"You bitches will be seeing massacre today!"

Klaus's both eyes were glowed in completely blue light like lighting as he finished those words

But those were the words that wrote death sentence for the 65 Arch Devils present there

"Wasn't he dead just now...?"

"Can he defy death too!?"

"I'm sure he was dead just now!"

"I stabbed his heart just a moment ago!?"

"Was it illusion!?"

"This shit! We are being decived!!!"

"Yeah no way that's possible!?"

The Devils present in front of Klaus were one of those who were fully aware of Klaus's power but they still carried out this act as they were instructed directly by their God

but now they were in situation where even their God can't save them, but next moment a Devil who looked quite different from normal Devils there shouted

"Don't worry! We are all of Monarch And Supreme Tier! I don't think those guys can kill all of us if we attacked together,

even strongest in world has its limits, we just need have patience and will!!!"

The Devil who said this words was burly guy and his wings were bigger than your average Devils

Hearing those words the others somehow calmed down and started gathering for fight with some nervousness

But this confidence was shattered by next actions of Klaus and his subordinates

"What cheesy lines to say, but you know that those are the lines that usually protagonist with 'power of love and friendship' say...

... aren't you Arch Devil!? And even if ants are 1 or 100,000 they can still be handled easily by Dragon"

Klaus said those words sarcastically as purple lightning and sparks started appearing all around his body

"That's what I wanted to say!"

Call of the Queen!!!

Spirit Command!!!

Suddenly Seraphim also came forward with blood lust in her eyes, showing that anger instead of her usual happy go lucky atmosphere

Seraphim also held grudge against Devils because of accident with her best friend, she immediately summoned many Great spirits and Spirit Prince and Kings

The Spirits are divided in 7 grades

Lower Spirit

Intermidiate Spirits

High Spirits

Great Spirits

Spirit Prince

Spirit King

Spirit Queen _ Seraphim!

Behind Klaus stood 1000s of Great Spirits and Spirit Princes and Kings of all elements

Elena also stood just a step behind Klaus glaring at 65 beings in front her, her crimson eye balls were releasing soul piercing blood lust

Vessel Call!!!

She also summoned her vessels, as she called her vessels from red black mist 13 beings appeared and behind those 13 beings stood

An whole army of 11270 pure blood vampire of Duke grade, this was personal army of Ancient said to be strongest

And the 13 beings were peak Tier 10 Arch Duke Grade Demons called 13 Ancient Demon Supreme, while the army of Demons is called 'Sura' with all beings being peak Tier 9

Klaus also threw his sword from Divine hell set inside the storage and took out Uriel, with seals removed it has now become mythical rank Sword along with Jhudiel

As he took out his sword his chest also glowed for a second as he equipped his legendary armour 'Surya Kavach' and said

"How long are you planning to hide you idiots? I can still see you bitches as clear as day...."

As Klaus said he released his authority called 'Maya' and just he did that thousands of Devils appered behind the 65 Arch Devils

Now there were two armies that were standing in front of each other, Klaus's army was currently low in quantity but better in quality while Devils had around millions of them

But their nervousness was clear as day, most of them were only Tier 8 or 9 but even then the pressure from Klaus and others with over whelming pressure made them want to dig a hole and settle there

"He found us this easily!?"

"Even our backup plan is failed like this!"

"Was our Concealment this bad...?"

"We are fucked aren't we?"

"Don't worry we still have numbers!!!"

"Yeah! We can do it!!!"


This time Klaus noticed 3 Arch Devils trying to motivate other Devils, seeing the sight hope in their eyes Klaus grinned

Tier 10 Swordsmanship Technique ... Space strikes!!!

Next moment Klaus blurred for a moment and after walking through Space, three heads of the Arch Devils that were trying to motivate others fell on ground

And Klaus appered behind one of them shaking blood from his sword and said again

"Didn't I told you before, even when number of ants is in thousands it can still be crushed by Dragon easily..."

'Apollo, I guess we aren't in Giant Tower anymore right? Evil God must have more backup plans right?'

[As you expected, we are in sub dimension and if guys didn't escaped from this place, the dimension will collapse and although you won't die, you will be lost in net space and time for indefinite amount of time]

'Means we have to finish job early, so how much time we have?'

[Only about 6 hours at most]

'So we are low on time, right?'

"Then let the job started, but before that..."

Tier 9 Space Magic ... Instant Teleport!!!

"... you guys take these things"

Klaus teleported near the fairies and gave them three divine artifacts, namely Rays of holy sun, moon light and tears of star

[The Artifacts have been unbinded]

Fairies were concious of the timing and didn't argued or refused and immediately accepted the artifacts

Next moment the artifacts turned to dust and appered in form of sun, moon and star behind the back of Fairies

Their combat strength had become considering higher and after seeing the effects were successful Klaus looked at the Devils in front of him

"No way did he killed Arch Devils like this!?"

"Is he really human?"

"Should we run away....?"

"Yeah... but looks like we have no choice..."

"We will fight or we die!!!"

Hearing the discussion Klaus grinned and pointed his sword towards the Devils and shouted in loud voice


8th Job skill... Undefeated Peaceful God!!!

[Agility, strength and stamina increased by 50%]

Omnipotent God!!!

[Attack and defense increased by 200%]

With this Klaus activated the effects of his titles and Job skill and right now his combat strength was of intermidiate God!!!

And with this whole army of Klaus rushed towards the army of Devils

And there was basically no fight, it was just one sided masscare from Klaus's side, as the attack started Seraphim immediately launched her job skill

11 Circles of Monarch!!!

And as a result 11 Giant Magic Circles formed in sky directly turning hundreds of Devils into meat paste

Elena on the another hand was covered in bloodlust and coldness, she truly showed why she had title of strongest Ancient and the Ancient of Blood

She immediately busted the bodies of hundreds of Devils like a balloon using her authority and then using her job skill she turned the blood of her enemies into blood weapons

Crimson Deity!!!

The Fairies were also not holding back and they all launched the attacks like small deity not any weaker than others

Tier 10 Magic... 9 Suns of Heavenly Sky!!!

Tier 10 Magic ... 12 Moon Comet!!!

Tier 10 Magic ... Star Wrath!!!

But Klaus on the another hand was on whole different level, he was running on battlefield like a dancer and wave of ocean

As one step was took by him and two heads flew in air like weightless feather at same time he was also released Magical attacks like machinegun with limitless bullets

The army of Sprit and Demons were also not just show, they were attacking the Devil army like beasts

And like a wave of tsunami they were slaughtered by Spirits And Devils like insects

Within the first hour of battle 24 out of 65 Arch Devils were killed while 37% of all the Devil army was killed by Klaus's side and Klaus's side had zero casualties