Arwin's Marriage (3)

"My, Duke Klaus it's been a while!"

"Hahaha! You became even more handsome!"

"Truly so amazing!"

"The new products you have launched are going to change the world!"

Klaus was currently surrounded by all kinds of nobles and high status merchants, Klaus's popularity was running through roofs after the new devices had been launched to market and no one was willing to leave such opportunity to make connections with Klaus here

But opposite to their expectations Klaus was just calmly making up his conversations with a drink in his hands

"I'm grateful for all your support it's really quite reliving that my new products are of service to you all..."

Klaus had that poker business smile over his face standing like a wall for all those who wanted to make connections with just smiles and compliments

After enduring their nonsence for a few more minutes with smile over his face Klaus finally decided to leave

"Then I will get going now, I have to attend other guest or they might feel a little bad..."

Klaus placed his glass over the tray of passing by servent and before anymore realised he had already left

"Oh, if it isn't uncle? How is it going?"

Klaus asked the Emperor who was having tea and snacks with the Empress and Prince

"Oh my! Klaus! You really grew up to be so cool!"

The Empress complimented Klaus with bright smile on her face, Klaus nodded feeling a little shy hearing a compliment from his aunt

"Well nothing compared to your charm, your majesty!"

"Hahaha, thanks!"

The Empress looked quite happy and next the Emperor commented

"Seems like you are enjoying yourself well, make sure you don't get buried under all work load, Divine Lord~"

The Emperor tried to tease Klaus with his words but Klaus suddenly took out a expensive transparent glass box filled with a super expensive and luxurious looking amulet from his storage and placed it towards the Empress and said

"In order to repay my thankfulness towards his majesty who let me have more than 1% share of my profit for myself

Please take this gift your majesty, this is a unique piece, there isn't and there won't be any other such necklace ever again!"

"Ohhh.. This is beautiful..."

"Lucky mother..."

Both Empress and Prince looked dazed by design of that necklace and Klaus left the place with a bow

"Then let's meet again!!!"

But as he left a crushing sound of cup came from Emperor's direction as he muttered

"That bastard nephew... Where is mine gift goddammit..."

After the other formalities the reception started and now everyone taking their time enjoying the delicacies gathered in here

"Klaus! Try this one!"

"This one had perfect cream!"

"Just look at the chocolate cake here!"

The fairies were currently working as Klaus's guide for the dishes, Klaus also looked happy and excited over it and held his plate and spoon with bright grin over his face

And just like the exact copy of Klaus, Sol, Sarah and Rin were also following him closely with their own plates and spoons

"Follow me closely comrade!"

"We must finish all this! The honour of two Duke families is at the stake!"

"Gotta finish it real quick!"

Rin acted like some kind of commander in wild battlefield and Sol and Sarah both played along with her with bright faces

Zoya and Ashia both watched all of them with awkward expressions over their faces

'Na! No! Don't wanna know! How can direct bloodline of infamous Whiteblood family act like this! God's sake you people are real bigshots of the world dammit!!!'

Zoya looked like she was having some real hard conflict in her thought process, the knight in her body and the friend in her heart both seemed to have different opinions yet at same time she was enjoying herself too

But at the end as the leader of first knight order of Brahm Dukedom she controlled her actions excellently but at same time the first beast order seemed more and more carefree

"Follow the lord!"

"Inspect all dishes he is eating!"

"Must ensure the safety!"


All the beastmen were having a blast at the reception of the marriage party, through their words made them sound like they deeply cared about Klaus's safety

But at same time the drool leaking from their faces made them look quite unreliable and hungry beasts

Zoya finally moved her head towards the parents of Klaus with a lot of hope to see dignified nobles here but

"Klaus's team plundered all the good ones!"

"Oh! I wanted to eat that pastry tho..."

The only thing she managed to see was disappointed faces of his parents because of temporary absence of good pastries

'Don't know! Don't wanna know!'

At the end Zoya finally gave up over finding logic and silently disappeared in crowd like stone statue

Surprisingly the nobles present there didn't mind this behaviour as most of nobles present here were closer to Whiteblood family and had closer ties

"Burp! That was a good treat!"


"I agree too!"

"Me too!"

Klaus's team finally finished their adventures here and all the exploration of mysterious dishes present here and after all ceremonies it was time for farewell

Currently Arwin was seen hugging Klaus with eyes filled with emotion and gratefulness

"Thank you keeping your promise of being low profile! I swear to repay you one day"

Arwin muttered that into Klaus's ears with bright proud eyes but just then Klaus smirked and replied in low tone

"Don't worry about little things brother, you don't need to repay anything, because at the end you can't just stop gold from shining, you should have preyed to Gods that you didn't had any brother like me..."

'but even those Gods won't listen to such request...'

Klaus muttered as this and stood back again, Arwin was clearly having difficulty comprehending Klaus's words and looked a little confused but next moment Klaus opened his mouth again with an obvious evil grin over his face

"Then let's meet again brother and sister in law, it's just a little thing but before that..."

The stoppage in middle of Klaus's words was giving shivers and goosebumps to Arwin who felt each cell in his body shouting of the danger ahead

Klaus clicked his fingers and dozens of various gift boxes from the gigantic size to small ones, suddenly all of them appeared behind Klaus's back and Klaus commented

"Just take it as our farewell gift, then let's meet again when fate calls us again..."

As Klaus said that a bright grin appeared over his face but before that beaming face could shine anymore Arwin smashed a cake directly over Klaus's face

"Hahaha! Look you are getting late! Hahaha!"

Amelia looked a little surprised and confused over this matter but Arwin didn't seem to care but next moment suddenly a plate of cake got smashed over his face too

"Don't bully my daddy!!!"

Rin shouted with another plate of cake on her face which she launched towards Arwin again but no matter how weak Arwin was still just one step away from reaching Tier 9 too

He easily managed to dodge the cake plate but unfortunately that cake was smashed over Sarah's face who was secretly trying to cover Amelia with cake from behind

"Hahaha... Hahaha.... You all are so dead!!!"

Next moment Sarah launched both of her cakes in hand towards random direction, the first plate eliminated Rin and second one got stuck to Sol's face directly

"Dare to hurt my daughter! You all will suffer through the wrath of God!!!"

Next Klaus whose face was still covered in cake launched the barrage of cake attacks and various parties suffered deep losses this time all individuals were annihilated all at once

And just like that for the first time in this world the Great Cake War where even blood related siblings wanted to smash the faces of their siblings (with cake that is!)

The day ended with bright smiles, it was already almost time for sunset before they realised, all nobles had been involved in this cake war and now everyone returned to dress back again

But at the same time now was the time to bade a temporary farewell to Sol too

"So, I guess it's time..."

Sol said with little redness over her face and fidgeting around, Klaus also nodded being a little shy

"Seems like it..."

"But! I will graduate in three months so no worries, I will return home by that time and!?"

Sol suddenly became over excited on her own and started rushing with her words but Klaus stopped her in time she replied

"Don't overthink too much! Just do what you have to for now, we have a lot of time to discuss in this life..."

Sol just nodded and replied in agreement

"Guess we really do have a lot of time in this life"

Sol seemed to be happy over all this situation and the blush over her face was still present there

Klaus sighed and suddenly moved his hand towards her in fist form and commented

"Then let's meet again real fast partner!"

Sol heard this and with a grin she also gave Klaus her fist bump and replied

"Sure we will!"

With that under the setting sun both bade a temporary farewell and returned to their own paths for now


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
