"Hey is that the city of dungeons!?" the kid traveling with Klaus shouted as he looked outside his cart, in front of him was a huge City surrounded by giant thick walls from all sides,

In the middle of City was huge white tower that reached the clouds and seemed to be endless, Klaus glanced at the direction kid was pointing at and said "Seems like we arrived safely!"

Klaus has seen this city millions of times in his previous world, so he naturally recognised the city from every angle and every part of the city,

The cart arrived at the gate and everyone showed their identification papers or cards, Klaus showed his adventurers card while hiding some information and passed the gate,

Klaus bade others farewell and started his search for an inn, Klaus was aware of some plots so he directly went to the inn he though as most useful

'Fourth turn from main gate... from here left turn and... now in front of a big building, finally here, it looked so easy to get here in drama but, damn it looks like I'm not very good with directions, but at least 'Swords inn, but why does this thing looks so advanced... '

klink- klink~

The bells on the door rang as Klaus entered the inn, it looked like classic european pub from the ancient times with renting facilities, but the hall was taller and equipments were made of proper wood and metals and drinks were served in glass and hall was lively and full of adventures who were eating their meals and chatting about their achievements,

Klaus's entry didn't attracted much attention as Klaus has lowered his presence and he directly went to receptionist,

Klaus purposefully only lowered his presence, some adventures sitting there noticed this looked at Klaus with acknowledgement in their eyes, with this Klaus showed his capability and avoided getting targeted by others from the start

On reception there was a bald man with scars on his chin and hands, he had muscular body with many marks of battle, it was clear he was experienced veteran adventurer who has retired now,

" Can I get a room here?" Klaus asked the man who was busy checking his records, the man glanced at him and a look of surprise flashed through his eyes, he quickly composed himself and nodded "You are lucky guy it was last room, charge is 20 bronze per day"

It should be noted that a normal family of commoners earns 1000 bronze or 10 silver coins in a month, Klaus directly took out 5 silver coins and put them on the desk


"I'm renting the room!" the man quickly took the coins and handled a key with 9 written on it and said "Last room on 2nd floor! My name is Brock, you can ask me and this girl for any help!"

" Hey mister! My name is Merie, you can ask me or my dad for help, My dad is super strong, he was S rank adventure you know!"

Klaus glanced at small girl around 10 years old saying these things with proud face, Klaus said "OK! little lady, I will be sure to ask for your help here, but for needing help I need to get in trouble first right?"

as Klaus arrived in city it was already the noon so Klaus said "But right now can you get me some food, I'm quite hungry!"

" Ok, since you are so respectful to me, I will tell mama and cooks to make better meal for you!" the little girls said that and rushed towards the kitchen,

" She's cute like a hamster" Klaus said to himself ' and those plump chicks really makes you want to pinch them' , Klaus's word were heard by Brock and he said

"She really is cute like her mother, since the schools were opened for commoners by Saint, she has become more lively and secretly the fan of Saint!" Brock said happily and clearly felt proud on his daughter and wife and respect was seen for the Saint,

" haha looks like she's also fan of Saint! well I will be going, when meal is ready please tell me!" Klaus avoided the topic and sat on the table on the corner waiting for his meals,

" Hey! Did you heard that? Yesterday that party cleared the 64th for of Giant tower!"

" Ohhh as expected of Flame sword party, their dungeon clearing speed is simply out of world!"

" Of course they are an S rank party, every member is S rank and even lowest member is tier 6!"

" Damn I'm so jealous of that party, we are still stuck at 43rd floor!"

'So flame sword party has already become S Rank, it seems like I have to speed up the progress, let's make rank up to S rank as my next goal after obtaining that artifact!'

" Here's the meal, but how are you going to eat with that mask?" the little girl brought Klaus's meal on his tables and started talking like mature lady

"Like this!" as Klaus said his mask opened revealing his smooth skin and flawless face,

The girl covered his face with hands and slight blush she said "Wow mister you look so cool!"

The other female adventures also had same reaction, their were various races inside the inn, everyone was shocked by Klaus's facial features,

Klaus hearing the praise from little girl said "It's nothing, I was just born handsome" and started eating his meal, his movements were very smooth and in just few minutes he finished eating his meal and covered his face with mask and left towards the adventurers guild's branch of the city

In some minutes Klaus arrived at the Adventures guild's branch, the guild's building looked very grand just one level below the the Guild at the Capital,

Klaus entered the guild and went towards the receptionist and said "Hi I would like to register here, I came from the Capi... what are you doing here Sonia!?"

The Klaus saw the receptionist look at him and he recognised her, Sonia smiled and said "Oh I just transferred here! I wanted to give you surprise and of course I'm your exclusive receptionist, I will always be there to help you!"

' But there was no such plot like this in the drama, it seems my presence has changed the world' Klaus just laughed lightly and replaced his shocked face with smile and said "Then please register me here and from tomorrow I will start exploring the Giant Tower "

Sonia nodded and took Klaus's card and registered it in Guild's records and with that Klaus left the guild and arrived at inn and directly went to his room,

'The room seems nice, and from what I heard from adventures it looks like this inn was also brought by Golden Turtle Organisation and was returned to these guys to handle it,

my dicision to buy inns and hotels was really good at least I won't have sleep on rough beds, aahhh this softness is to die for'

Klaus jumped on his bed, his black red suit disappeared and replaced by normal clothings and he turned his face towards the roof and thought

'Giant Tower, it has total of 100 floors with different monsters on every floor, it is almost like dungeon but the tower goes up wards while dungeon goes deeper to ground

I won't have to run and find monsters on the tower and my leveling speed will increase by several times, I think in a week I will be tier 5 and let's also start the progress of mission ' Eliminating the corrupt Guild master!' but for now let's get a good sleep, I'm tired from the journey!'

With that Klaus returned to his sleep with slight smile on his face unaware of uproar his face has caused and unknown to the rumours of his arrival in the city as ' deity of death'!