Church Visit (1)

"Who are you calling a ghost little kid!? My name is The Gorgeous Sun Fairy _ Fae of legends!"

She seemed quite smug with her introduction but the family of three was shocked to their cores and they got petrified on their spots

After things calmed down Klaus explained the things about fairies to other three and they managed to gain some understanding there

"So you are saying these three were always together with you the whole time?"

Merie asked while pointing at three smug fairies in the air with sparkling eyes

"Yeah, most of the time!"

Klaus replied with a straightforward face while grabbing his chicken legs with a bright face

The fairies also started to eat their side of snacks with happy faces

"That's really... Kind of absurd..."

Kathy muttered seeing all the fairies just casually eating all snacks like they were already used to them

"Seeing the legendary fairies is already a big deal and yet here..."

Brock also seemed deeply interested seeing the fairies like that, but the one who was most excited was without a doubt Merie

Merie kept staring at the fairies with sparkling eyes and cute look

Klaus finished his food and chatted with Brock and Kathy for a little while leaving fairies and Merie alone

There was no special conversation, just little talk about their daily lives and little struggles of life

And the ground situation of the city and whole territory, Klaus managed to get the best information from them

Because the inn Brock was running had mostly adventurers as guests who travelled all over the place and had quite simple and deep information

After that Brock and Kathy left to handle the business of the inn and Klaus also went to pick up the stuffed lying fairies and left the place and by night time returned to his mansion without any trouble

Days passed just like that, Klaus kept sneaking out with the fairies from time to time enjoying his healthy life for days

And just like that one day Klaus decided to visit the church of his city to finally start fulfilling his roles as the 'Saint' too

Klaus came there with a hooded cloak and this time the fairies didn't come

'Ahh~ those triple fools must be enjoying the cake at home...'

Klaus sighed in his heart and started approaching the church gates where two gaurds in white armour were standing there with rough faces

The church on the other hand looked like a grandiose castle in itself with a huge garden that can be seen through the metal gate

And various peaceful and cheerful priests and some how few kids running around the place

Klaus went to the guards and took off his hood of the cloak

As soon as Klaus took off his hood the eyes of both guards widened to peak and both immediately straightened their backs and shouted

"We greet the Holy Saint of flawless divinity!!!"

Klaus nodded without much change in expressions and instructed

"Go tell the Arch Bishop of my visit..."

The guards nodded and one of them immediately rushed towards the huge church building inside and Klaus also started walking towards the church slowly

As Klaus entered the main gates of church to the garden in front of church the atmosphere was mixed in divinity and extremely thin gold fog covered the whole place

Klaus moved his gaze around and noticed the golden runes shining on the bells of the church

'Just like last time in the main church, these guys really like exaggerating little things...'

Klaus didn't care much about extra effects but as that happened a huge commotion appeared all over the church

All the kids and people at the garden stared at Klaus walking towards the main building of the church that was huuuggggggeee as fuc!!!

Klaus also noticed those idol worshipping gazes and as he kept walking Klaus noticed some innocent gazes that didn't have any fanatic or submitting gaze

Klaus moved his gaze a little to the ground and noticed a group of little kids at age group of 7-13 standing with their faces looking at Klaus with big sparkling eyes

And they were wearing childish costumes with fake swords and shields with them, cosplaying as adventures maybe

Klaus stopped in his way and moved towards the kids and observed them, the kids also seemed quite excited with those shiny gazes

"Um~ Mr. Saint! Ca-can I get an autograph?!"

"M-me too!!!"

"Can you do that shiny sword move?"

"You look cooler than the statue in the city!!!"

Klaus smiled and bent down a little, his cloak disappeared and now Klaus was just in pure white loose noble shirt and brown pants

Klaus patted a little boy who was wearing warrior clothes and a sword, with a grin and gave him an autograph in his paper and said

"Thank you for your support my comrades!"

As Klaus did that shines in the eyes of other kids immediately brightened again and all of them jumped towards Klaus with bright faces

Within seconds Klaus was surrounded by kids with bright faces

"Me next!!"

"Can you sparkly magic!?"

"I-i can also use a sword!!!"

"Me too!!!"

Authority of False Creation _ Maya

Klaus smiled and waved his hands towards the back and various butterflies with various beautiful patterns covered the whole place around the kids

"Hahaha! You all are so cool and amazing!"

Klaus also joined the fun with his grinning face, the children also smiled and felt quite amazed by the beautiful sceneries

As other kids were playing with the butterflies Klaus noticed a little girl with black hairs standing in a corner without much reaction on her face with a broken doll

Klaus approached the girl and observed her for a few seconds, while the girl seemed to be getting more and more nervous seeing Klaus

Klaus suddenly bended and touched the little doll in her hands with the tip of his finger and said

Tier 6 Time Magic _ Rewind

"What happened kid?"

The doll in the hands of the little girl suddenly got repaired and it looked like a brand new doll

The little girl became amazed seeing this miracle in front of her eyes and looked at Klaus with awe

"I-i am Kirin! Tha-thank you for repairing my doll!! Sir Klaus..."

There was a lot of nervousness in her words but Klaus didn't care about her shuttering words, Klaus focus was over those threads of fate that had connected her and Klaus, he just gave her a small smile and said

"You have a good talent with spirits, do you want to form a contract with a spirit?"

As Klaus said that the girl seemed to be a little surprised but she still just nodded brightly

Klaus grinned and next moment touched her head with his authority of False Creation mixed in it and the contract rune of Klaus also shined for a moment

As Klaus did that in the black eyes of little girl a golden dot appeared at the centre and next moment she noticed hundreds of little spirits flying around Klaus

And few black spirits flying near her, as she moved her gaze she noticed more and more fairies in surrounding

There were mostly a lot of light spirits and earth spirits in the church, she moved her gaze towards the sky and noticed a Chinese dragon like huge ice spirit flying on top of Klaus's skies

She also noticed other Spirit Prince grade spirits floating around Klaus, like a Salamander, green turtle with a ring floating near Klaus

And it seemed looked like the spirits were looking at her too, she was quite amazed by the new world she just witnessed and suddenly she felt a presence behind her back

She immediately turned back and noticed a black lion with golden eyes looking at her from the top

"So cool..."

She was instantly amazed by the appearance of black lion and moved her hands towards the face of the lion instinctually

But the little girl was a bit too short to touch the face of the spirit lion, the lion looked at her with curiosity and leaned a little closer to her

Gold Inscriptions!

And next moment Klaus moved his hands a little in the air and wrote some golden runes and next moved the runes towards the little girl and the black lion spirit

The runes passed through the little girl and the lion and next moment a Spiritual flow appeared between the little girl and the lion

Klaus caught the shoulders of the little girl and the next moment an immense amount of pure mana passed through the little girl and the mana immediately went to black lion

The girl suddenly noticed her mana increasing a little too and just then some notifications rang in her head

{Congratulations on making Spirit Contact with Dark Spirit Prince _ Aslan!}

{You have obtained the title of 'Princess of Darkness'!}

Klaus removed his hands and the golden dot in her eyes also disappeared but next moment her black eyes became deep dark with shade of blue

And she noticed her mana had increased immensely along with her physical capabilities and now a lot of dark spirits were floating near her