Fairies and Dragons (2)

""""What are humans doing here!?!!!!??!!""""

As that red dragon shouted that next moment a gigantic dragon breath enough to wipe out the whole city in one shot got released from his mouth towards Klaus's side

For a moment it looked like another sun had risen in the sky but next moment as the flames disappeared from air

Klaus was seen standing right there in his place in the air with one of his hands holding a giant dark triangular plate shield

As the breath subsided the shield returned to being a bracelet, the red dragon was still flying towards Klaus with a shocked face

Next moment the dark bracelet in Klaus's hands turned into a gigantic blunt hammer and within a flash Klaus appeared right in front of the red dragon

And the smash of that hammer landed right on top of the dragon's head sending him straight down to the ground

"Kids these days need to learn manners..."

Klaus muttered like an old man, seeing this Aine looked towards Klaus with wide eyes of shock

'That red dragon even though it was a young one, that was a Tier 8 Dragon!!! How can he just smash it like that!?'

Few older dragons opened their eyes and glanced upwards towards Klaus and his people and then returned to their sleeps as if nothing had happened

They knew about Aine unlike the last one, the younger ones also noticed their reaction and just moved on with their places

It might not look like it with their physical bodies but dragons are said to be smartest beings on the planet who are born directly as Tier 3 beings and incredible knowledge of magic and various memories of their ancestors

That's why bloodline is very important to dragons and it's a species that's incredibly cheating for any other being in the world

Aine sighed in her heart and everyone moved back towards the top

Before moving Klaus turned to look at the dragon counting stars on the ground and healed his bleeding before moving on

Tier 10 Holy Magic _ Instant Recovery Drop

A 10 circled magic appeared right on top of dragons body and a drop of magical green blue drop fell right in its head which was bleeding

As soon as that drop touched the dragon instantly the whole injury and all the scars and scratches on its body got recovered to peak state but that was only for physical injuries

The mental shock inside his brain was still searching for stars in broad sunlight

Just like that everyone arrived at the top of clouds where a huge Black Dragon with shiny scales was sleeping in his lair

He had a majestic presence in him, Klaus was amazed and quite influenced by that majestic presence alone

'This Dragon is just too grandiose man...'

Klaus also praised the dragon in his heart, Aine and Elena immediately moved towards the dragon with bright faces

"Hey! Mulan!!!! Look!!! Stand up old fart!!!!"

Aine started pushing that huge black dragon with his tiny hands, it looked like pushing a mountain with a butterfly's body

On top of that Aine was more of a magician, strength wasn't her strong point but still an Ancient is an Ancient

The Black Dragon felt like a needle poking into his chest and immediately widened his greenish slit eyes like a cat and stood up with a surprised face

""""What are you doing Aine!?!""""

Aine grinned and pointed towards Elena at the back, the eyes of Mulan and Elena met with each other, it was another emotional moment of the day

""""Leader!?! You are still okay!?! No! How did you do that!! Wow! Did you trick the Evil God or something!?!""""

This dragon was drowned in his own fantasies, all the image of the grand ruler in Klaus's heart shattered like a dream after finishing the sleep

It was clear from those shiny kid eyes of that huge dragon that this fool was another idol worshipper here

"Yeah, I'm alright... Ho-"

""""Got you humans!?! Prepare for my revenge!""""

Just as Elena was about to talk again suddenly the same red dragon appeared behind them with huge wings shouting like a maniac

Everyone looked towards that red dragon with dead fish eyes, the red dragon also noticed the stare of a huge black dragon who was obviously supreme being here at the place

""""What are you doing here Uther? I have guests here can't you see?! Dumb fool!""""

Mulan immediately started scolding the newly appeared red dragon there with angry expression on face

The Red Dragon immediately closed his wings and stood at the corner of the lair with a sorry face while listening to the scoldings

""""I apologise for his rudeness, this kid is my grandson, he's still young and hot blooded and keeps making mistakes...""""

Mulan said with a sorry face, Klaus and Elena just nodded with straight face

After a few seconds Mulan, Elena and Aine once again started their reunion talk, Klaus took this opportunity to visit the Dragon and Fairy library of the place

It was a little surprising but dragons had lots and lots of shiny treasures but they were also quite fond of books and magic just like fairies and it was also the places where Dragonoids learned things

And now the same red dragon who attacked Klaus right at their first meeting was escorting hin to the library

"So you are called Uther right?"

Klaus questioned the red dragon flying besides him with puffed face, the dragon just nodded

'Sigh... Why is he angry when he was the one to attack first?'

Klaus sighed in his heart seeing that childish behaviour and asked again with a sweet smile on face

"I heard dragons live for a very long time, how old are you this year Uther?"

Uther turned towards Klaus and replied with big grin

""""Since you want to know I will tell you, I'm a total of 1468 years this year! I'm the strongest of my group you know!? If you behave like a good boy I will let you join my friends group too!!!""""

Klaus heard him and nodded with a smile on his face like he was handling a kid, and it was quite the same thing

'So around 1500 years old, that just be around an 11 year old human child, he is really young despite his strength...'

Klaus looked at him and questioned again "Then you must really be strongest in the ground with your age!"

As Klaus praised him Uther seemed much more confident and he said

""""You might not know but I'm also the leader of younger dragons, I had to fight with all the dragons my age to become the leader

These idiots even brought their big siblings to defeat me but they still lost haha fools!!!""""

Klaus heard him being so smug and asked again

"Then do you also have any siblings too like brother or sister?"

As Klaus said that suddenly Uther's face became depressed as he replied with heavy heart

""""I had one sister... she used to have beautiful grand dark scales just like grandfather but she died the next day after birth because of a disease, they say she had a weak body from birth...""""

Klaus could feel the sadness from his words, unconsciously they had already arrived in front of a huge building of the library with dragon and fairy symbols

Klaus landed slowly over the place and looked back at the Red dragon's sad face and said in mature tone

"Don't be so down kid, life is always tough, it's not a fairytale where always the good side wins..."

The red dragon just nodded with a dark face, it was clear he was still sad after remembering his sister after decades

He immediately turned back and flew away, Klaus was now left alone at the place with sharp gazes of fairies

"How could I have known about his sister?"

After giving a chill reply Klaus started making his way inside the giant building with fairies

"You are really dumb Klaus!"

"You hurt his feelings!"

"So cruel..."

Klaus just shrugged all of this off and said "You think I care about your opinions lol, don't act like an annoying neighbour..."

The fairies continued to talk to him, Klaus didn't care and walked right inside the building

As soon as Klaus entered the place he noticed a woman in green clothing and round glasses standing right there with a book in her hands

She had the classic slit dragon eyes and wings on her back and the mana and aura coming from get proved she was another strong ancient dragon who had lived for centuries in this world

As soon Klaus entered her gaze immediately moved towards Klaus and the eyes shined in bright light

'Scent of Lord Mulan...'

Her eyes looked quite curious as she kept staring at Klaus, Klaus came to her and said

"I would like to read all the records here, I have permission from both Mulan and Aine..."

As soon Klaus said that the eyes of the lady shined with golden silvery light and she nodded and looked at Klaus with very shocked gazes and said

"Please ask me if you need anything for help..."

Fae suddenly popped out and introduced a lady with a bright face

"Hey Klaus! This is Lien, a rare species of dragon, she is a time dragon that can see into the past and future of any being with her eyes! She is really a big help here!"

Klaus heard this and immediately moved towards the glasses dragon and his golden eyes started shining

'Did she manage my future too!?'