159! Side Characters aren't allowed to be arrogant (2)

"Looks like we are having a squad vs an army today..."

Klaus said this with a nervous face and took out his sword Nandaka from his storage and the fairies also returned to their original forms with symbol of Sun, moon and star glowing in their backs because of being mutated with Divine Artifacts

Klaus looked forward and noticed the whole army of sand rushing towards him with dense killing intent


Klaus and fairies also grinned with excitement and next moment both sides were dashing against each other

Klaus took his blade covered in dense aura of mana and divine energy and at same dozens of massive magic circles appeared all over the sky

"Feel the wrath of an Awakened Celestial!!!!"

Tier 8 Death Magic_ Divine Celestial Wrath!!! × 100

No mana of Klaus was used by using that magic because of him being an awakened celestial

It was a huge win for Klaus but the comets coming from all over the sky like rainfall were very bad news for the army of sand

20% of the army got massacred by that one magic alone but next moment they restarted to generate themselves from sand again

Only those who got melted into lava and glass truly died but the effect from attack wasn't even half as Klaus wanted


Klaus felt a little disappointed but smirk on his face hasn't disappeared yet, Klaus made a big leap and landed heavily directly on a head of big Sand Giant about 20 meters large

Klaus directly smashed the Sand Giant head into small dust but his head started to regenerate again

Klaus immediately noticed that and rushed away from him and his blade started raging chaos for all others

But the effects were still the same, Klaus immediately created a distance between him and them

"Well guess that's to be expected for an army that even Ancients feared..."

As Klaus said that the sun symbol in his chest started glowing in dense light and next moment his whole body turned into a white armour covering every corner of Klaus

And a mane of flames at his shoulders, Klaus's golden eyes shined coldly from cross space in his helmet and the sword covered with red blue aura and flames looked quite cold despite being filled with flames

"Obliterate all the sand from existence! Today either we live or this desert turns into lava!!!"

As Klaus shouted he smashed the same giant with his sword, the whole sand was smashed completely and the whole giant completely melted into lava and glass

The sun was on top of sky, Fae being a sun deity shined much brighter and a smirk appeared on her face

And next moment Fae rushed directly to high in sky and started releasing her massive buffed magics

Tier 11 Magic _ Flame Star!!!!!

Her magic directly turned a row of army into melted lake of lava and glass but this attack took a long time to be used again

Luna being moon deity didn't have much buff during day time but a deity is a deity, Cassie was also not bad in day time, Sun is also a star after all

Tier 10 Magic _ Moon Resonance Blade

Tier 10 Magic _ Neutron Blaze

These magic focused on large areas rather than obligating only one side, Luna's attack froze the very existence of sand inside the low level sand army soldiers

And Cassie's attack was slowly turning all the army shreds of glasses, this was like a curse of slow death for them

And as these attacks were going on Klaus had to conserve mana for his final battle with Sand Emperor that's why he was focusing solely on sword techniques and his armour was enough for other problems

Tier 10 Swordsmanship Technique_ Blazing Star Blade

Klaus's eyes were running all around the place as he was getting surrounded by hundreds of thousands of sand monsters

Klaus also noticed a Sand Dragon rushing towards him from distance while he was busy fighting with others giants and the arrows were also the problem

The attacks of mages were completely useless on Klaus because Klaus basically had immunity to any attack below Tier 10

Klaus struck the giant behind him with his sword directly melting his head and then slaughtered all the melee fighters near him with fast sword strikes

Klaus's sword was cutting all the enemies like butter and after noticing the dragon about to reach him Klaus launched himself directly to the sky to take the lead

As Klaus launched himself a big carter of lava appeared behind him devouring all the monsters that were coming for him


Klaus didn't hold back for even a moment and his clean strike killed the first sand dragon by dividing his whole body into two pieces

Next Klaus landed on a huge sand turtle monster, Klaus crushed the whole shell of the turtle

Then the flames rising from his armour melted the whole body of the giant turtle, Klaus didn't stand there for more and directly rushed towards the dozens of elven archers in front him made up of sand

But just then Klaus received a heavy flame magic attack from distance but despite all hot flames Klaus came out completely unscathed

Next moment Klaus's blade successfully killed all the elven archers in front of him, this was just a small part of archers in the middle of the battlefield

Klaus immediately took out the heavy shield from the storage and pressed it directly in front of him and covered his whole body under the shield

'Damn bastards creating bait...'

The shield was 10 inches thick and looked like a big wall and next moment a rain of arrows fell all over the place Klaus was standing at

The shield saved Klaus from all the arrows and next Klaus rushed again with his shield

Klaus threw his shield like a ball crushing all his enemies in front but next moment all started regenerating again

But it was enough time from Klaus to close the distance, just as a giant sand serpent regenerated itself

Klaus appeared right in front him and slaughtered its whole existence with his sword

Tier 10 Swordsmanship Techniques _ Flame Dragons Claw!!!

Klaus's one strike created 3 small straight lakes of lava in front of him devouring hundreds of enemies in one go

[Level increased by one!]


Klaus grinned and suddenly jumped dodging the Sand Dragon's breath and next moment landed directly on the head of the Sand Dragon taking its life in one go

Klaus next landed on the ground but just as he was about to move again...

"Oh shit!!!"

Suddenly Klaus noticed the sand below him getting sucked inside the ground and the ground itself turning to sand

Klaus immediately jumped away to the head of the giant and while melting his head Klaus kept walking on heads of other giant golems and monsters until finally gaining a distance

Klaus noticed the whole area near the place had turned into a sand hole

Klaus's eyes moved towards the Sand Emperor floating in sky whose eyes looked cold and sly

"I almost forgot about that one..."

Next moment Klaus dodged the heavy sword strike from a human shaped sand monster equipped with knight armour

Tier 10 Swordsmanship Technique _ Flaming Moon!

Klaus moved his sword covered in dense flames and next moment an arc of melted lava appeared all over the left side of Klaus melting all his enemies

And giving him a chance to think for a few seconds

"Well let's just hope I can stop him for at least a day..."

As Klaus thought that next moment he pressed his hands covered with his authority into ground filled with sand

Authority of False Reality! Maya!!!

And the next moment suddenly the Sand Emperor got covered in a golden blue aura, Klaus received a lot of backlash because of the Sand Emperor's resistance, blood started rushing out from all parts of his body

But in a few seconds all the resistance disappeared and the glow in Sand Emperor's eyes suddenly turned dull

"Well that takes care of the problem..."

The blood outside of Klaus's body suddenly turned into steam and all his injuries started getting healed in astounding speed

But just then a spear appeared directly in front of Klaus's head

Suddenly the chains from Klaus rushed out and caught the spear but it wasn't just that, the chains were covered in divine flames directly melting the spear and even all the melee fighters rushing towards Klaus

Klaus smirk under his helmet and took out his hero sword which was also covered in dense flames and rushed against his enemies once again along with the chains

As this was going on here, the fairies were also busy melting all enemies from air, Luna was more overpowered in day time

This battle continued for the whole day and it was night time already and in moon light the shine of Luna was clearly something else

Tier 11 Magic _ Primordial Ice Breath!!!

With just one strike she completely froze all her enemies in one row in one go

"Hahaha! Take that!!!"

Luna looked excited with her magic being buffed while on other hand Fae looked a little down but fire power was still high

Tier 10 Magic_ Galactic Spears!

Cassie still had the same fire power, she had no problem in the daytime with just one sun close to her or thousands of suns far away from her at night

The battle continued for next 3 days and nights and now there were only the fairies and Klaus in the place

"Huff huff... Ugh... Fuck! I need some serious rest..."

Klaus was sitting alone on the whole battlefield with flames and melted corpses and lava pool all over the place

The separated heads and bodies of 3 Giant Ancient Sand Dragons looked like little mountains

The whole army wasn't made up of sand monsters but it also had many monsters like dragons who had sand attributes so just cutting them off was enough but they were specifically more over powered in this war