Arwin's Marriage (2)

'Bless myself me!'

Klaus made an gesture of blessing himself and turned his face towards the sky

A few minutes passed and all the guests had arrived that of course included the representatives of other nations and the Emperor himself as this wedding was of the hier of a Duchy

Klaus easily found his prey to take out frustration in the crowd and went directing to Sylphy and Danzal and asked

"Oh my if it isn't the pointy eared brat?"

Sylphy immediately turned back with surprise and Danzal also looked a little surprised

"Tsk, grow up!"

Sylphy seemed obviously annoyed by Klaus's words but next moment Klaus made the gesture with his hands and commented

"Yeah right, grow up Sylphy, how can you look so small in crowd while being representative of elves?"

Klaus was easily 6 feet tall while Sylphy being an ancient elf with slow growth rate was still just merely 5'9

Sylphy gritted her teeth and replied with angry tone

"Can't you behave like a good man in front of this lady?"

"Na don't wanna!"

The reply to her question was granted instantly and next moment Klaus shooked Danzal's hands with a proper smile

"Happy seeing you here my friend! You already became A Viscount at this age! Really amazing!"

"Hahaha! Still not as good as you!"

Danzal also seemed casual with Klaus, Sylphy being ignored so openly couldn't take anymore and decided to give a little punch to Klaus's arm

But her fist was stopped in mid air before it could even reach Klaus as if a invisible force was stopping it

Klaus looked at her with dark grin and said

"Grow up... Braattttt~"

With that Klaus turned back with extremely satisfied face while leaving Sylphy in a extremely enraged and annoyed mood

"I swear Danzal before devils this bastard will die by my hands!!!"

"First time saw a Ancient Elf hating a Hero so much..."

Danzal just calmed her down while Klaus went directly to Arwin who was seen standing on the stage waiting for bride in his fashionable dark suit

"Where were you gone for so long?"

Arwin immediately asked Klaus with a nervous tone but Klaus just shrugged it off with satisfied grin over his face

"Just having a little chat with an old friend, but what are you doing here? I thought Bishops or at most Arch Bishops were responsible for such things..."

Klaus turned his gaze at Pope standing besides the Arwin and seems like she was the one responsible for the marriage

"Haha! I can do at least this much to pass my time you know?"

Klaus felt goosebumps from that face of the Pope, even though she wore blindfold Klaus could still feel a chilling gaze and over his body

Klaus just ignored that perfectly maniac-like gaze of Pope and other church people and to change topic Klaus changed the attention towards Arwin who looked nervous from head to toe

"Anyways just chill my dude, it's just a marriage, why so nervous?"

Arwin gave Klaus a side cold gaze and replied "We will see that on your wedding then, and remeber the promise don't stand out here! Oka-?"

"Look! The bride is here!"

Arwin was cut off in middle of his words by Klaus and he immediately turned his gaze forward, his gaze was in total sparkles and amazement seeing his bride in white dress walking towards him

Klaus could sense happiness from his presence alone, he smiled and slowly lowered his presence so that the crowd can focus over bride and groom instead of him

And as expected a wave of praises came out from the crowd as their gazes moved to bride

"My, they look so good together!"

"Wow! Her dress is amazing!"

"Really cool!"

"Waah! Sir Arwin also looks so cool!"

The one escorting the bride was her father and also the head of Rambarth Duke family, wearing golden glasses and a little smile over his face

The flowers were being rained from the air and various mages showed best of other abilities

The time passed slowly, both Arwin and his bride looked lost in each other's eyes and seemingly amazed at each other and for a moment the gaze of Duke Rambarth also met with Klaus

After a second of stare both nodded and returned their attentions over main characters of the day

Pope also started her role and started her greetings

"In the name of divine 7 Gods may the peace remain forever, they have seen the world, raised us like kids and will protect us from all evil!"


After reading up some phrases and praising the Gods and other guardians she started the main formalities

"Amelia Rambarth, the daughter of Rambarth Duchy and Arwin De Whiteblood the hier of Whiteblood duchy! Do you consent to this marriage?"


Both sides nodded with bright smiles and Pope continued

"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"

Both of them nodded without a shred of doubt and nodded in approval of it and Pope next questioned to the crowd

"The Groom and Bride agree to this, does anyone disagree to this marriage here?"

As that question was dropped the eyes of Arwin went cold and he looked at all the guests present there and after a few seconds of dead silence he commented with bright happiness

"Seems like no one objects haha!"

Klaus and other members of Whiteblood family just stared at him with dead gazes with same exact thought

'Desperate bastard...'

Pope smiled and gave final instructions

"Since it's like this, may groom and bride exchange the rings and the peace remain forever with you!"

With that both Arwin and Amelia immediately exchanged their rings with bright faces and a loud applause came from crowd as both newlyweds kissed each other

"Woohoo! So cute!"

"The pair really looks so cool!!"

"Hahaha! Finally!"

"Oh my, so sweet!"

Everyone clapped with bright faces, Klaus also looked like lost in the atmosphere but just then Sarah gave him an elbow strike over his chest and gave gesture for speech

"Truly thank you to all gathered here! This day will be memorable for my brother and his wife forever

It's a honour to have you all with us here and it's really not everyday that you get to give a speech at your brother's wedding so let's make it a little memorable!"

Klaus had removed all his compressed presence and easily managed to attract all presence, the servants also started to distribute the drinks to the crowd

Everyone looked excited but Arwin just looked more and more nervous with Klaus being his best man for the wedding

"For all those who don't know me I'm Klaus De Brahm, Duke of my peoples, Saint for the world and Hero for the weaks!

I have been the brother of my brother since my birth, we siblings didn't spent a lot of time together but the moments we were together were definitely one of the best

We spent the days teasing each other but today it's just pure honour to speak here, my brother is actually one of the best guys I have seen in life not bragging cause he is my brother!

I'm also on my way to my own marriage in a few months, so I will be expecting some tips after this sacrifice of my brother

He might be gaining a heaven in exchange for his independence honestly a good deal, and if you get a daughter as present from God I'm telling you honestly it will be blessing

It's just that you need a strong body like mine to endure them, honestly never been so relieved than today that you are a swordsman brother

Honestly this guy didn't even tell me anything about his marriage, he just sent me a letter just one month before the marriage saying all the stuff he wants and special terms and condition to be present here

Having a brother like him can be a troublesome thing to have and more than that its a matters of great controversy

Just how did this maniac even managed to make a girl as beautiful as lady Amelia fall in love with him isn't it right?

And brother, even after marriage don't forget that you still have a living, laughing, walking, talking brother here, don't get lost in abyss

Sister in law you can also depend upon me if you want to know anything about this guy, I have great records of the embarrassing moments of this guy's life

But in all honesty I hope you both have a happy married life and don't worry about anything this brother will be guardian angel for your marriage!

Let's have this drink in the name of this successful marriage between two great duchy!"

Klaus finally had a drink after a long funny speech, this type of informal speech was a first for everyone gathered here

But still as it was funny and the way Klaus handled it smoothly everyone felt satisfied and applauded with bright faces


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
