Klaus just woke up and immediately with the fairies he immediately made his way outside of the city to the 'Dark Forest '

It was marked as one of most dangerous places in whole world, the forest was called dark forest not because the trees there were dark but because of density of trees

If any person went inside that forest he won't be able see a single ray of sun as whole place was covered with dense and giant trees

Along with many monsters, the monsters there were super dangerous, there is even a legend saying that there is one dragon living here

but along with dangerous there are also many opportunities, there are many unexplored areas where exists many precious herbs and treasures

'But I'm not here for these things, from the day one I arrived in this city that bitchy bitch Rudy has assigned many of those cult bitches to stalk at me,

They aren't able to follow me inside the Giant tower but in outside world they are constantly watching me, even when I go to take shit...

Thank God I knew some illusion magic to deceive those bitches, I came here today to meet Arno, the leader of assassin I brought with me,

If I meet him at the city, Rudy will get suspicious as our first meeting wasn't good and he even knows my true identity'

"Guys let's go much deeper, at least to the zone of A rank monsters, how about Red Ogre Village?"

"But red ones are scary!"

"Yeah they have big Fangs!"

"But we can get books about body strengthening there right?"

'Body strengthening?' Klaus got another clue about new thing he never heard of

"Cassie what is this about body strengthening, can't we use magic boost our agility, strength or stamina, so why body strengthening?"

After hearing Klaus's words the fairies suddenly stopped

"You don't know about body strengthening?"

"I thought you knew about that already?!"

"This is basics for close combat fighters!"

Klaus scratched his head and said "Well I really don't know about that, so can't you tell me please?"

"That was surprising!"

"Everyone used such things those days we thought it still existed!"

"Well I will tell you, the magic we use can only temporarily boost our bodies but body strengthening techniques permanently boost our bodies,

It makes your body much more denser and strengthens your body to core!"

'So that means there is another way to get stat points permanently other than leveling and training!? Fucking amazing!!!'

"Is there also any way to strengthen your mana?"Klaus asked immediately

"Well there are not many, I heard there used to be 3 ways but one of them lost some centuries ago, but Dragons and us have one, you can get after you pass trial of Dragons and Fairies in the village!!"

"Oh I got one more information, I heard one of them is inside a dungeon somewhere!"


Klaus who got these information got very excited and said "Let's go what are we waiting for~"

'Getting free stat points, jackpot! But what's with the trial of Dragons and Fairies!? This was also not shown in drama, but whatever let's enjoy what we have!!!'

Klaus immediately rushed in there and after serching for full hour they finally arrived at the red ogre village

'This ain't just a village, it's almost a town by now, but those ogres are quite bigger than what was shown in drama

They even got fangs and necklace of skulls, quite intimidating for beginners, but who am I ?'

"Guys let's go all out we have to get that as fast as possible!!"


"New Magiccccc!"

"Let's goooooo!"

Klaus and fairies immediately rushed at the Ogres who were busy eating their hunts

Klaus immediately jumped at thrusted his sword through the first Ogre who just stood up from noises

Klaus didn't wait there and went in ahead and took heads of the Ogres that stood near him

By now all the Ogres have managed to control their mind and equipped their weapons ready for attack

But instead of fear and anger they had saliva leaking from their mouths

"The fuck!?"

Klaus said as he was surrounded by the Ogres front all sides, 'why are they drooling instead of showing fear and anger?'

[Question confirmed.... answering...]

[Ogres are right now on their mating season, so seeing the fairies their internal desires have awakened and....]

"Wait wait wait! No need to go on details, it's disgusting, these ugly bastards just die"

Tier 8 Swordsmanship technique... Monarch of heavens!"

Klaus's figure blurred and he immediately started attacking the Ogres in front of him, the Ogres even after seeing Klaus Slaughter them mercilessly, they kept on coming

Klaus was also like butchering machine slaughtering all the Ogres mercilessly,

"Light Missiles!"

"Ice spears!"

"Poison mist!"

The fairies were also not showing there usual sweat expression but were like merciless small beings making rain from blood of ogres

In just matter of minutes Klaus and fairies killed all the Ogres and just finished killing Red Ogre King,

"Now let's check the loot guys, here.... nope... nope... nope!!"

"Where did it go!?"

"Shouldn't it be inside the leader's house!"

"Oh good idea!"

Klaus immediately made his way to the house of Red Ogre King, Klaus spotted a big wooden box locked by some strange magic circle

"This pattern is quite strange right!?"

"Ohhh I have seen it before, it is one of those lock magics!!"

"Will it be dangerous if we try to opening forcefully?"

As fairies were discussing Klaus took out his dagger from '9 daggers of monarch set'

" Mana presence!"

"Ogres can't use such magics, you think too much!"

And Klaus's eyes flew in purple light for a second and the dagger he took out had space attribute

Klaus immediately slashed the dagger to the box and the box was cut in half along with the magic pattern

"Look is this the body strengthening book?"

"Yeah, this is the one!"

"We fairies and Dragons don't use it but I have read about this one!"

"Yeah look at this!"

Klaus immediately opened the book and he sat on the side along with fairies, all of them peeked inside the book and after reading it Klaus putted the book inside the space pouch

"This one is really a jackpot, but it's not magic but rather a technique"

'but one second, shouldn't such things also be inside my library, System!!!'

[Command accepted]

Klaus immediately went inside and started his search for the books but he wasn't able to find any such books

"Why aren't there any such techniques here"

[The library only contains techniques and magic below Tier 9, the techniques the host is searching for are Grade less technique]

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it means I have to find them myself!"

Klaus returned to the real world, barely a second passed in here, Klaus asked the Fairies

"Do you know how many other techniques like this exist?"

"Well we fairies and Dragons don't use body strengthening techniques but we know that there some body and mana strengthening techniques!"

"Yeah this one is 3rd technique called 'Golden bone Technique' it strengthens your bones"

"There is also 'Abyss's breath' and 'Armour of Heavens' !"

"That's quite the name they have!" Klaus muttered and further asked "Do you know where are other techniques?"

"Well we fairies and Dragons don't use them but we are one of oldest Fairies so we know about them!"

"Yeah second technique is at 'Ruins of Red Desert ' and another one is at depth of sea 'Kingdom of Mermaids'!"

"It's very far!"

'It seems I was quite lucky to get this one after Slaughter just some Ogres ' Klaus smiled but next moment

"But now that you have taken this technique won't you have to face trouble of messing with 'Fallen Dragon_ Teribus' !"

"Thank God he is still sleeping!"

"We almost forgot about him!"

"What are you guys talking about, undead dragon? how can a dragon come here!?" Klaus said trying to confirm himself

Suddenly the eyes of all fairies lit up with realisation "We forgot to tell you, this technique is under protection of that Dragon and he allowed these Ogres to take care of it!"

"He was exiled from Village of dragons because he followed wicked path, and he killed innocents!"

"He lives in this mountain but I think he should be sleeping now but he will wake up in some months!"

"Why didn't you tell me such important detail before!?" Klaus was very panicked as he shouted at the Fairies

The Fairies looked at each other and said in same time and tone

"""Tee hee we forgot! hehehe!"""

'These curious bastards, are you serious?' Klaus made face of disbelief and after a sigh he said

"Well what's done is done let's finish our work here and enjoy our holiday for next day"