a tier 8 Assassin Emperor, he nodded and with a grin he disappeared from top the cart, Klaus was sitting with 4 more peoples, a kid and his big sister and brother and cart driver,

Klaus sat there silently suddenly the kid came near him and said in childish voice "Do you know that there are many bandits on the way ahead, I heard that they kill the peoples and loot their things, they are very famous bandits called 'Crimson Spears!' should we run away?"

Everyone who sat their had few drops of sweats on their faces as they heard kid's words with look of nervousness, Klaus saw the innocent kid and said "Those are just rumours, maybe they already died before we came here, and if there are some I will protect you!"

Klaus made cool look and the eyes of kids shined with admiring light, everyone relaxed and Klaus smiled with thought of bandits,

On the other place...

"Leader! are you sure there will be carriage coming here! I don't think they would come this way even after knowing about us!" a scrawny looking man said to barbarian looking guy.

The barbarian looking guy slapped the back of the scrawny guy and said "Do you dare doubt my words! I have perfect information and why do you think so negative?"

"Hahahahaha leader this guy has always been like this!"

"Weakling! Coward! This bastard doesn't deserve to be part of Crimson Spear!"

"I don't even know why is he with us;"

The other bandits hearing this laughed at scrawny guy and made fun of him, The bandit leader just smirked at him and returned to his work, they were hiding in bushes and trees on the way of cart,

The leader suddenly saw a cart coming towards them in distance and said in tough voice "Shush! Hide before they see us, we should let them know my teror, I'm..."

" Someone who wasn't even named by author, meaning useless support character"

A voice came behind the bandits leader and he turned his head around but saw the view of world changing upside down and behind his body he saw a man in black and red dress with bloody dagger,

Other bandits also reacted but at same time many shadows appered behind them and they were also killed before even seeing face of killer, those guys in shadows concealed the body of the bandits and disappeared,

The cart passed from there and Klaus said in relaxed tone "See! I told you those were just rumours, there are no bandits here!"

The others relaxed their bodies and the driver of cart speeded up his cart and rushed out from there, as they passed the kids smiled brightly and said "Big bro! Are you famous adventurer? Your suit is so cool, and it looks like I have seen you somewhere!"

Klaus shook his head and said "I'm not famous or anything, my name is Klaus, I recently became A rank and I'm going to Rosario city for more adventures!"

The others in cart made surprised face and suddenly the kid's big brother said in excited tone "Are you telling the truth!? Are you really the one they can Deity of death'! Are you really the one to get faster Rank up to A rank?"

Klaus looked towards him and said "I don't know about Deity of death thing but I'm the fastest person to rank up to A rank!"

Hearing this all eyes shined brightly and they looked towards Klaus with amazed eyes suddenly the girl said "Ohh! My brother is your big fan, you rescued one of his friends from monsters on the forest, his friend told him about you and since then he has become your diehard fan!"

Klaus looked towards him and said "I'm not any bigshot for you to be my fan! Through i I'm grateful if you think that way!"

Kid who was in the cart looked at Klaus and said "But don't you think our journey is too peaceful? Since we left the capital, there were no monsters and bandits!"

Many drops of sweats covered Klaus's face and he said "It happens, it happens sometimes, I'm sure there will be some ahead!" he said in hurried voice and thought 'looks like I went too far by giving Arno to kill all the troubles on the way, ofcourse it will be suspicious to not be attacked in this world where monsters attack you left and right, let's kill next monster by myself!'

Klaus clenched the hilt of sword and after sometimes a huge half tiger like and half troll like monster jumped in front of cart, Klaus has ordered Arno to let this monster come here,

" I told you there is no journey without dangers!"

" It's scary big brother!!!"

" Damn this scary shit! "

" It's a A rank Chimera monster, it will need a party of A rank adventures to kill it!"

Klaus jumped out of Cart with his sword and said "Why are you scared? I told you kid I will protect you!"

Klaus took out his sword and rushed at fast speed towards the monster, the monster looked at Klaus and roared in loud voice, his roar released shockwaves, the peoples in cart covered their ears but Klaus was unfazed and accelerated towards monster,

monster saw this and threw a tree towards Klaus, that Chimera was easily 5 meters big, seeing the tree flying towards him Klaus just swing his sword lightly and...

' Tier 6 swordsmanship Technique... Thousand slashes, one sword!'

And the tree was cutted in hundreds of pieces, Klaus jumped towards the Chimera, Klaus had he jumped 6 meters above the ground with his body alone and no magic as he was on air the Chimera grinned and extended his hand to catch Klaus

'As expected of Chimera, smarter than ordinary monsters but this move will only work on inexperienced and weak peoples not peoples like me ...

Tier 5 Swordsmanship technique... Blood fountain!'

Klaus's sword touched the hands of the Chimera and like the whole world slowed down, Klaus moved like lightning and next moment whole body of Chimera was cut in clean pieces and fountain of blood flowed everywhere,

The moves were so fast that there wasn't even drop of blood on Klaus's sword or his body and clothes, Klaus collected the Chimera's body and returned to carriage,

"Wow! You were cool as hell there brother!"

" It was so fast!"

" Are you really only A rank adventurer!"

" To say the truth I have seen one S rank adventurer 'Yellow sword' before in one of my journeies and you don't look weaker than him, if not stronger ..."

Klaus sat silently at backside of cart and just smiled and the journey continued!