
Klaus shouted loudly as he exited the village of Red Ogres, immediately as he said that a figure appered from the shadows of trees

"What can I do for you My Lord?"

He asked as he put his head downwards, waiting for instructions of Klaus

"You have collected the information about the base of Cultists right? Go to City Lords place and find an underground place there, you will find the Chimeras there

Expose all the bases of the Cultists and this place where Chimeras are made, don't kill any of them and do this without showing any signs of your presence

and make any suspicions of any connections with me, just show it like an internal conflict and monster attack!"

As Klaus said that Arno immediately left the place without any word and simple nod

Klaus went deeper in the forest so that he can lose those cult bastards, the peoples stalking at Klaus were barely Tier 5 but Klaus was inside the hunt zone of Tier 6-7 monsters

So he was easily able to lose the Cultists chasing him,

After instructing Klaus decided to go to adventurer's guild and submit some loot from Ogre Slaughter

It won't be reasonable if he just killed monsters without selling them, it will just cause more suspicions to Rudy

Klaus packed the loot and then along with Fairies he went directly to the adventures guild

All the peoples in guild were talking and murmuring there about the quests they had and Klaus minding his business went directly to Sania

Klaus saw a man in armour taking to Sania, there were also 4 of his party members standing behind him

There were two girls an assassin and mage, while other two mans were healer and Swordsman, the man himself was using a huge Axe

Klaus seeing this just stood behind them waiting for him to finish his talk but after some minutes he wasn't able hold himself back from stepping in

The man who was talking to Sania has shaved face and short brown hairs which was quite common

But the way he takes attracted attention of many, he was just B Rank adventurer that just arrived at the city unaware of how things worked here

From the place he came from there weren't many monsters or high rank adventurers there, so being B Rank adventurer he was quite respected there

As soon as he arrived here he spotted Sania and immediately went to her trying to flirt and force her on date and just then Klaus also arrived there and now was listening to him

"Hey girl, why don't you give me some good quest, and after that we can go and have a dinner together, how about that?"

as he says that he flashed his silver B Rank adventurer batch to Sania, his tricked worked many times but Sania just have him cold face

"You can take the quest from quest board there, I'm not your exclusive receptionist to give you quests!"

Sania's cold reply made the man very angry and his face twitched and he said in slight forceful tone

"Then why don't you become my exclusive receptionist, I have good future, I can become S rank adventurer in future you know?"

Sania still maintained cold face, many adventurers who saw this smiled and some were even laughing at him

Most of adventures there were B and A rank, There were even some S rank adventures standing and watching the show there

Many wanted to go and teach that guy a lesson but they also noticed Klaus silently watching the scene in his hood with shining eyes

'This guy is dead!'

This thought came to mind to all the adventurers present there who knew about Klaus

The man didn't noticed these things and said in louder voice "Why don't you reply? Do you think you are some big shit huh?!"

The Swordsman in his party also commented "Yeah, don't you see our big brother giving you chance!"

The healer also said "Just because she is pretty she thinks she is some big shit!"

The mage and assassin girl also joined in and said " Yeah, our leader is super strong you know, you still have chance you know, how about it now?"

The Sania still maintained her calm and just listened to then silently 'If it wasn't for my good salary and Sir Klaus I would have beated you guys like shits!'

Her mind was full of hostility and even faint bloodlust was leaking, she said "Sorry I'm already exclusive receptionist of another adventurer and my commission is very good!"

The man was now more angry and without any thought he moved his hands towards Sania while shouting

"Then let that adventurer come I will beat him and then you will be mine receptionist right??"

Sania smiled and thought 'Finally a chance!' was about to attack him at self defense but suddenly a hand came and blocked the man and with a wave of his hand he lifted the man and smashed him into the ground

Klaus came forward and said "She is mine exclusive receptionist, you have challenged me right? Then follow me to training hall ... with your whole party!"

Klaus said that and looked at the man and his party with cold eyes, those guys were burning with rage and didn't cared about Klaus's strength and shouted

"This bitch, then let's go!"

"How dare he challange us like this,!"

"We will show you, to not mess with peoples like us!"

"Yeah, don't cry if you get crippled!"

Klaus just silently walked towards the training hall, Sania was full of smiles seeing Klaus defending her and followed him

The man and his party also followed Klaus to training hall,

"Hey guys let's go, an idiot had challenged the 'Deity of Death'!"

"They are having fight in training hall!"

"Ohhh a good show!"

"let's go!!"

The adventurers also followed them to training hall, all of them had heard about Klaus but didn't actually see him fight so it was good show for them

In just few minutes all of them assembled at the training hall and a guild staff member who himself was S rank stood there as referee

"No serious injury is allowed, Ok?"

The man and his party nodded and the man with axe said "See, there are many peoples gathered here to see him make a fool of himself!"

"Yes leader, I think they have heard about you!"

"Of course you are so handsome, you are so popular!"

His party members praised him, the man became smug and looked at Klaus with hostility and said "Let's show him despair!"

The referee continued "Then begin!!"

With referees singnal, the assassin girl from party of that guy rushed towards Klaus while the mage started preparing for a strong spell

Klaus just stood there at his place silently with his eyes glowing in blue colour with serious cold face and just as the assassin came near him she thought ' can't even react to my speed hah!'

But next moment Klaus's hand moved and a plain knuckles smashed on her stomach from below


She was sent flying outside of dueling area, and his party members and other adventurers present there were left in surprise

Most of adventures weren't able to match their sight with Klaus's speed, next moment the mage launched many Fire spears at Klaus

Klaus sealed most of his elements and he had to maintain his secret as magic Swordsman from these peoples so

'Fist of Abyss Emperor!'

Klaus started punching in air which created many shockwaves, the shockwaves stopped the fire spears,

Each of the shockwaves targeted the fire spears launched by the mage and some of the shockwaves even went towards the man and his party

The adventurers there were shocked by the strength of Klaus's attacks

The air arround the training hall suddenly grew strong and small tornadoes were also forming near it

Klaus suddenly grinned from his hood and in cold voice and glowing blue eyes he said

"Then let's begin the ... Mascara!!!"