[Mutation Condition Fulfilled!]

[Fairies can mutate now!]

'The fuck are you taking about now Apollo?'

Klaus questioned as he jumped in air and cutted the body of another devil in half as if he was slicing butter and Devil was nothing more than another annoying fly

[The mana and aura fairies has been completely synchronised with the Divine Artifacts and now it's possible to mix the Divine Artifacts with the Fairies]

'Let's hear more about it after finishing the battle!!!'

Klaus landed on the ground making a big shockwaves in the ground, and as he landed dozens of Devils attacked him like swarm of ants

'Damn annoying bitches!'


Klaus turned his Nandaka Sword into circular weapon and next moment all the Devils that were coming towards Klaus had lost their lives

The circular weapon moved further away from Klaus killing all Devils from sky and Earth alike as if he had its own separate conciseness

'This function of my sword is quite good for large scale battles, but it drains lot of mana too...'

Tier 10 Magic Swordsmanship Techniques ... Black Death!!!


Tier 10 Magic ... Death Storm!!!

Klaus's Sword Uriel was now giving dark aura as if dark flames were raging storm besides it

Klaus also used his authority to make the weaker Devils confused and attack among themselves

Followed by his last attacks that made the confused Devils to die because of Tempest filled with Death element

'These fuckers will die eventually but there are too many of them...!'

[Then why don't you try 9th Job Skill you just got, I will tell you it's fucking cool!!!]

'Oh yeah that too! show me!'

[9th Job Skill_ Gain active skill 'Celestial Sea' to use whole body mind at its full potential!!!]

'No time to even think, use it immediately!!'

Klaus looked thousands of Devils and 8 Arch Devils rushing towards him and used the skill, Klaus 15% of mana was absorbed during skill usage

'... what happened...? It feels like I can almost do anything right now, I can even move my hairs at will!'

But next moment Klaus realised it was completely worth it, Klaus's eyes that were showing blue lighting in them changed to pure white colour

'Shall we try it out then!'

Tier 10 Earth-Fire Magic ... Solar Earth!!!

Klaus materialised lot of Earth covered in red flames and launched it in sky, but that attack didn't touched a single devil

Next moment the Devils were already near Klaus, Klaus took out a axe from Divine hell set and with Sword and axe he rushed towards horde of Devil

Tier 8 Space Magic ... Instant Teleport!!!

Tier 9 Axe Technique ... Earth Light!!!

Next moment Klaus teleport behind one of Arch Devil, the Arch Devil sensed the mana behind him but what's the use if your body isn't as fast as your mind

Klaus shattered his head like sand with his axe, followed by death of another Arch Devil by Klaus's sword swing which caught him off gaurd resulting in death

Tier 10 Swordsmanship Technique ... 10 Stars of Heavenly Sky!!!

Tier 10 Axe Technique ... Earth Wrath!!!

Klaus's both hands were moving differently with different techniques and weapons as if both had different conciseness and killed the Devils by accurately damaging weak points of their body

Even with tiniest opening left by the Devils, Klaus was able to find his way for their deaths

"Is such thing even possible?"

"How precise..."

"Is he incarnation of War God or something"

"So strong..."

These were thoughts of Spirits and Demons who were watching Klaus from distance while fighting other enemies

In just matter of minutes Klaus had Slaughtered all Devils he was fighting and only 2 Arch Devils remained

[Skill 'Celestial Sea' had been deactivated]

Klaus was quite tired after fighting continuously for 2 hours and the skill Klaus was using had put some restrain on him

"Haha it was good decision to stay away!"

"Now you are tired so die!!!!"

Shouting like this both Arch Devils rushed towards Klaus, but contrary to their expectations their was only grin on Klaus's face

"Fuckers at least strengthen your memory a little when you are in middle of battle..."

Next moment eyes of both Devils widened and they looked upwards and it was as if sun had fallen from Space crashed at them taking their lives

'Had he calculated that....?'

'He predicted this much!?'

'Is he really human?'

'This... this....is he really not a God but just a human?'

'The lord is mighty, all mighty!!!'

{You have leveled up!}

{You are now Tier 9, level 99}

{You have acquired the title 'Ruler of Spirits and Demons'}

{Evil God had showed clear hostility to you the title 'Loved by Supreme' has activated}

{The effect 'Pot of Sins' has been applied on Evil God, as he commits certain amount sins he will die by certain causes}

The Spirits and Demons both praised Klaus and like this battle between about 20,000 beings from Klaus's side and Million Devils from Evil God's side came to end

With nothing but one sided masscare by Klaus's side, as all Devils and arch devils were annihilated within 5 hours and 37 minutes

[Sub dimension has been eliminated, all beings are successfully brought back to last floor of Giant Tower]

'That was close...'

The Space around Klaus and others shattered like weak glass and they appered in looking place

Klaus sat on green grass on the ground, the last floor was now filled with green grass and blue clear sky

And as Klaus sat on ground all the Spirits and Demons knelt to Klaus with hands to their heart showing the respect

Klaus seeing this smiled and waved his hand and next moment all the Spirits and Demons disappered in air in form of White light and dark red mist

Bucky went near Klaus licking his face checking injuries all over his body, Klaus petted him and said

"With this I think Evil God must have paid some insane price too, summoning millions of Devils and interfaring with Space while being sealed will put him in some restrains now

So from now I think after finishing some jobs we can start our search for Seraphim's friend!"

"Ohhh really? That was fast, I though We have to wait for years!"

Seraphim commented on visibly happy tone while restraining herself from dancing in air

Klaus chuckled seeing sudden change in her behaviour, just a moment ago she was raging storm and now smiling brighter than any sun in space

"Yeah let's retire for a day but before that Fae, Luna and Cassie come here..."


The Fairies arrived in front of Klaus and Klaus commanded Apollo

'You can start mutation right now, but what shall I do?'

[Just stand in front of them and flow massive amount of mana in your hands!]

Klaus moved a massive amount of mana as instructed and said to fairies "Don't resist it and get ready for the impact!"

The fairies couldn't understand what Klaus said and made confused faces but it was too late for preparations

[Commencing the progress!!!]

Next moment all the mana Klaus had collected in his hand moved to the bodies of fairies

Next moment the bodies of fairies became full 30cm along with that Fae's wings turned slight golden and 9 small balls of flame surrounded her body

Luna's wings have become slight blue and 9 frost crystals surrounded her body and same thing happened to Cassie but her wings turned darker and 9 dark balls surrounded her

[The fairies have been mutated successfully]

[Because of special changes the limit set by Gods had been lifted from the Fairies]

All three fairies during the battle have leveled up to 99 and reached the limit because of rules made by 7 Gods

But right this moment all the fairies became Tier 10 existences, and something happened that was even beyond Klaus's expectation

[Fae had acquired title of 'Sun Deity'

Her awakened element 'Fire and Light' have been combined to form unique element 'Sun'

Luna had acquired title of 'Moon Deity'

Her awakened element 'Water and Darkness' have been combined to form unique element 'Moon'

Cassie had acquired title of 'Death Star Deity'

Her awakened element ''Death and Poison' have been combined to form unique element 'Death Star']

'That's some incredible upgrade Appollo'

[Even I'm surprised to think they suddenly got potential to almost as strong as Seraphim....]

Fairies also wanted to celebrate their success but they were already on ground because of sudden sleep they were feeling because of impact from all those changes

Klaus picked the Fairies and then along with Elena they returned to town while Seraphim returned to Spirit world because she wanted to make some preparations

And Klaus returned Bucky back to mansion because he was too eye catching for normal peoples in the town