157! Farewell to Dwarves

Bofur smiled in his heart seeing Klaus's happiness and all his hard work being repaid with perfection

After that Klaus made his way to Glor and Dori the twin dwarves who were going to teach Klaus about Runes and Enchantments

"So as I said before learn this Rune language and enchantment signs!"

But opposite all of Klaus's expectation he was just tossed 95 books about Rune and enchantments again


Klaus asked still unable to accept the truth, Glor and Dori looked at him and replied with smirk

"The Rune is just a magical language of ancient myths, you just need to write off imprint commands in this language and that's it!"

"And enchantments are basically just orders in mana language to non living beings, there is no such thing as experience required to learn such things

Just memorize them all, well for a newbie there is a requirement of strong mana and body but for someone like you with bleeding if God there are no such things!

Still don't look like that, these rune and enchantment books you are seeing are collections of all knowledge from the Ancients ages till now"

Klaus directly picked all books in his storage and left the place with a blank face, after that he spended next year understanding all that and finding balance between all runes and enchantments and after 7 years Klaus finished all the training

And now Klaus had reached the age of 25 without even knowing it and now it was time to leave the Dwarf Village

Klaus had become quite close with all dwarves, he trained for 15 hours a day and then spended 2 hours with dwarves in tavern and even started his first drinking with Dwarves

"This feels sad but what are the three things you want?"

Klaus asked Bofur and all Dwarves gathered at his smithy with gloomy face, Bofur and other deserves were also quite sad seeing this

Bofur sighed and replied "Just make whatever you want"

Klaus heard him and picked his hammer again and started hammering a bar of Silvery mithril

Klaus's eyes had the golden colour in them, Klaus had no intention to hold back in this one

But this time unlike from past the clear mana of Creation element rushed out from his body like a storm surrounding all his body and creation

The pressure everyone was experiencing was tremendous but Klaus's posture was too beautiful to move their gazes

The ground trembled with each strike and even the sky couldn't take pressure off a God like it was nothing

As Klaus was hammering that the metal element was showing it's true dominance all over the place

Every metal present in the hidden dwarf village was reacting to such tremendous reaction, the dwarves who were specially sensitive to such things looked at the process with more and more excitement

'Thank you for everything...'

Klaus first created the perfect base from the mithril followed by heating and cooling process

'This teachings won't go to waste my friends'

After maintaining a good balance from heat Klaus started smashing the hammer again for durability and folding the metal for reinforcement

'I will be sure to do my absolute best!'

Klaus grinned and started smashing the hammer while perfecting the shape and design while taking temperature and other factors of consideration

Klaus and all dwarves present there were sweating from all over their faces but there was a look of excitement on their face

With each strike of hammer the pressure in the atmosphere started increasing, the sky had turned dark and thunders could be heard across the place

And finally after the hundreds of strikes of hammering the final outcome appeared in front of them

Along with the last strike a big thunder fell on the silvery long battle axe Klaus just made

As the thunder strike fell on the axe a design of thunder appeared all over it

Klaus immediately caught the axe which still had steam coming out of it and started the enchanting through spell and wrote 7 words of ancient runes at the handle of battle axe

While doing that Klaus imbued a large amount of thunder and creation mana all over it

The runes at the handle of the silver axe glew in purple light and the sign of enchantment at the back of the axe ignited in white light

After a few seconds all glow vanished but one can easily feel the pressure being exerted from all over the axe

"This artifact is well above mythical rank"

"Can't believe it..."

"What a sharp heavy pressure..."


The dwarves stared at the battle axe with shiny eyes

Klaus grinned and removed the sweats from his face and took another pile of blue coloured Admantium

'First remove all the impurities just like an ore!'

Klaus had learned every single thing about metals from the dwarves, if he returned back to his word he can cause revolution with so much knowledge

He got to know about various new elements that the whole periodic table from past looked like childs play now

Klaus directly melted all the Admantium bars this time and added some dust or magical ore inside it

The heat of flames could be felt all over the place, so much that some metals with low heating point started melting despite being dozens of meters away

Even Dwarves who had high heat resistance to the point where it can be called immunity felt discomfort from that immense heat

Klaus noticed the perfect timing through his eyes and directly took out the melted Admantium into a shaping box

After the Admantium cooled down to a certain temperature, Klaus threw it out and started smashing with his hammer

Klaus smashed the Admantium ore directly with his hammer imbued with Flame, Earth and Creation Element

The red mana of flames rushed directly inside the Admantium bar but the Admantium was still not much affected but Klaus kept smashing again and again

Klaus took a glance at Bofur's face who was looking at a process with deep interest and grinned

'The technique isn't the base but that's the results!'

Klaus suddenly changed his posture midway and his complete body immediately blurred

'Thousand meteorite March!'

Klaus received many hammering techniques from the Dwarves but this one was absolute best for creating heavy weapons

Klaus's hammer fell on the Admantium like meteorite and with each strike the object kept compressing

There was no imbalance because Klaus's hammer was striking Admantium literally like dozens of times in a second

The ground below Klaus had melted into lava and the whole place was experiencing an Earth quake with that last strike of hammer

Along with Klaus's last strike another orange lightning fell on to the war hammer fell Klaus just created

With that strike the frontal part of the blue hammer turned bright red like lava and the remaining part became like smoked Earth

Klaus enchanted another spell and wrote 5 words of rune, the sign of enchantment was on back of hammer and runes of sides of hammer

"This time it's fire and earth..."

"The glow is very bright!"

"This one also seems well above Mythical rank!"

The dwarves were once again amazed, the Bofur looked at Klaus with satisfaction and pleased eyes

'This human child... He might really have surpassed me, he is still not as close as me with blacksmithing but raw talent is totally heavenly!'

Klaus noticed the look of satisfaction on his face and grinned, the fairies watching from distance also looked amazed

This time Klaus took the dark bars of Orchalium and a big violet magic crystal

The pressure had just vanished but this time the element of death and darkness along with creation suddenly exploded from Klaus

The eyes of Noir suddenly widened and he looked at the direction of Klaus with full excitement

Except for Bofur all Dwarves suddenly fell to ground, the place was in complete chaos

"The Death energy!?!"

"The Gods..."

"What is happening?"

"He even had the blessing of God of Death!?"

Except for glowing golden eyes and purplish and red aura on Klaus's hammer everything else was surrounded in darkness

'Millennials of Universal Chaos!!!'

Klaus only strikes the Orchalium bar 444 times and this time the bar wasn't heated or cooled down for even a second

Just from the smash of hammer an internal heat appeared all over the place

This time there was no Lightning strike but instead all energy of death was sucked into that violet crystal and designs appeared all over the plate on its own

Klaus had created a circular plate with that violet crystal on centre, Klaus enchanted a big spell and wrote 9 letters of rune inside that crystal through his mana

As Klaus did that he exhausted all his energy and stamina and fell on ground filled with sweat

The dark circular plate glowed brightly with purple light and finally landed to the ground and the voice of the world resounded in his head

{Congratulations on being the first human to create 3 Consecutive Divine Artifacts!}

{All creation skills have increased tremendously!}

{You are awarded with 'Hands of Midas'}

The dwarves somehow managed to stand and looked at three artifacts Klaus created with absolute awe

"Guess the promise is fulfilled with this..."

After muttering that Klaus fell on ground with absolutely no energy in his body

After a few minutes Klaus stood up and said

"The axe will be called 'Storm breath', the hammer is named 'Earthen Calamity' and this black coin is called 'Last Life'

Let's meet again someday"

As Klaus said that he hugged Bofur while being emotional, all dwarves also hugged Klaus, this was an emotional movement of life

After that Klaus left the place along with fairies and Noir

"Aahhh ~ I will really miss that human kid~"

"His talent was amazing!"

"How did he create these artifacts?"

"He had so many elements! Is that even possible for a human?"

After Klaus left the hidden village the dwarves discussed about him in the tavern with said faces

Bofur also looked a little sad but as he sat on his usual seat suddenly his he noticed something under his hands

"Hey what!?!"

"What is going on?"

"What's this noise!!!"

"Hey! Head! What did you do?"

All Dwarves suddenly became alert after noticing a sudden sound from underground and everyone rushed outside the tavern

But as they came out everyone noticed a huge hole in front of the tavern filled with hundreds of barrels of good alcohol

"Oh..oo... Ohhhhhh!!!!"

"Hahaha! What a surprise!!!"

"The human child left us a big gift!!!!"

"Hahaha! This is enough for years to come!!!"

All dwarves immediately jumped on the alcohol barrel with wide grins and started celebrating with big laughs