Fairies and Dragons (3)

Klaus was quite nervous and excited too after finding a rare find in this world, Lien noticed that gaze and shook her hands

"I'm not as good as you think, I just get glances at random useful future scenes with these eyes nothing more..."

Klaus heard her and asked with an excited face "What did you see in my future!?"

As Klaus said, Lien looked a little awkward and nervous and said "Nothing... It is the first time for me too but I felt like my mind and eyes don't want to see your future more like they don't dare to even glance there..."

As she finished her words there was silence in the place but Klaus immediately turned to her with a bright face

"That sounds badass anyways, I will talk to you later if I need anything! Fae! Go to the right and the remaining two to the left!"


All three fairies dashed in different directions with bright grins on their faces, as Klaus entered the door

He noticed thousands of books all over the place and various Dragons, Dragonoids and fairies flying everywhere with books

The library was big enough for even Titans to study and all rows and columns looked endlessly filled with books

Klaus stood at the entrance of the place with a bright smile on his face and after looking around the place he managed to find a good silent place for study

It was right in front of a huge glass window that covered a corner of the library like a wall with various designs all over it

And that corner was empty enough to barely hold a sleeping dragon there

Klaus took out a cushion and tossed it there and sat at the place with a big grin, the next moment the fairies Klaus had sent came back with dozens of books floating with them

Klaus started flipping all books, Klaus flipped around 25 books at once within mere 20 seconds

Everyone present there looked at Klaus as if he was a weirdo, after Klaus read them the books returned back to their places because of the enchantment cast on them

Klaus didn't include the books he had already learned previously in his Divine Library or other places so it decreased a lot of load for Klaus

The title of Sage allowed Klaus to learn everything just from a here glance and I won't go underestimating those golden eyes and intelligence of someone called God here

Klaus kept reading the books and in the blink of an eye 7 months had passed again and finally Klaus finished all the books here

Lien walked up to Klaus but as she came there she noticed the Klaus and fairies were already asleep there at the corner with drooling faces

She just smiled with a sweet heart and returned back

Klaus had managed to gain a deeper understanding of magic and other kinds of energies in the world after reading the books from the library

About 97% of books had already been read by Klaus from his library artifact before but now Klaus managed to find various Grade Less books of techniques here

These things were the type of theorem and formulas for magic and understanding of the body for Klaus

And in the current state without any kind of doubt Klaus might be one of most knowledgeable beings in universe right now

With all knowledge of different kinds of social science, science, history, geography, politics, races, cultures, languages, magic, methods and techniques

After talking a good rest Klaus woke up again, he noticed various stares of people passing by and just silently picked up the sleeping fairies in his hand and made his way out of the library

Klaus directly took a flight towards the lair of Mulan but as he was on his way suddenly Klaus noticed a sudden turmoil in the atmosphere below him

Klaus's mind and body became blank for a moment, and next moment with his eyes as centre his body started changing to a celestial right there in air

Klaus body started looking like a body made of fog with unending light and darkness in it and eyes started changing to completely white

Klaus immediately snapped out of a sudden phenomenon and felt some kind of strings attracting him towards something in ground

Klaus's body had returned to normal but his eyes were still completely white, Klaus noticed an uncountable number of different strings in various colours going in different direction with him as centre

There were 4 golden strings attached to him and one of them was leading towards that ground

'The fuck is going on here!?!'

Klaus immediately shook his hands and everything returned to normal and all strings disappeared immediately

[Something is reacting from your soul here!]

[There might be something here here!]

Hearing Apollo Klaus immediately changed his direction and rushed directly towards the ground,

After Klaus arrived there he noticed the place was filled with grass and trees at distance, there was also a flower bed there

But more than any of this Klaus was sensing a corpse of dragon with incredible bloodline below the ground

There was a pure aura of time and a void element floating around the top of the ground

Klaus felt his instincts shouting to do something here, he felt incredible force all over his body telling him about incredible treasure right in front of him

Klaus looked at the ground and muttered "Let's just hope these dragons don't call it taboo..."

The ground above the corpse started floating and got removed within a second and Klaus noticed a dead body of a small dark dragon lying there

< Avtar Resurrection >

As Klaus did that next moment immense mana of Klaus got absorbed by that being on the ground within a moment

But unlike Elena, Noir and Lilith this little one didn't seem to be absorbing or making a shell out of anything,

There was a reaction but it was very weak, it seemed like a new born trying to stand up on its feet

Klaus didn't give any kind of thought there and his bracelet turned into a sharp dagger

Klaus thrusted the dagger right into hands on top of the mouth of dark dragon's corpse and as the drops of that blood touched the dragon a new reaction exploded

The whole place got blasted and Klaus's hands had already recovered completely because of insane recovery speed because of Job and title skills

Klaus was tossed dozens of meters away, Klaus was able to feel the being just like he had felt the connection and bond with other beings he had resurrected

But this time what Klaus felt was emptiness, there was nothing there for the first time in life Klaus felt this new type of indescribable feeling

It was like being trapped outside of what can be called the universe, there was no light, time, space, life, death or anything

The feeling disappeared fast as Klaus noticed a silvery dark shell forming right in front of him like cocoon

Klaus's mana was continuously getting absorbed in large chunks every second

The fairies woke and immediately shouted with alert faces

"The fuck did you do now Klaus!?!!!"

"This seems like bad news!!!"

"Is that a dragon this time!?!"

Klaus didn't say anything and just kept watching the process, for the first time resurrection a being was shrouded in Divine light similar to Klaus

[Congratulations! You have resurrected the Dragon of Time_ 'Aroa'!]

[Because of mutation with God's Blood the being has turned into 'Divine Dragon of Time _ Aroa' (unique existence)]

[Aroa has received 'Supreme Blessings of God of Time and Space'!]

The whole silvery dark cocoon got absorbed right into that dragon and next moment a small baby dragon about the size of baby tiger appeared in front Klaus floating in air

She had an overall silvery white body with shades of dark scales on top of her ears

The little baby dragon looked more like a cute cat with golden slit eyes that dragon itself

The dragon immediately approached Klaus with bright shiny eyes and few drops of tears fell from those eyes

It seemed she remembered the past of death, you can't even imagine what feels like dying with knowledge and darkness of death right when you are born

Klaus caught her carefully with both hands and hugged her in his chest like consoling a baby


Suddenly Klaus, Fairies and the dragon itself heard those words from distance, Klaus turned around and noticed Mulan, Elena, Aine and two more dragons in black and white scales standing in distance

There was also Uther in distance looking very emotional right now

Klaus managed to calculate the situation and released the dragon in his hands, the dragon immediately went to the two dragons with white and dark scales in front of Klaus

The both Dragons suddenly changed to their humanoid forms, the dark dragon became a handsome man who seemed like a king and white dragon became a women in white clothing with gracefulness of queen

Both hugged Aroa with tears in their eyes, Mulan also turned into black haired man with eyes that have experienced millions of years and slowly approached the dragon with tears in his eyes

The whole family had another emotional reunion, they kept crying into each other's shoulders