After eating as Klaus was about to leave when suddenly Zoya arrived at the hall

"Are you going to tower again?" Zoya asked Klaus

Klaus looked at Zoya and replied "Yeah, I will go to tower and then to the forest, I saw some interesting quests there!"

"Can I also come to forest with you!" Zoya asked while looking at Klaus with hopeful eyes

"No, although you are healed, but your mind still hasn't recovered completely and muscle memories had gotten weaker, you need to get used to your body again!" Klaus replied with straight face

"Then what shall I do for now?" Zoya asked Klaus who was now staring at the kids on the side

"You just recovered recently why don't you enjoy it with your kids, I'm sure they must have felt lonely after the attack from Cultists!" Klaus replied with a smile

"I also thought about that!" Zoya replied as she also looked towards her kids

"It's decided then, see ya!" with this Klaus took his leave towards the tower, with fairies who were sitting on his head and shoulders

After few minutes Klaus arrived at 41st floor with fairies

"Damn, it's completely different from previous ones!" Klaus commented even through he had somehow guessed it before

"Yeah, it's like there is another world inside the tower!" Fae replied while observing the ground closely

"Just how was it made?"

"But it's just too amazing!"

Luna and Cassie also commented while coming closer to Fae

This time the dungeon wasn't like a closed mine with lot of tunnels but it was on a field with grasses and Flowers

Klaus also bended down and touched the grass, but next moment he felt various vibration through his hands

"I hope we could enjoy the sceneries but it looks like we got company of some pigs!" Klaus alerted other fairies as he gripped tightly in his sword as he observed a horde of 100-300 Orcs in distance

"They are lot bigger than ordinary orcs right?"

"They even got better weapons!"

"Look those big guys on the backside!!"

Fairies also said as Cassie alerted others about slightly bigger orcs on backside with hoods

"Those are orc shamans!!! Be alert it's completely different from previous floors"

Klaus shouted and started preparing for magic along with other Fairies, Orcs were now only 20 meters away from Klaus

Tier 9 magic ... Ice Butterflies!

Tier 8 magic ... 9 Suns descent!

Tier 8 magic ... Black Flames!

Tier 7 magic ... Poison Rain!

Klaus launched his magic and hundreds of blue butterflies with beautiful wings fly towards the orcs

But these beautiful butterflies weren't just beautiful, the orcs thought of butterflies as harmless beings

But next moment their views of world changed as all the butterflies touched then their whole body turned into frozen statue

And after that the fairies also launched their attacks 9 Giant balls of compressed flames appered between the crowd of orcs completely wiping them from their existence

At same time the orcs on backside were completely surrounded by black flames that weren't willing to get off without killing the orcs completely

Followed by attack of Cassie which rained from sky in form painful death

Every drop of poison completely burned the skins of Orcs, and just some seconds after that they fell on the ground lifelessly

With just magic attacks Klaus and fairies wiped out more than half of Orcs and only Orc King with 2 Shamans with some orcs remained

"What was that attack Klaus it looked completely real?"

"Yeah how did you do that?"

"That one was beauty and death together!"

Klaus bended his knees a little and then launched like unrestrained rocket taking heads of 10 Orcs in one shot and said

"You guys remembered the previous boss right, she used tactic of charm, I got my idea from that, I used Ice magic to make butterflies

Then when they touched the orcs, I released my magic killing the Orcs!"

As Klaus said that he took heads of another 10 Orcs as he moved in zig zag motion between the Orcs

Suddenly a huge Iron pole with spikes attacked Klaus, Klaus dodged the attack with a smile on his face

and attacked the Orc whose face was still facing the ground with a shash of sword,

But just then suddenly Klaus jumped from the ground because of his instincts next moment many green vines appered where Klaus was standing

Klaus's eyes moved left and right and then the Orc in hood behind the Orcs with creepy smile on face came to Klaus's view

"Being a show off in front of me, eh!" Klaus said as the grin on his face got bigger

Tier 5 Magic ... Thunder Spear

Next moment Klaus revolved in the air and a spear formed on his left hand and as Klaus landed he launched the spear in mid air

The spear which started lightning directly passed through the head of the Orc that had attached Klaus previously with magic

Klaus smiled and immediately made his way towards the another Shaman Orc while fairies took care of remaining Orcs

Klaus jumped over the heads of Orcs while dodging their attacks and smashing their heads and he moved forward

Then next moment the other Orc Shaman started launching fire arrows towards Klaus

Klaus imbued some mana on his sword and started slashing the arrows directly instead of dodging them

In just few seconds Klaus arrived near the Orc Shaman, as he was about cut his throat open suddenly another huge Axe came towards Klaus forcing him to change his Swords trajectory

Klaus parried the axe as he looked at the Orc triple his size with axe as big as him

Klaus retreated two steps back and thought 'I almost forgot about the Orc King, he was just too silent during battle !'

Next moment the Axe once again moved towards the Klaus but this time Klaus easily started parring the attacks

Each of Orc kings attack were destroying the grounds nearby, it looked like Klaus was just barely avoiding the slashes

But just then Klaus took out his own spear with another hand, the spears head was curved like a short sword like those old Chinese weapons

Klaus's next slash not only stopped the attack of Orc King but also destroyed his axe into pieces

And just then Klaus used his spear to cut the Orc King's both hands and then he jumped and thrusted his spear on the Orc King's stomach

And then with his sword Klaus sliced off his head from his body,

The Orc King's body knelt and then fell on the ground with face facing the sky with Klaus standing in his chest

"Fuu~" Klaus made handsome pose as he looked towards the other Fairies but just then a huge fire ball passed near Klaus head

Klaus barely dodged the attack and looked towards the Orc Shaman who was still standing, he was preparing for another attack with smug smile

But Klaus didn't liked that and threw his sword directly ending the Shaman's life as the sword passed through his throat

Klaus looked towards his surrounding now, but now the green grass were completely filled with blood of the Orcs and dead bodies

"Ok guys after some rest let's move to next floor, I think this time it's humanoid monsters!" Klaus called the Fairies

After some rest the Klaus and Fairies moved again and like that they continued till 49th floor killing Ogres, Lamias, Centaurs with bows

Golems with different elements, Harpies, humanoid Chimeras and finally Minotaurs on 49th floor

"Fae don't get too close! it's weapon is huge Luna you also don't go near his horns it's not a toy he's a Tier 9 monster!"

Klaus was now fighting Flame Minotaur Champion and shouting at Fae and Luna who were constantly getting closer to Minotaur's horns

While Klaus was busy dodging his attacks, this Minotaur had completely red and look orange furs with flames on his shoulder, back, hands and horns and legs

This Minotaur was 10 times the size of Klaus and attacked Klaus continuously with huge metallic bat

Klaus was constantly jumping while the Fairies were making the Minotaur more angry by attacking on his face

"Why not? It's not like he can touch us!"

"Yeah and look at his face, it's not even trying to attack us!"

"It's so fun!"

The Fairies replied Klaus while Klaus just barely dodged a huge strike from metal bat

As the fairies said that the anger of the Minotaur reached its peak and his flames got more stronger and this time his attacks also carried the fire elements

Klaus also got angry and made a huge jump, Klaus was now in air above the dry ground and shouted

"He is attacking me you idiots, now get serious or forget about snacks for a week!"

As Klaus said the fairies suddenly got serious and smiling faces got replaced with serious faces with atmosphere being filled with bloodlust