Klaus recognised the kids and made his way there "Oh! Merie, what about the school today?"

Klaus said as took the last seat besides Merie, Merie suddenly looked at Klaus who sat besides her without his combat suit and shouted in excitement

"Ohhh you finally arrived mister, schools are closed for a week because of Cultists, guess what?

I didn't finished my homework yesterday but look how lucky I'm there is no school today I won't be nagged by that old witch

anyways I was waiting with my friends here, today I made two new friends, here her name is..."

As she was saying with excited tone two kids siblings with blue hairs shouted in shocked tone


Klaus looked towards them and both of them were Zoya's childrens, Klaus had already noticed them and said "My name is Klaus not mister"

"Well anyways Kyle, Ava when did you guys got here?" Klaus asked as leaned towards them

"We arrived here during evening yesterday!"

"It was fun, we meet with Merie yesterday!"

Merie seeing this conversation suddenly said "Do you guys know each other, I was planning on introducing them to you!"

Klaus looked and nodded "Good for you! Oh Merie I wanted to ask you for somedays do you still have the Saint's Fanclub card left?"

Merie made shocked face and then suddenly took out card from her pocket and said "You are lucky mister, it was last card after Kyle and Ava, here!"

Klaus took the card 'Those guys did quite a job here, the edges are curved su that childrens don't cut themselves and it's also quite light, good!'

Then Merie said "What are you looking at, pour your mana into it, then you will be able to register yourselves!"

Klaus looked surprised but still flowed his mana into it, then that card suddenly glowed in blue light and then a number appered from it

"999 number huh?" Klaus says while flipping his card, then suddenly Merie said "Yeah, you are last member of the club, we were planning on sending a card to the Saint, it will be card no. 0,

but mister your symbol came out very cool!"

"Symbol!?" Klaus said as he looked at Merie with confused face

Merie suddenly took Klaus card and showed backside and said "Here when you pour your mana into your card a symbol appears on it that's related to how your personality is like

The sister who made it said that many spells and runes are curved inside it and it let's us know where we are and it even has messaging function

We can send messages to each other like this!"

Merie suddenly got silent and after a second Klaus's card glowed blue for a second and a system panel like screen appered but it was Green in colour

'So it's like messenger from my old world, wait... Those guys made these things with communication and tracking magic??

And on top of that there are total 1000 of them, it is a Tier 7 Artifact set now isn't it?'

Klaus was already able to imagine shining glasses of the researchers who made these cards with smug and proud face

"It's amazing..." Suddenly these words escaped Klaus's mouth

"I know! right!?" Merie and other kids said in united tone, "But anyways mister your symbol is too cool like you, see...!"

Merie said as she showed Klaus his card's backside "It's an angel with beautiful deer!"

Klaus poured mana into his card then suddenly the figure started projecting itself in air


The other kids also leaned towards Klaus as they observed an angel with curved sword

In silver and golden armour with 10 pair of wings on his back along with dark blue deer with colourfull aura inside it like colourful night sky

'It looks somewhat like me and Bucky!' Klaus thought as he observed the figure

After some minutes Klaus closed it and put it inside his storage,

"Mister your symbol figure looked some what like the Saint I heard about... don't you think so Ava?" Merie questioned

"Yeah... the adventurers also said it was something like that an angel with wings flying in air with curved sword

Even the Saint had summoned a deer right?"


Kyle and Ava supported Merie's words, Klaus suddenly started to feel uneasy as he felt gazes of other adventurers

"Well people do say I'm very kind but I'm not a Saint, Saint's deer is blue like ice while mine is like stary sky,

I wear black suit while his armour is golden and I'm Adventurer not Saint!"

"Yeah, we are imagining to much!"

"Yeah I knew from start, I was just teasing you!"

Merie and other kids got easily persuaded while Klaus sighed a relief inside his mind

"Any way mister, do you still have any loot from your adventurers, my friends want to see them!"

Merie suddenly requested Klaus, Klaus thought for a moment and took out a loot

'Well flexing in front of small kids doesn't count as simping right? For kids to see them that one will be perfect'

Klaus made some space between the hall and took a huge black Sword with red and blue mana surrounding it

The sword was about 3/4 th the size of Klaus and as it came out a little pressure appered inside the hall

After that Klaus took out a dummy human carved with wood and then putted a blue dress on it

The blue dress had blue rose and lotus like flowers engraved on it with some sparkles all over it

The childrens had their eyes shining like torch, Klaus seeing this felt extremely satisfied and said

"This one here is sword of Ice and Flame Wrath, a peak A rank monster, it has attribute of fire and water into it, it a Tier 6 artifact

And this one is dress I found from the treasure box inside the Tower, it doubles the beauty of the person who wears it

It also has enchantment of protection and Ice magic in it, but it's quite useless in battles because it's not comfortable in battles!"

Klaus stood there and explained the items, the boys were staring at the sword while girls were looking at the dress

"The dress is so pretty!"

"You can marry a princess with this dress!"

"What use of dress if you can't survive during your adventurers, the sword is much better!"

"Yeah imagine using water and flames together in battle, too cool!"

The boys and girls argued over the sword and dress and after some minutes Klaus's breakfast arrived and Klaus putted his items back

The Kids were very disappointed along with adventures who were seeing those items, those items were extremely rare drops

"We wanna see more!"

"Yeah show us more!"

Klaus heard the kids and with a thought in his mind he said "I will show you again after few days, I will show you many things you haven't seen before, but for now let me eat!"

Klaus told them and started focusing on his food

While the kids got more excited, it was every kids childhood dream to become an adventurer so seeing the monsters they have never seen before was very exciting for them

On top of that Klaus was now counted as one of top Adventures of the city, he was solo adventurer who played role of whole party alone

On top of that with that handsome face and kind personality with kids he was more popularb among the kids of City

"Ok next time I wanna see a wyvern!"

"I wanna see a Gryphon!"

"I wanna see Dark Serpent!"

"Lich for me!"

Klaus just moved l moved with a smile and kids easily belived him and left with smile on their faces

"Why are you lying to them like this!"

"Yeah it's not good!"

"Now they will wait for you to show them your loots now!"

The Fairies who were silent till now suddenly commented, but Klaus just smirked

"I don't make promises I can't fulfill, I will show them monsters they have never seen for sure! Anyway let me eat we have to finish 50th floor in 2 days"

'In monster horde, there will surely be some of these monsters that they have never seen right!'