Church Visit (3)

"Report me about the situation of the cultists at the moment..."

As Klaus said that the friendly atmosphere suddenly became serious, the Pope and Arch Bishop also became serious and all gazes suddenly went cold

"The situation with the evil cultists is quite grave right now..."

As she said that the room suddenly became extremely silent, Klaus took a deep breath and thought

'The Devils can't come to this world without any kind of factor from this world, they must be summoned and summoning two devil lords will require a huge price...'

"What did they do?..."

Klaus questioned with a grave serious tone, he had somewhat already analysed the situation but there was still a hope in his eyes but next moment his hopes were shattered to the point of no repair

"70,000 people... More than 70,000 people died in the hands of the cultists and we still haven't found the base of cultists from that region yet..."

Hearing that reply the light in Klaus's eyes immediately disappeared and the room turned cold to the point where the flowers themselves became frost

Klaus sighed and said "We will need to stop all that as fast as possible, the number of cultists will be directly related to the number of casualties of near future

I will be taking some serious measures later, for now..."

Klaus took out a few documents from his storage and tossed it towards the pope and commanded

"These are the places secured by my Team Zero of Dragonoids, you can ask Rindur for more details if you want

But for now take these places under the church and keep it secret, erase all the presence about these places

These are the places that are the biggest factor against our future problems, there are a total of 232 of these places in my territory

And then about 1683 of them all across the Empire, these are the places that will be the centre of all chaos and one of the most dangerous areas of the World in future

I will discuss this matter with Emperor and Magician Tower too later and I will write the recommendation later for the church to secure these places at Whiteblood Family Territory, there are about 27 of them there too

Most of these places in Whiteblood Family Territory are quite useless so I don't think they will have objection after my recommendation

Overall our objective is to secure these places as much as we can and take it under our custody completely with absolute authority here"

Pope flipped a few pages and noticed a map of Empire with all those places Klaus was talking about pointed in detail

She analysed all the papers in a few minutes and looked towards Klaus and questioned

"But what exactly is in these places you have been talking about?"

Klaus replied in a straightforward manner without batting an eye

"Rifts from the future..."


The Pope was very confused by Klaus's answer and questioned again, Klaus just nodded and next moment a hologram of a circular torn space appeared in middle of table

"This will be what you call the centre of chaos, I will tell from the start, these places called 'Rifts' will be gateway for the beings from the World of Devils to enter our world without any kind of summoning or sacrifice

Those bastards are completely different from monsters, just like we have mana those Devils will be filled with power of 'Misama'

Misama and mana are natural enemies, if both got into touch with one another one of them is sure to devour another one

If even a slightest amount of Misama entered the body of any being from this world it will be not any less than a lethal poison with almost no cure

After coming in contact with Misama the first thing that will happen is that all monsters from all over the place will have immense increase in their strength and numbers

So by taking authority over these places we will be isolating these places which will have rifts on them in about a year..."

After hearing all this the faces of the Pope and Arch Bishop suddenly became pale and the Pope asked in panic

"Then... Isn't there any way we can destroy rifts or avoid casualties!?"

Klaus suddenly grinned hearing this and replied in cold tone "Of course there is, these rifts are not much different from one time use dungeons

But the problem is that it can grow by consuming others almost infinitely

Each rift will have just one Boss Devil in it with minimum strength of Greater Devil, by killing them the rifts will also disappear

But the problem is their strength, I will take care of that matter but it's clear as day we won't be able to take care of all rifts legally

There are so many idiotic formalities among nobles so I will rely on church to cover my peoples for me to take care of rift!"

The Pope and Arch Bishop were in awe at Klaus's suggestion and the Arch Bishop questioned "But how did you know about these matters?"

"I'm the Saint here, Divine Revelation?"

Klaus just made an excuse which suited the situation perfectly, but the other two looked like they had more belief in Klaus's words than Klaus himself

Klaus laughed awkwardly in his heart and once again continued

"Anyways! The duration for this task will be exactly one year, after that the chaos will start and we can't do much after that

We will need to avoid commotion with common people too, try negotiating with the lords of the territories for this situation and keep it as secret for now

If they decline the help then we can't do anything except work in the shadows, we will be busy handling our shit let alone worry about others..."

Klaus sighed and rubbed the back of his head with a tired face and once again continued

"Did you find the bases of cultists in this territory?"

The Pope nodded and passed Klaus the details and replied "We have figured out most of the places and I'm thinking of starting to take action right away!"

"No, leave these places to us, I will take care of this afterall I will also need to show some presence as Lord here, focus on other territories..."

Klaus placed the details to his storage and next stood up from his seat and said "Then you all focus on that, I will get going too..."

Seeing Klaus leaving next moment both Pope and Arch Bishop suddenly stood up and the Pope asked

"But Saint we still need to take measures to make you an official dress as Saint!?"

"That's what you are worried about?"

Klaus gave her a dead sigh and shooed her away and just replied before teleporting away

"I will take care of that myself..."

With that Klaus disappeared in space and after almost a week Klaus decided to start his official beginning as a Duke and for the Klaus needed to organise a noble party and invite various high bosses of the Empire

But before that Klaus needed to finish some important business in his own house

Right now Klaus was standing in front of Zoya who was kneeling to ground like a knight and all important subordinates were also present at the hall

Klaus was wearing a high grade noble uniform with dark blue shirt with a suit and a luxuriously bright cape of Sealtiel and the crown of Michael like a true Duke

The crown was quite different from those of kings and emperors (image in chapter comment)

Klaus held a sword of lord provided directly by the Emperor which quite the luxurious noble sword, Klaus moved his sword two times at the shoulders of Zoya with a smile and said

"I officially appoint 'Zoya' as the commander of the 1st knight order responsible for my escort and congratulations on reaching the peak of Tier 8..."

Zoya nodded with a satisfied smile and a confident look on her face

"Thank you My Liege!"

Klaus nodded and once again announced "With my Authority as a 'Duke', I appoint my vessel Zoya the position of 'Countess', and family name of 'Gale' and one weak vacation!"

Zoya smiled and with that Klaus suddenly removed all of his formal lord like aura and his sword also returned back and he said in casual tone

"This formality shit isn't my cup of tea, it's finished right?"

Hearing Klaus Ashia just nodded and next Zoya also sighed and stood back with a smile and went directly to her kids

"See! Cool right!?"


"I will try doing that too after I become an adult!!!"

Kyle and Ava both had turned 13 years old and both seemed to admire their mother a lot, Zoya also seemed to be acting cool and smug in front of her kids


Klaus suddenly started laughing suspiciously seeing their reactions and admiring eyes and next moment his eyes turned towards the little twins and

Both twins looked confused but next moment Klaus's words widened their eyes

"Idiots you didn't even realise... You both will have to attend the Genesis Academy for the next 12 years now! Ahahaha! You fell right into my trap! Wahahahahaha!!!!!"

As Klaus finished his words a look of horror and realisation flashed through the eyes of the twins as they looked back and forth between the sad face of their mother and evil grin on faces of all beings gathered at hall