158! Side Characters aren't allowed to be arrogant (1)

After the final farewell with Dwarves, Klaus was now walking in a hot desert with hot sun on top of his head

"Hey Klaus... When will we be arriving there..."

"It's already been a week..."

"This is so hard"

All the fairies were complaining with tired faces, Klaus had covered everyone with water magic to solve the problem of heat

But getting tired and exhausted was another kind of issue

"What can I even do? We can't even fly here or else we might not find that place, and this sand storm too!"

As Klaus finished his words he noticed another sand storm making its way towards them from distance

Klaus was so done with these things and finally did what he wanted from the very start

Tier 10 Magic_ Glacial Storm!!!!

10 gigantic magic circles appeared in front of Klaus and the whole sand storm turned into a big frozen pile of ice

Klaus sighed and next moment suddenly his widened as he sensed the thing he had been looking for

"This way! Fast! We can't get lost again!!!"

As Klaus said ten wings appeared behind his back and along with fairies all of them dashed to West direction from their place

After flying for about a dozen minutes Klaus spotted a big empty land filled with nothing but sand

"Aahhh~ there is nothing here too!"

"This is really cheating!"

"Hey guys! That!"

As Fae and Luna were complaining suddenly Cassie spotted a top of something like pillar buried in all that sand

Klaus also noticed this and next moment his eyes turned golden again

"These fuckers... Damn you..."

Klaus had a lot of nerves popping on his head and next moment Klaus jumped directly to the land

The fairies were very shocked but still followed him and next moment all of them were swallowed inside the sand

But as everyone opened their eyes they found themselves on top of an altar surrounded by 7 pillars all around them and everything else around them looked like ruins

"The Reus found this place on his 3rd day, and these fuckers can't believe they hid the teleportation altars below the sand!"

Klaus muttered with endless grudge against the owner of the place

"Ohhh~ this looks interesting!!"

"The red ruins but there is nothing red here!"

"Hahaha it's ironic!"

The fairies on another hand looked completely uninterested, Klaus sighed and suddenly a grin appeared on his face

'Well since we are already here, this won't cause much commotion now! Using this before would have been very troublesome because I haven't learned about Runes but now...'

Klaus grinned and next moment removed all his clothes from the upper part of his body, there was one golden armour remaining on his chest

"Time to upgrade my armour!"

Klaus grinned and next moment a set of 108 Runes suddenly appeared from the space and the Runes rushed directly into Klaus's armour

All Runes were amazing on their own, as the runes rushed inside his armour a phantom a flaming sun circle appeared behind Klaus

The heat in the place had turned extremely hot to point all the sand near him melted into glass

"Klaus! At least warn us!"

"Too hot!!!"

"Klaus is a bully!!!"

The fairies also rushed away from the place to a big distance, the heat kept increasing again and again

The pillars around Klaus had also melted to a lava along with the altar, Klaus was floating with help of 10 wings on his back with a big grin on face

The golden armour of Klaus started changing into white and purple armour with golden outlines

The runes started imprinted all over the armour in small shapes and definite sizes

Next moment the armour started sending heat waves all over the place, the sand in distance suddenly started moving

The heat from those waves was great enough to melt the broken ruins into fine glass

All the sand storms in the radius of dozens of miles have turned into shreds of glasses

"It was a good discussion to not do this shit in a dwarf village or else the village might have turned into a lava ground"

Klaus commented seeing the ever increasing heat all over the place, the place where Klaus was floating at had turned into a big pile of lava pool

But just next moment Klaus noticed a change in his body too

"The fuck?"

[Surya Kavach is mutating with your body!]

Klaus suddenly noticed one big burn at centre of his chest and 7 small deep burns at the upper part of his chest

But Klaus didn't feel any pain, it was just like the feeling of being bitten by a mosquito but not being able to do anything

But just then, Klaus noticed the phantom of a titan itself with hairs made up of flames and a golden little sun in hands in sky

As the titan of flames appeared he had covered the whole sky as far as eyes can see with just his upper body and hands

The heat was very intense as he appeared on the place, as if he was incarnation of Sun itself

Fae who watched that phantom of flames felt shivers all over her body, being a sun deity she was still feeling deep feeling of oppression in front of this being

The phantom smiled and moved his hand with a little sun in it towards Klaus, the little ball of sun started compressing itself

But even then it was still about dozens of meters large in terms of radius

The phantom pressed the ball of sun inside Klaus's armour with his finger, Klaus looked nothing more than an ant in front of that titan of flames

The ball of sun touched Klaus's chest and started getting sucked inside the armour, Klaus didn't even try to resist as the process continued

The heat turned into warmth

The warmth of the Sun felt very comforting

It was like the heat and light was hugging Klaus like his friend

This process continued for a few more minutes until the heat and light from his armour finally stopped

As everything turned normal Klaus noticed his armour had turned into pure silvery armour with purple and golden outlines

And a big red circular crystal centre of his chest and 7 red crystals surrounding the upper side of the circular crystal just like the symbol of a sun at his chest

And along with that a golden circle of flames had appeared behind his head, Klaus and fairies looked at the armour with amazed eyes

[The Endless Incarnation Rune has been successfully used in Surya Kavach armour!]

['Surya Kavacha' has become a growth artifact!]

[Surya Kavach has been upgraded to Supreme Grade Artifact!]

"Now this is really interesting..."

Klaus grinned and landed to a solid ground away from a big carter of boiling lava and all wings returned to the tattoo on his back

The fairies immediately dashed to Klaus with shiny bright eyes

"Wow! Klaus! What happened!"

"Can armours transform like this too!?"

"This feels more cool!!!"

Klaus grinned hearing the praises, Fae looked most interested and started inspecting the armour from all sides and suddenly touched the sun symbol at centre

As Fae did that Klaus suddenly felt a little surprised and he himself looked at his chest with surprise

"This... Let me try!"

Klaus touched his Sun symbol at his chest with his hands and thought about closing the armour

And next moment suddenly the armour slowly got absorbed right into Klaus's body leaving only the red crystal sun symbol in his chest


Klaus muttured with shining eyes and touched the sun symbol in his chest again and again like Fae besides him

Both had shiny eyes with a lot of interest in the red crystals

'This feels like the arc reactor of iron man!!!'

Klaus grinned with a satisfied face and next moment the combat suit reappeared into his body and he commanded

"Then with preparations finished let's move!!!"

As Klaus finished his words everyone dashed inside the ruins but just as Klaus took the first step inside the boundary of ruins

Klaus and fairies suddenly noticed dozens of figures rushing at them from all different directions

Everyone dodged all the attacks but next moment all of them noticed various sand golems standing in front of them with proper set of armours and weapons in front of them

"""Invaders... Don't come here..."""

Klaus suddenly noticed a figure floating in air about dozens of meters away from them

'Acting like big guy huh? Let me try being arrogant then ...'

Klaus grinned and retorted "What if I don't want to?"

As Klaus said that suddenly the atmosphere changed and the figure floating in sky shouted

"""Then endure the wrath of 'Emperor of Crimson Desserts'!!!"""

As he said that suddenly the ground all around ruins suddenly widened, Klaus even noticed the space also extending along with the land

Hundreds of thousands of figures suddenly started rising into humanoids from the ground equipped with proper set of armours and weapons with good strength in those bodies

And just next second Klaus noticed a whole army of hundreds of millions of those humanoids made up of sand

The army included human figures, elves, beastmen, mages, horses, and even the sand dragons! All covered in crimson aura and fill fighting spirit

The whole army being led by the same figure floating in sky with crimson glint in his eyes covered with piles of dirty clothing

And now Klaus was standing along with fairies on the other side completely alone...

"Hey.. Apollo... The fuck is that?"

[A Level 119 Sand Deity! A high class variant of Emperor Lich!]

[Combat Powers comparable to beginner God if we don't add that army of millions!]

[You can't use any summoning right now because of the skill of the Sand Emperor!]

[This monster is blessed by Evil God during Ancient Ages and had a tremendous increase in his overall physical abilities and magical skills!]

[He is said to be invincible as desert! Even the Ancients never dared to fight him in desert]

[Combined with all that consider yourself fucked!]

"Fuck... Looks like being arrogant is only suitable for Protagonists and Villains..."