It is just dark... (4)

"You won't get a single penny from here..."

The attention of all adventurers suddenly moved towards the two new guys inside the adventurer guild,

Klaus had covered his face under a cloak while Shawn was seen walking inside with the same armour, sword, shield and the white robe covering his head

All the attention of the beings inside the guild were now towards both of them, Shawn directly went to the receptionist and said two words coldly

"I'm alive..."

As he said that everyone obviously looked quite confused because after change of appearance barely anyone even recognised him but the faces of all four of his former party members suddenly turned dark as they did recognise his voice


"Imposible! You how did you!?"


"N-no way..."

Shawn just gave them a cold face and placed his adventures card over the desk and replied

"I'm Shawn, B Rank Adventurer, I'm here to retrieve all my belongings and report these four who stabbed me in the middle of the crisis and left me to die in front of monsters..."

As Shawn said that there was big silence followed by chaos all over the guild

"Wha -!?"

"These four were acting here after betraying him!"

"Even dare to steal his belongings!"


The four adventurers were surrounded by all adventurers in a matter of seconds, Shawn just gave a cold look from his eyes and once again moved his attention towards the receptionist

"My belongings..."

As he said that the receptionist immediately nodded and with goosebumps running throughout her body she immediately returned back

"I will get them right away!!!"

With that she left, the Guildmaster of the place also came out due to all the commotion but at same time suddenly the swordsman who betrayed Shawn suddenly shouted

"You! Why did you come back!? You were better off dead you loser!!!"

As he shouted, he immediately dashed at Shawn with cold eyes and Sword filled with aura and killing intent and a direct attempt to murder

The adventures haven't expected this but still before anything could even happen, Shawn cleanly blocked the sword with his shield in left hand

Next Shawn deflected his shield upwards forcing the swordsman's hands to also go upwards, now at this moment the swordsman's both hands were up in air and Shawn without any mercy thrust his sword right through the chest of that swordsman

"Kugh!... You..."

The eyes were almost about to fall off from the face of that swordsman and next right in front of everyone's eyes the swordsman fell to the ground

Shawn moved his face towards the rest three and muttered his words

"I thought about leaving you all alive but guess not..."

Shawn turned his hands towards their direction, the shield was stuck to his arm so he easily managed to open his grip of left hand

And showed his open hands to the rest three and next moment he closed the grip over the hands at the same moment the other three also started floating over mid air

It was as if all the air in surrounding was pressing them, just like crushing a can after drinking the coffee, the bodies of those three also got crushes into pieces

"You! What are you doing!? How can you kill people inside the guild!?!"

As soon as Shawn did that, the Guildmaster immediately intervened but next moment Klaus removed his robe and said

"Because I allow that..."

As soon as the Guildmaster saw Klaus's face he immediately backed off and greeted Klaus with respect

"I greet the Duke Brahm!"

Klaus nodded and in a few seconds the receptionist girl also brought a big pouch of gold with her

As she came out her face immediately seeing the situation, four corpses were lying over ground

All adventurers were standing there surprised daring not to move even an inch and even Guildmaster looked nervous

Just a man with golden hairs and blue eyes was seen standing behind Shawn with sharp cool gaze

Shawn quietly touched the gold bag with his shield and the gold bag stored over his storage inside the shield

"You all better be conducting a detailed investigation over all cases of Shawn..."

Klaus gave a final command there and after Shawn nodded, Klaus immediately teleported himself and Shawn both somewhere far away from the place

The Guildmaster and other people immediately looked at each other's faces with sweats covering their faces

"What just happened..."

"Was Shawn working under Duke!?"

"Holy shit!"

"What's going on!?"

Klaus teleported Shawn along with him in a little distance away from the city of Rosario and offered him three papers

"First go to Lord's mansion and give this letter to a man named Marshall and then second one is for Seraphim at mage tower and lastly

Go to church and give this one to the Pope she will understand, train here, I will be right back in a few months..."

As Klaus said that Shawn nodded in understanding and replied

"I will do my best Lord!"

Klaus nodded and teleported away while Shawn under the light of rising new moon made his way towards the city of Rosario

And this was undoubtedly the birth of another super cheat level character

Inside the carriage that just passed through various paths, Klaus suddenly opened his eyes again with a dim lotus floating over his hands and smiled

"You look quite refreshed..."

Elena said while looking towards Klaus, Klaus just nodded and replied

"Things are happening just too fast in my life, random important events are happening all over the place..."

As Klaus said that a grin appeared over his face but just then suddenly Fae flew over Klaus's head and said in confused tone

"What are you even talking about out of nowhere?"

"Klaus lost his mind!"


All three fairies also seemed to be enjoying their days and next suddenly Zoya reported from outside of the carriage

"We are about to arrive over the Elven Territory, it's already night, so let's take the rest here my lord"

Klaus looked over the window and nodded, everyone came out of the carriage and Klaus looked towards the eastern direction and commented

"Now, isn't it a nice view here..."

As Klaus said that, Elena and other fairies also looked towards that direction, the full moon was at the top of skies while a beautiful forest was shining in different light at a distance

That was the starting point of the Kingdom of Elves, Elfhiem...

"Let's take the rest, all of us have to wake up early the next day! Show your active faces there, don't ruin my reputation by carrying dark circles under your eyes the next morning!"

Klaus said that and others also nodded with bright smiles over their faces

"Don't worry lord, my mother used to say I'm the best looking man in my town!"

"Ha~ were you raised in the town of goblins or something?"

"Better than you though, with your face even your mother won't call you handsome!"

"The heck! This bastard is roasting me in front of girls!"


Everyone enjoyed themselves and started taking out their camping materials

Klaus also helped around a little with his telekinesis like magic and took out some equipment

Everyone tossed the camping cubes which turned into big bright camps in a systematic way

Klaus's camp was placed in the centre besides Elena's camp while the knights were responsible for guarding at knight

"It's been a while and since the mood is good! Let me show you the magic of my hands!!!"

Klaus said that and immediately took out his equipment for making food, the faces of each one of them brightened, even Elena seemed to be drooling

"Hahaha! You are the best!"


"Awesome lord!"

"Let's party!"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
