5th and 4th Devil Lord vs Klaus (1)

Klaus immediately moved hands towards the sky and caught the hammer with one hand, there was still a look of struggle in his face

Next moment Klaus's hands which had Sword also turned onto chains and even his divine white chains rushed outside to stop the halberd strike from the Gluttony Devil

Authority of False Creation_ Maya!

Next moment Klaus's figure got penetrated by the halberd then smashed by the gigantic hammer


Both Devils got a little relaxed and let their guards down for a momentary second suddenly two swords pierced right through Wrath Devil's palm

The Wrath Devil actually blocked Klaus's strike by sacrificing his palm of one hand, next his hammer made its way directly towards Klaus's body

But this time Klaus was just too fast, Klaus used the handle of hammer as his footing and jumped directly to Wrath's head and even pulled his blades that were stabbing Wrath Devil's hands along with him

Klaus moved both Swords in an extremely fast and precise move, because of that the whole wrist of Wrath Devil got cut into pieces


Next Klaus made his way directly to Gluttony Devil, firstly Klaus dodged the acid vomited by Gluttony Devil right into his face and smashed his stomach with a curved spear

""""Don't look down on us human!""""

Hearing Wrath Devil's roar Klaus Immediately blocked the hammer with another Sword and pulled himself by catching the tip of hammer

The sheer strength of Wrath Devil was much more than Klaus's capacity so Klaus himself got pulled by Wrath Devil

But that was within Klaus's expectation, a grin appeared on his face as both his legs smashed Wrath Devil's face

Next Klaus smashed his curved spear with halberd of Gluttony and used another giant sword to directly cut off its hands holding the halberd

""""Dammit! This human!!""""

The Gluttony Devil roared in pain but even then his hands started regenerating in extreme speed next moment

Just like the hand of Wrath Devil which was currently approaching Klaus to catch him but Klaus formed a giant smooth surfaced shield to save himself from getting in grip of Wrath Devil

The hand of Wrath Devil slipped and the shield of Klaus turned into a big Gigantic halberd piercing right through his guts

The handle of halberd in Klaus's hands turned into chains and Klaus distanced himself from Wrath Devil dodging the hammer strike that created a big carter on ground

Klaus jumped directly to Gluttony Devils head and pulled the chain that was attached to his halberd

The halberd that pierced inside Wrath Devil changed into hammer while still being inside his guts

And as Klaus pulled the chains the whole hammer came out exploding the Wrath Devil's stomach


The Wrath Devil roared in extreme agony and pain, the Gluttony Devil immediately reacted towards Klaus on top of his head but next moment the hammer pulled by Klaus covered with blood became more enlarged and smashed right into Gluttony Devils face

Klaus changed the hammer attached with chains to chain scythes and stabbed his blade in another hand directly inside Gluttony Devil's back

Klaus used that blade as holding and threw his big chain scythe towards Wrath Devil

The half of hole in Wrath Devil had recovered but next moment the scythe caught his both legs and Klaus pulled his blade and chain back

And at that moment at exactly the same time the whole back of Gluttony Devil got a deep cut that made even his fat animal like bones visible and the both legs of Wrath Devil got separated from his body


Both Devils shouted with desperate faces but there was no such thing as mercy left inside Klaus

Klaus was about to finish off both of them and rushed directly towards their heads to turn them into crisp with his hands burning in Soul Flames

But just next moment Klaus noticed unexpected movements inside their bodies, Klaus extinguished his flames and jumped directly to the sky

And as Klaus had expected next moment a huge explosion occurred right where Klaus was planning to go

As the dust was removed by the storm Klaus noticed both of the Devils standing there with most of their injuries recovered and much more stronger than before

[Evil God had used his authority 'Soul Suction' to recover their injuries and give a buff that increases their combat abilities but 500 % for the next '50 seconds'!]

The both Devils had their eyes completely covered with dark dense Misama and nerves all over their bodies more so in their faces

The Wrath Devil had 13 Skeleton heads floating around him with a glowing red hammer

And the Gluttony Devil had a disgusting tail stuck to ground devouring everything there and his halberd had become extremely large about 25 feet large covered in purple red Misama

But even then the eyes glowing inside the armour of blue flames were still cold, glowing with golden light looking at the enemies

Next moment both sides dashed towards each other, the Devils were rushing towards sky and Klaus towards the Earth

The Gluttony Devil tried to attack Klaus with his halberd which had long range in these matters both Klaus dodged that attack with fast and precise speed

Next Klaus turned both of his weapons into dark gauntlet and bladed shoes

Klaus deflected and smashed all the 13 skulls of Wrath Devil that exploded right on touch

Next Klaus's left hand blocked the hammer again, his right hand's bladed shoes and gauntlet turned into a Chained Mace which smashed right into Wrath Devil's face directly destroying 1/4th of his face

Klaus jumped on air and appeared right on top of Wrath Devil's hands that were catching the handle of Hammer

But unexpectedly Wrath Devil caught Klaus with his second hand but just as he did that Klaus's hand which had gauntlet turned into a extremely curved big heavy blade

So as Wrath Devil tightened his grip to crush Klaus he also lost his palm that had caught Klaus

Klaus escaped that grip and with the same curved blade his cutted the hands that were holding the hammer of Wrath Devil

Klaus used the chained Mace to deflect the halberd coming at him by Gluttony Devil and his other hand which had a big curved blade suddenly turned into a mouth of some beast

That mouth directly devoured the Hammer of Wrath Devil along with the hands, seeing this a grin appeared on Klaus's face

[Devoured one Sovereign Grade Weapon!]

[Progress of Demiruge increased immensely!]

The mouth of beast changed into a curved spear and even the chained Mace returned back

Klaus used the face of Wrath Devil as launch pad smashing him hundreds of meters back and slashed the spear to first cut off the both hands of Gluttony Devil holding that halberd

The tip of Klaus's curved spear turned into the mouth of the beast again devouring the whole halberd at once

[Devoured one Sovereign Grade Weapon!]

[Progress of Demiruge increased immensely!]

The Demiruge changed into a flashy giant sword and Klaus held that gigantic Sword in his hands and this time he separated the whole body of Gluttony Devil into two

The Dark Soul Flames from his seals immediately rushed towards the separated body of Gluttony Devil through the sword

And within seconds the whole body of Gluttony Devil turned into dust and his very soul got devoured by the flames

{Congratulations on killing the 5th servant of Evil God Gluttony!}

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

{You are not Tier 11, level 113!}

Klaus grinned and landed on ground with his sword but just Klaus noticed a large amount of lava exploding in front of him along with various falling cliffs


The Wrath Devil was coming towards him completely covered with dense dark evil Misama making it almost impossible to see him

He was filled with killing intent but Klaus could see him very clearly and precisely with his golden eyes

In just a flash the Wrath Devil arrived right in front of Klaus and smashed his fist right towards Klaus along with the floating skulls

Klaus turned his sword into curved kite shaped shield 🛡️ and smashed it into the ground to make a stable cover

All the 13 skulls exploded right there making a huge carter but Klaus was still completely safe

But next as Wrath Devil smashed his fist to shield, Klaus and shield despite using his full strength got thrown away in extreme pressure and speed

The whole earth trembled because of that strike but next moment Klaus grinned and teleported directly to top of Wrath Devil without any signs

Tier 11 Magic _ Flawless Teleport!

Klaus made a curved move, Klaus still had the shock of that fist strike in his body, Klaus changed the handle of shield to the chains that were still attached to the upper part of shield

And after making a rotation in air with his body and revolving the whole heavy shield with an extremely sharp lower point that was stuck to the ground, around his body

Klaus smashed the shield's lower sharp edge to Wrath Devil's back waist, the shield looked like a giant chained blade right now

But the Wrath Devil was still sturdy and the shield got stuck there in his waist, the wrath devil was trembling with pain but he still caught the shield with both hands and looked towards Klaus who still had a chain in his hands with a grin and 13 skulls reappeared in the air besides his face