It is just dark... (3)

"Why... God?"

'Was I really that bad... I don't remember committing any sins... So just why only me... Why do you take every happiness away from me

... Why do you destroy all my hopes'

The man gritted his teeth and shouted as the barrier stopping monsters also broke

"Why do you hate me so much?!"

As those monsters were just about a dozen or so meters away from him a finally last memory passed by his mind

The face of the nun appeared in front of him and Shawn recalled the words she used to say almost all times

"God always answers our prayer, although it might be late sometimes but it always comes so don't ever lose your belief okay?"

Shawn gritted his teeth and tears escaped from his eyes recalled all those who had ever given him any kind of love or pity and muttered his words

"If the nun was right... And you exist... Don't care what God or Goddess you are... Please... Prove it! Prove it that you exist!!!"

As he looked towards her noticed the fangs of the hound were just about a few inches away from their face but at the same time another voice rang inside him

"I will prove it then..."

As that voice rang the hound which was about to eat that man lying over the ground suddenly got smashed over the ceiling of the dungeon, the force was so hard that the hound exploded like watermelon over the ceiling


The other hounds were now shaking in fear but right there in front of Shawn's eyes all the beasts exploded into smithereens in thin air

The golden flames devoured everything and just one figure of a man was seen approaching towards him

The eyes of that man were completely white and the golden hairs shone brighter even in presence of literal flames

The man offered his hands to Shawn, Shawn didn't know if he was imagining things or it was reality but he could see shadows of all the loved ones behind the back of that man who just helped him

Shawn instinctively grabbed the hand of the man in front of him, all his wounds healed to perfection, just healing was an understatement at this point

His body had reached the perfection and peak at the current state, he could feel something entirely different from the bottom of his soul

"God ...?"

That was the first word that came from his mouth and next moment he noticed that absolutely flawless face, the charm that was beyond perfection and presence totally befitting for those words

"Hmm... Well I do have a title of such..."

Klaus finally said those words and picked up that man again to the ground and his eyes returned to deep blue eyes with golden dots at centre

"You have endured quite well... My first believer..."

[You have blessed 'Human _ Shawn!']



Name_ Shawn

Age_ 28

Race_ Human

Blessing_ God of Existence

Tier_ 6 Level_ 61

HP_ 934500 MP_ 641000

Str_ 113 (+500) Sta_ 135(+500)

Agi_ 121(+500) Intelligence_ 141(+500)

Charm_ 74(+500) Luck_ 89(+500)

Traits_ Broken, Iron willed

Titles_ The First Follower of God of Existence, The one cursed by Evil God, The Broken Soul, Betrayed Sword]

Klaus grabbed the man with a smile but for Shawn this was the first time after many decades that a reply came from the God

He didn't know anything, neither did he want to peek into details, his whole existence and instincts, from the bottom of his hearts he was relived

In the situation of life when he realised the whole world had turned their backs on him, his loved one no longer exists

In the middle of that endless despair a hand pulled him back to light, Shawn just hugged Klaus with endless tears leaking from his eyes

Klaus's mentality was also that of a God, and after gaining his first follower Klaus can now finally sense the true meaning of being a God

The one who shares the pain and sadness of followers, shares their burden, shares their despair, shares their misfortune and only returns blessings for them

Even at the end of the bottomless pit of darkness a God is always there with his followers like his support

Klaus just smiled and hugged Shawn back till the end...

Quite the time has passed since then, currently Klaus was sitting on top of a rock while his first believer was kneeling below at the ground

"I told you many times already, no need for useless formalities, it's cringe!"

Klaus had been saying those words again and again for the last few hours but Shawn still looked determined to keep his act like this

"But how can I!? You are God, my lord! I can clearly feel that I have received your blessing you know!?! I can feel the deep connection between us too! Just like the thread that binds our sou-!?"

"Yup! Stop right there on that line! Stop being gay! I don't accept them under my rulership!"

Shawn came to realisation and immediately tried to smash his face over ground as he shouted

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for this disrespect! My God!!!"

But Klaus stopped him in mid air through the pressure of wind and with a sigh Klaus replied

"No need, but Shawn first of all let's change your appearance..."

Shawn was confused but next moment before he could even realise some scissors and blades were seen floating around him

Shawn made a resolute face and replied "I can give you my life, no worries God!"

"I'm not interested!"

Klaus just replied nonchantally and the blades and scissors finally made their moves too, in a matter of seconds all the wild beards got removed from his face and with a little click of Klaus's fingers

Shawn's clothing also changed to a silvery armour with other combat equipment and a white robe with blue outlines covering it

Klaus smirked with satisfaction and from thin air he started flowing and concentrating his energy and even used some materials stored inside his storage

[Hands of Midas activated!]

"Now you look like a worthy paladin hmm not just any paladin I guess..."

Shawn was now equipped with a set of armour with his face still visible outside under and a white robe with blue outlines and a shield in left hand and a cold sword on right who have just appeared out of thin air

The burnt wing badge was now attached to his chest on top of the armour in clear white look

Shawn was surprised and Klaus next smirked and commented

"The First Paladin of 'Existence'..."

Klaus nodded in satisfaction while Shawn immediately knelt to Klaus again and shouted

"I will do my best to live up to your expectations!"

"Oh don't worry, don't worry, I know some good people to teach you things about swords and magic, no worries, even if you don't I will make it so that you can live up to my expectations!"

Klaus just waved his hands over Shawn's deep courage but next a grin appeared over his face and he replied

"But really Shawn you were such a push over man, I would be embarrassed if anyone found only your dark past you know...

It's revenge time..."

Shawn heard this and gradually his darkened face became bright and seems like after gaining blessing from Klaus his personality had also mutated into something different too

At the adventurers guild in Ladia city, inside the territory of Leight Genesis

"Shawn sacrificed his life for us! He was such a good guy..."

"We insisted but he forced us away..."

"I don't know how we will live with this burden over our souls!"

"Damn that Shawn!"

The four adventures that stabbed back in Shawn's back were seen acting inside adventurer's guild at front of reception

All adventurers and other people were looking at them with pitiful eyes and seemed to have a little understanding inside of them

"I understand your pain, please calm down I will report it to the guild master, if you all know about any relative of Shawn please report us, we have to give all the wealth adventurer guilds own under his name

He has saved up about 936 gold coins ($65k approx) already so please tell us if you know anyone..."

As soon as the wealth of Shawn came out, the eyes of all party members suddenly shone in greed and they replied

"He was just an orphan sadly, there is no one except for us in his life..."

The swordsman tried acting like he was emotional, the receptionist also just nodded and replied

"Then please fulfill these documents and you can retrieve Shawn's belongings right aw-!?"

She was in the middle of her words but just then the doors of the guild were smashed open and two figures were seen walking inside

"You won't get a single penny from here..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
