Church Visit (2)

{Congratulations on making Spirit Contact with Dark Spirit Prince _ Aslan!}

{You have obtained the title of 'Princess of Darkness'!}

Klaus removed his hands and the golden dot in her eyes also disappeared but next moment her black eyes became deep dark with shade of blue

And Kirin noticed her mana had increased immensely along with her physical capabilities and now a lot more dark spirits were floating near her

"Good for you Kirin, you became a Spirit Master!"

Klaus congratulated her bright smile other kids could also see a grand black lion on her back because of recently formed contact and also rushed towards her

"Wow! Kirin! That's so cool!"

"How did you do that?"


"You are so strong!!"

Kirin still seemed a little shy but she nodded with appreciation and happiness, Klaus moved away from the crowd of kids

And just then suddenly an old man and some paladins also appeared before Klaus, they seemed to have come here in hurry

"I-i greet the Holy Saint! Welcome to the Church of Rosario!!! I'm the Arch Bishop sent here!"

The paladins were also bowing to Klaus, Klaus nodded and said

"Let's head inside for now"

The Arch Bishop and Paladins nodded and next everyone started heading towards the main building of the church

But as they left some people present in the garden were left there with jaws dropped to ground and a look of deep loss in their faces

"Did that little girl just make a contract with Leon?"

"A Spirit Prince Grade Spirit..."

"Give me back my years I spend learning about spirits and working like slaves for those damn pointy eared Elves..."


As they finished their words a line of tears started rushing from their eyes, these are the Spirit Masters of the church who spended decades to form contact with middle and high grade Spirits

Just to watch this day where a kid with good talent forms a contract directly with a Spirit Prince!!!

But this favour wasn't just a whim of Klaus, the reason number one is that Klaus is ultra high favourable towards cute and innocent well behaved kids

'Second reason is that she looked like a lonely kid living like a loner and the last reason is that she's a great talent

Although not as good as Robert or Reus but she still had talent to be as good as Zoya, she will be a great master in a few years...'

Klaus smiled with satisfaction and just like that Arch Bishop brought Klaus to the highest place of the church according to Klaus's instructions

The place was quite empty and it was just like a roof garden with proper sunlight everywhere

The Arch Bishop and Paladins stood there and Klaus went to the centre of the empty place and put his hands inside space

And next took out a Space Gate and placed it there and said "I will be back in a second, wait here"

The Arch Bishop and Paladins nodded and next moment Klaus teleported to the main church at the capital

While at the Main Church, the Pope was fidgeting around the hall in front of statues of the Gods and Goddesses

'Its been years since the Saint visited the church, did we anger him somehow or does he feels unsatisfied by the church, dear Gods please guide m-'

But just as she was busy overthinking suddenly Klaus appeared right in front of statues of God

"Oh my heavens... I greet the Saint!"

The Pope was also caught off guard by Klaus's charisma for a second but she still immediately greeted Klaus with deep respect

Klaus nodded and took out another piece of Space Gate and commanded "I have connected this artifact with the church of Rosario City, you can visit there anytime with this, for now follow me..."

As Klaus finished his words the eyes of pope started to turn brighter and brighter but next moment Klaus touched the space gate teleporting her back to the Rosario City Church

Next moment both Klaus and the Pope appeared in front of the Arch Bishop and the Paladins back to the place

"We greet the holiness!!!"

The Arch Bishop and Paladins immediately greeted the Pope, Pope herself seemed surprised by what just happened

'I'm sure Saint didn't use any kind of magic but then how did he... Is this artifact really that amazing?'

Pope looked back at the Space Gate with awe and deep interest, next moment Klaus took out the meeting table and chairs and instructed Arch Bishop and Pope

"Take a seat..."

Both Pope and Arch Bishop immediately sat there and next Klaus started his questions

"Who are the kids outside?"

The Arch Bishop heard Klaus and replied "Ah, those are the orphans who were either abandoned or lost their family,

The church is responsible for most orphans, we will take care of them until they reach the age of 16 then they are free to go anywhere they want or continue here as priests

Klaus nodded and said "Take special care of that black haired girl Kirin, she is extremely talented with Spirit Magic..."

"I will do as you say!"

The Arch Bishop immediately accepted Klaus's instruction, next Klaus turned to Pope and asked

"How is the church's relationship with the Magician's Tower?"

"Neutral, we help each other from time to time but neither of us support each other too much, we are more of rivals than allies"

Klaus nodded hearing Pope's reply and next his eyes moved towards the ceiling while calculating the future and next he commented

"I was thinking of officially entering the social world as a Duke soon... But what have you guys been doing here in my city?"

Klaus looked at Pope with side gaze, but next moment the face of the Pope and Arch Bishop suddenly brightened and Pope replied

"You noticed it Saint! As expected of you! We were thinking of declaring the Rosario City as the Holy Land of the Church!

It's clear as day that this city is going to flourish a lot and is already in process to become one of the centre points of the World!

By declaring it as Holyland the church will have the upper hand in authority compared to the Emperor bastard!

With this he won't be able to drain much taxes from this place and instead of the Empire the church will gain more profit that we can use in good services!!!

What do you think of Saint! It's better for us to take control here compared to the Emperor or Magic maniacs!!! Right!?!"

Pope and Arch Bishop seemed smug with their plans while Klaus seemed completely stunned by their insight

"So you are basically thinking of making my territory as your advantageous political ground and make the church's authority supreme in this place?"

Klaus questioned with an amazed face, both Pope and Arch Bishop nodded with smug faces, Klaus also started calculating the situation

'Well if we take it to deeper consideration and think of the future, it is true that this city is on its way to becoming the economic centre of the Empire...

The Emperor will definitely try to drain more taxes from this place to increase funds for the Empire and even the Magician Tower won't let this place go just like that

The Magicians require a lot of experiment materials that they can gain from the City of dungeons easily

And it is definitely more easy to take political control over this place with me being a newbie lord for a short time

But with me being the 'Saint' it won't be a problem to turn this place to Holyland as the lord here, the Empire and Magician Tower won't be able to do anything then

It will basically become a separate country with me having the highest authority but...'

Klaus suddenly turned to the Pope and questioned "You do realise the 'Bastard' you are talking about is my blood related uncle right?"

As Klaus said that the realisation of mistake sent shivers to both Pope and Arch Bishop, both looked at Klaus with cat like eyes

Klaus sighed and waved his hands and said "Well we aren't that close, making this place Holyland will definitely be a strong move and a profitable card, let's go ahead with your plans, but if it turns to Holyland won't the Pope need to be here instead of capital?"

As Klaus said that a wide monstrous grin appeared over the Pope's face and she replied "Isn't it good, I can live closer to Saint with this right? Saint even gifted me that miraculous artifact to avoid the future troubles, you must have expected this too right? Right? Right?"

Klaus felt shivers seeing her fanaticism and just avoided her predatory gaze and next Klaus changed the topic

"Let's put other matters aside for now, report me about the situation of the cultists at current time..."

As Klaus said that the friendly atmosphere suddenly became serious, the Pope and Arch Bishop also became serious and all gazes suddenly went cold

"The situation with the evil cultists is quite grave right now..."