Leaf Dawn (1)

"I'm fine, for sure... I was just careless back there, I'm alright..."

Reus kept explaining and after a few minutes of explaining suddenly his face turned serious as if he had matured a little more

Klaus and others just sighed and ignored the change over Reus's face and the day somehow ended without any lethal casualties

And by the next day Sania had been appointed as the Guildmaster of Rosario City branch

Reus and the party had to rest for the next few days because of the recent accident with Reus to be at their best when facing the danger ahead

It took some time for everyone to adjust and finally after a few short days the day for Reus's adventures party 'Leaf Dawn' to report their transfer here

But that didn't seem to be all as Klaus seemed to have a little business there

"Finally here!!!"

"It's huge!"

"Fuu~ It seems even grander than the Royal Capital..."

Reus's party looked at the adventurers guild branch of Rosario city with amazed eyes and sparkles over their faces

And as they walked over the stairs of Adventurers Guild branch there, they noticed Klaus standing there in hood looking at them

Klaus immediately gestured them to keep silent, Reus and others followed Klaus and just followed him inside the adventurers guild

Klaus didn't lead them to the reception of the guild where the guild staff was helping other adventurers

Instead he took all of them directly upstairs and brought them in front of a grand room, the guild staff themselves opened the gate of the room for Klaus and others

And next all of them silently entered the room with amazed faces, Klaus took off his hood and told others

"Wait a few seconds here, take your seat for now..."

They just nodded and sat quietly over the sofas without any resistance, Klaus also sat at the sofa seat in front of them

In just a few seconds Sania also entered the same room with a box on her hands and said

"I'm sorry to keep you all waiting here, I'm Sania the newly appointed Guildmaster of Rosario City Branch..."

As Reus and others heard it they immediately stood up in form of a respect to the Guildmaster, only Klaus sat there talking sip of tea with calm face

Sania also sat at the same sofa seat besides Klaus with few papers in her hands, she passed some papers to Klaus and changed her focus over Reus's party

"Umm... May I ask what we are doing here Guildmaster?"

Reus asked Sania with a little nervous face, Sania looked at him with a little surprise and said

"You don't know?"

Sania looked back at Klaus with shock but Klaus still seemed to be unfazed by the situation

Sania sighed and moved her gaze back to Reus and said "Duke Brahm, the major shareholder with more than 50.03% shares of Adventurers Guild had decided to sponsor the Adventurers party 'Leaf Dawn'

With his authority Duke Brahm will provide protection to 'Leaf Dawn' party from the outsiders and serious actions will be taken against those who try to harm 'Leaf Dawn' adventurer party

Each one of you will have to give a simple test after this to be upgraded to 'S Rank' adventurers

And in return for sponsorship you will have to fulfill some tasks given directly by Lord Brahm without any option to reject them

But after being sponsored Guild won't take any share of profit from you and will provide priority to your dismantling and other services

And you will also have some authority to use the quests beyond your adventurers tank and just for details there are only four adventurers parties that are being sponsored right now and you are the fourth one!"

Reus and others seemed to be very amazed by this announcement, this was without a doubt the most profitable deal they can find in here

After being sponsored they won't need to wait in lines to get or register their quests and on top of that there will be no extra charges for their quests, even if they failed the quest they won't need to give money as a fine to guild

And not to mention all those priority rights and advantages in their lives as adventurers

"Thank you so much Klaus!!!"

"This is amazing!!"

"Ho ho ho ho I'm going to be rich!!!"

"I didn't know you had such a large number of shares in you..."

Klaus heard all their praises and after a nod stamped the final paper with his seal of Brahm Duke family

"I was always rich..."

Klaus grinned and gave them honest and smug replies, this was quite an annoying reply but still eve nodded with smiles

And next moment all of them were provided with new adventures cards, Sania placed the cards over the table

The cards had a symbol of a golden leaf falling at the dawn, with sun rays rushing from behind the leaf

Reus was the first one to take his card with a wide smile over his face, others also quickly grabbed their cards with smiles

Each one of them had different shades of card, life Reus's card was dark grey, Sam's was a little chocolaty colour

Yumiko seemed to have gotten a pitch black card with violet shades, Ariana had white one and Anna had a greenish card

"This feels amazing, the details are beyond perfection..."

Reus muttered seeing his card, Reus and others clearly seemed to be extremely satisfied here

(Name _ Reus

Age _ 24

Job_ Heavenly Sword Dragon (Tier 11)

Tier_ Beginner Tier 8

Titles _ Heavenly Sword Descendant, Genius of the Era, The one Destined for greatness, Viscount of Empire, S Rank Adventurer, Kin of Cosmos, Unique Ruler

Completion rate _ 83% [11 S Rank, 67 A rank, 88 B Rank, 104 C Rank, 213 D rank,...]


Rank _ S)

Klaus managed to see through the hidden information of the Reus's adventures card, he didn't seem to be much surprised

'Guess I really missed a few things here...'

Klaus sighed and next his gaze moved at others, everyone had hidden the information at their cards and it was absolutely impossible for even Guild to find out all information of Reus's party

But this wasn't much of a tough task for Klaus with the golden dot shining in the middle of his eyes

'So, Yumiko has Tier 9 job Fallen Samurai, Sam has 'Earth Monarch' another Rus Tier 9 job, followed by Ariana and Anna

'Martial Priestess' and 'Divine Tempest' another holders of Tier 9 jobs...

As expected it's broken, even the legendary hero only had Tier 8 job and here even support characters have Tier 9 jobs...'

[Look who is even talking...]

'I'm God here!!!'

[That's even more absurd then!!!]



Klaus just sighed and moved on with his day and said to others

"The guild can protect you only when you are under guild's or my territory's area, I can do nothing about outer territories

Avoid making more enemies and don't go around being guardians of humanity and bring more trouble on yourselves that's my job, you are still not good enough to be doing those jobs..."

Klaus said that and he started moving back but just then Reus stood up and asked

"Then what shall we do if we see someone getting abused or suffering in front of our eyes, isn't our strength to protect others?"

Everyone in room except Klaus seemed to be surprised by Reus's question at Klaus

Klaus turned his head back to glance at Reus and asked "The strength to protect others is only when you have strength to protect yourself first

If you don't even have a present then whom will you save in future?"

Klaus's words sent shivers to Reus but he still didn't back off, he was still stuck to his words and asked

"Then what shall we do?"

Klaus turned back and looked at Reus coldly and this time he said with more seriousness

"The world won't change just because 'you' want, change yourself in present to change the world in future

Being a Hero and Saint is my job and I don't want to brag but I'm doing my job beyond excellence right now..."

Reus had no words to retort right now in front of Klaus but he still stood there with a stubborn look on his face

'Although this seems a little offensive but with Reus's personality of being overly righteous and self righteous he doesn't see the big picture of the world

He can't even imagine the cause of the effects of many things in the world, a flap of butterflies can cause a storm then imagine the result of a storm he will bring because of his own defined righteousness

He is basically asking for calamity, he understood this thing far later in the novel and I don't have time or money to explain to him all these things with my territory and people as the experiential subject for this crazy ass beach...'

Klaus didn't seem to have any ill intentions either but the situations seemed to have triggered the ego of the protagonist quite clearly

"Let's have a duel then... I will prove my words with my sword..."

Reus said this with a confident look over his face, others also seemed to be getting affected by that overwhelming charisma but Klaus...