Decade Old Promise (2)

And as they arrived at place the two golems who went ahead were now standing at the place with torch like light coming from their chests and blades covered with blood

The place was filled with dead corpses of various horned monsters who had mutated with evil Misama from this place transforming into devils or half devils

As they arrived there the two golems from the back came forward with the lights in their chests and Klaus landed to the ground

The two other Golems who just finished off the monsters rushed forward again and this time many other monsters attacked them again

The eyes of Blade Golems shined with cold red light and with emotionless faces the cold blade shined again

In just a few seconds all the monsters who attacked them got slaughtered into pieces, Klaus and others kept moving, it was basically a free ride to the place

All the monsters that got in the way were slaughtered into pieces by just two blade golems

And in no time Klaus arrived at an underground place filled with a pool of boiling lava and just leaving a ground at centre without lava

At that place was the corpse of 'Lilith' with the dark spear stuck to her chest, with platinum silver hairs covering her pale face and the completely green eyes who had lost all signs of life in them


Seraphim saw this and immediately dashed towards the place and with just sheer raw strength destroyed all the crystals sealing her body and took out the red spear stuck to her chest

Her eyes were filled with anger and rage, she momentarily lost all sanity in her consciousness just like Klaus about 2 months ago

Klaus also silently landed near the place, Lilith's corpse was lying in ground and in pale body her face still looked incredibly charming

She was wearing some loose ends and bold clothes, but that hole made it all feel like a waste

Klaus observed Seraphim's mental condition and after feeling like Seraphim had calmed down a little he stepped forward

But just as Klaus was about to do something suddenly he sensed two extremely powerful attacks coming from his back

Klaus immediately turned back and blocked all those attacks with his magic without wasting even moment and extreme quick reaction, analysis and action

Tier 11 Magic _ Null Block!!!

The 11 circle magic immediately covered everyone within a shapeless barrier with dark space vibes

And as soon as Klaus did that suddenly two reddish and dark rays of contaminated extremely pure evil energy and misama struck that barrier

And an explosion powerful enough to wipe the whole place appeared there, the next moment the whole place had turned into a big lava pool and all the volcanoes exploded with lava

Those strikes were powerful enough to wipe out a whole gigantic mountain without any trouble

All the blade golems got annihilated without any chance to even know the situation they were in

The shadows of two figures appeared at the place looking around at the place but just then their gazes went towards the sky

They noticed Klaus and fairies floating at the air while Seraphim was carrying Lilith's corpse in her hands without any expression

""""Kuhahahaha! So you are that human, God talked about?""""

""""Guess he's not bad, this might be tougher than expected...""""

As the dust and steam came off Klaus noticed two extremely strong Devil lords looking at him with hostile eyes

One of them looked very burly and strong with a ferocious face covered in scar and dark horns in his head, covered with armour made up of bones and skeletons like a savage and a war hammer also made up of what looked like evil dragon's bones

And the other one was a fat disgusting jelly like being with disgusting eyes and a round mouth full of smell and circular worm like teeths

It looked like a being made up of greenish slum waters, disgusting and ferocious, weak people might die with just a glance of that being

Klaus looked towards them with cold chill eyes and the black ball in his hands started turning into a heavy black sword in both of his hands

On the left hand the sword had a shade of purple while the other one had a silvery aura covered densely

'Time finally came huh... It was already weird to not encounter any big problems this whole time, Apollo...'

[5th Devil of Gluttony _ Beginner Tier 12(temporary)]

[4th Devil of Wrath _ Beginner Tier 12(temporary)]

[They have temporarily reached the level of new born Gods with the help of Evil God sharing his core powers with them]

Klaus was slightly surprised but he had already expected that in some part of his life in these years and he tightened his grip over both heavy swords

'Well guess they were really doing something in these years, I won't be taking any risks this time...'

Tier 11 Magic _ Space Leap

Klaus teleported Seraphim and fairies without any second thoughts and looked at the Devils with cold gold gaze

The Devils noticed that look of surprise in Klaus's eyes and their confidence soared to skies and one of them said with grin on their faces

""""Are you that surprised human? Guess I shall introduce myself before killing you, I'm the Devil of Wrat-""""

Just as he was introducing himself next moment Klaus appeared right in front of his face covered in the armour of blue flames and two swords in his hands

The air and atmosphere was already not very good but now the reddish clouds themselves started making thunder sounds and small storms started making their way there

Klaus smashed his sword right into the Wrath Devil's face but it got blocked by the Devil of Wrath with his thick war hammer and looked towards Klaus with a smirk

""""Why so angry?""""

Klaus noticed that look in the eyes of Wrath Devil and next moment Klaus noticed a huge halberd making its way towards Klaus's head

Klaus immediately backed off dodging the attack but next moment the Wrath also rushed towards him with hammer

Klaus blocked the hammer strike with his blades but the strength of Tier 12 being wasn't that easy to shake off

Tier 8 Magic _ Quick Slip

But Klaus took advantage of that force and teleported himself behind the Gluttony, his both blades pierced right through the shoulders of Gluttony


The Gluttony screamed in pain but next moment Klaus had already rushed far away leaving bleeding Gluttony alone

A grin had appeared on Klaus's face and next Klaus clashed with Wrath which had nerves all over his face

""""Don't try to play with these tricks!!!""""

The Wrath shouted in rage as his hammer clashed with Klaus but Klaus was unfazed this time

Tier 11 Double Hands Technique _ Blade Flow River

Klaus deflected the hammer and next started striking with a flow in swords, the Swords Klaus had looked like floating like a enraged river

Within seconds Klaus smashed his sword all over Wrath Devil dozens of times but this was enough time for Gluttony to recover

Klaus immediately dodged the halberd by jumping in sky and caught the halberd himself returning it back to Gluttony Devil's shoulders

But this time Klaus was caught off guard by Wrath Devil with millions of years of experience in terms of fights

Klaus was smashed right into the guys sending him crashing to the huge cliff in distance

The whole cliff got shattered into pieces as Klaus got smashed there and big pieces of grounds started falling from height

""""Don't dream about defeating us just because you caught me off guard..""""

The Wrath threatened Klaus while showing his dense aura with a confident face, after a few seconds the ground where Klaus was smashed and moved

Klaus came out of the place with his flaming armour and looked towards the both Devils with a chill face and replied

"Guess even by being new born Gods you aren't truly on the same level, scared me for nothing"

As Klaus said that it seemed like he was clearly looking down on both of the Grand Devils,

Both Devils turned their heads towards Klaus with angry faces, the Wrath couldn't keep any more patience and directly dashed towards Klaus with his hammer

'"""Have you lost your mind? I will kill you this time for sure? After I kill you! I will kill your friends! Your people! Your father and brother! Then bring your mother and sister to my world and ra-!!!""""

The Devil was yapping bullshit but suddenly the pressure and presence floating in sky completely changed

With a loud sound of thunder his mouth stopped, he was an experienced warrior, he had millions of years of experience so he understood that change

['One with Nature' had been activated!]

['Undefeated Peaceful God' had been activated!]

Klaus's presence immediately became immensely strong and he appeared right at the top of Wrath Devil

Klaus's Sword at left hand had turned into a gauntlet and as that fist smashed with Wrath's head both of his horns broke directly on touch and the eyes started losing sanity in them as he was sent directly inside the pool of lava with that strike

Klaus next made his way to Gluttony Devil, Klaus's sword was unexpectedly blocked by Gluttony Devil but next moment Klaus leg covered with silvery aura smashed directly at the Gluttony Devil's head

The Gluttony was also sent far away with that strike but till now the Wrath Devil had recovered his strike to some extent

And as he approached Klaus his aura felt much more dangerous and far more bloodlust was leaking from all over his body