Leaf Dawn (2)

"Let's have a duel then... I will prove my words with my sword..."

Reus said this with a confident look over his face, others also seemed to be getting affected by that overwhelming charisma but Klaus...

'The heck is wrong with his logic, what does the words have to do with sword and magic, is that twisted thought process of muscle head people...

Isn't it just another way of saying the one with a stronger sword holds more weight in his words?

Klaus seemed to be exploding with this kind of thought process but at the end he also just sighed and said

"Looks like 'Leaf Dawn' will have to delay their adventurers a bit more, Sania prepares for the dueling area..."

Sania nodded and left the place without any questions, except Reus, others seemed to have perfectly understood their situation

'God Damnit... Another waiting days now...'

In just few short minutes the place for duel was ready, Sania brought them to the dueling area

Reus was equipped with just a few light guards on top of his clothing and his usual dark sword, while on other hand Klaus was only wearing a white noble shirt and his pants without any kind of gaurd or weapon

Others from Reus's party were standing on the sidelines, beyond the boundary of the dueling area along with other adventurers who have gathered there

"I'm sorry but keeping out all the adventures was a little tough, they were excited to see you again after months..."

Sania said with a little nervous face, Klaus just nodded and did a little warm up of his hands and feet and said

"No problem at all, this might actually work as a good promotion event for 'Leaf Dawn' adventurer party..."

Sania nodded and returned back to sidelines near others from Leaf Dawn party

A middle aged man who looked a little tough and rough with few scars over his face came out as the referee and looked at both sides


After gaining the agreement from both sides he gave the signal and immediately left the place within a moment

And just as he left the dueling area Reus immediately dashed at Klaus with his dark sharp edged sword

Klaus also dashed towards Reus but unlike Reus he didn't seem resolute or bright for the excitement in battle

He was just confident, his overwhelming confidence was putting pressure all over the dueling ground

He moved just like a lord with absolute lord control over his grounds

"You should not look down too much over your opponents!!!"

Reus moved his sword with immense strength and speed forming a crescent moon like arc which was coming towards Klaus coldly

Klaus just smashed his blunt fist over the crescent cut destroying it completely and said

"I don't need to look up when my opponents are like you..."

Klaus seemed to be holding back a lot!!! He can crush the whole area with that fist if he wanted but

'It seems like I protected Reus too much, his strength grew but his arrogance also seems to be approaching peak

He needs to mature faster, for that he needs to see the wall and... I'm that wall!!!'

Reus was still rushing towards Klaus with resolute strong face and this time he struck Klaus's hands with his bare sword directly

But this strike was also blocked by Klaus like it was child's play, Klaus's raw skin was tough enough to not even get a scratch even after getting hit by Reus's sword directly


Reus and every other being present there was surprised by this scene, Klaus just grinned and a curved kick landed right on Reus's face sending him crashing to ground

"What was that!?!"

"How did he even do that!?"

"Blocking a blade with new skin..."

"That kick was quite something!"

The adventurers present there were also very shocked by Klaus and praised Klaus but Reus's party seemed more worried about Reus after taking a kick right into his face


Reus stood back wiping the blood leaking from his face and looked back at Klaus in a little aggressive tone

"I will definitely prove myself here!!!"

Reus shouted and once again rushed at Klaus with his sword and on his way Reus released dozens of crescent cuts towards Klaus

But Klaus dodged almost all of them and destroyed a few but this created a lot of dust around Klaus

'Got him!!!'

Reus seeing this grinned and suddenly appeared behind Klaus with shining eyes and sword

But just as he was on air Klaus suddenly turned his eyes towards him that were shining brightly in blue golden light

"Too naive..."

Klaus muttered and his first kick landed on Reus stomach powerful enough to make Reus forget breathing for next few seconds

Next Klaus caught Reus's shoulders and crushed his face with his own knees and then Klaus grabbed Reus's right elbow and wrist

And smashed Reus right beside him to ground creating a big caterer there

"Caugh! Caugh! Caugh! Uwah!!!"

Reus somehow stood back like a zombie and groaned from the immense pain he was feeling

Klaus seeing this decided to taunt Reus again "Enough? Now return on your way, you can't even take pain and dare to talk about justice for others..."

Klaus clearly made a face that seemed to look down at Reus, Reus gritted his teeth and once again dashed at Klaus,

The pressure and aura this time seemed much more stronger and violent that the past, but seeing this

Klaus grinned and suddenly appeared in front of Reus with his fist covered in purple lightning

The clouds in air also seemed to have purple thunder on them

Next moment along with Klaus's fist the thunder from clouds also rushed at Reus


But Reus somehow managed to block both the fist and thunder with the help of his dark sword

Reus looked at Klaus with a horrified gaze but the only thing that changed was the amount of grin over Klaus's face

Next another fist touched Reus's chest from the bottom sending him crashing to ground quite far away

"Did you see anything?"

"It was fast..."

"I just saw a blurred image between him and the lord..."

"The Lord is amazing!!!"

Reus seemed to have lost almost all his consciousness right there, his body was still breathing but he clearly didn't seem to be in condition to move anymore

But Klaus still kept looking at Reus with shining eyes, Sam and others tried to enter the duel hall but Sania stopped all of them with a gesture

"What? Isn't the duel over!?"

"What is left now?"

"But that black haired guy was strong too..."

"Yeah, even I don't have confidence to defeat him!"

The adventurers started discussing things but suddenly Reus's fingers started moving and the shadow beneath him seemed to move too

'Finally! Plot fight!'

Klaus grinned seeing this and next moment Reus stood back with loose hands grabbing his sword like a complete zombie

And this time his ability and all overall abilities seemed to have boosted by a lot

In just a flash Reus arrived right in front of Klaus with his sword, he struck Klaus with his sword

But this strike was still avoided easily by Klaus, Reus kept making various strikes and Klaus kept dodging

But as time passed it seemed like Reus's strike was also getting stronger and stronger

The slashes made by his sword had started leaving marks over ground,

But even then it is a basic thing and common knowledge that no matter how powerful a strike is it won't work on someone or something that can't be touched

Klaus was just dodging all the strikes made by Reus with almost no look of struggle over his face

"Hey... Don't you think the lord is starting loose now?"

"Why isn't it attacking?"

"Is his mana finished!?"

"That guy is just too strong..."

The newbie and immature adventurers suddenly started thinking that Klaus was the one losing

But the experienced veterans knew that duel ground was just a chess ground of Klaus and Klaus had thousands of different ways to finish off Reus in a matter of seconds

'Lord Brahm... He's just playing with that kid... The skills and abilities of an SSS Rank is really beyond our comprehension...'

The same man who announced the beginning of the duel seemed to be one of veterans and elite that understood the situation really fast

The eyes of elite and veterans were focused completely over Klaus, they didn't miss a single moment

And almost forgot to even blink at current state and as the match was going more and more intense

Suddenly Reus tried to pierce his sword into Klaus's chest but this strike was caught by Klaus

Klaus just needed to move a little more to the side and as Reus's sword passed right besides his chest Klaus caught his sword with his arm

But next Reus's other fist suddenly rushed at Klaus's face from the bottom,

'This time definitely! I got him for sure!!!'

Just as Reus was thinking that a grin appeared over Klaus's face and...



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
