Solo Rebellion (5)

"Fuck?!! Even if he is a vessel of Duke!? How dare he beat me! I'm a baronet! How dare he beat me in front of all commoners! That bastard! Butler, take out all the girls! I will take my rage on them today!!!"

The butler besides him just quietly nodded looking slightly nervous and replied

"I will prepare right away!"

With that the butler left the room while the pig still seemed to be grinding his teeth, in a few minutes the butler returned to the room as the noble has equipped his robe

"Lord, I have prepared them all as you have requested, everyone is waiting for you at western room"

"Good! You strengthen the security around here, I will go check out the new goods"

The butler nodded and quietly left the place, the pig faced noble on another hand showed his true disgusting face as he started walking through the hallway

In a few minutes he arrived inside the room filled with girls over the bed wearing lingeries, clearly forced over this act


"Mom save me... I don't want to!"

"Please let us go!!"

"Dad!!! Help me..."

All the girls present there looked visible terrified by the mere apperance of the lord and started to tremble and cry while on other side the pig noble slowly took out his robe seemingly getting more and more excited seeing the tears in their eyes

"Hehehehehehe... Cry! Cry more! But in few minutes you will forget it all! Hahahahahaha! Today I will show no mercy!!!"

By the time he finished his words he immediately grabbed the feet of one of the girls lying on the bed with extremely disgusting face while the girl herself was scared to point continuous goosebumps were running through her body

But just then everyone inside the room noticed a white curve of shining sword flashing near the bed where everyone had gathered

"The way you say it truly makes all the people interested in role play, disgusting piece of human shit..."

The eyes of lord slowly turned towards his left over the direction of voice but as he moved there he noticed Shawn standing there with cold shining white light without any cover over his head

"You!!! Aa! Aaa! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! My hand! How dare you cut off my hand!??!"

The noble suddenly collapsed to the ground as feelings of overwhelming cold and immensely intense pain overtook his mind and he noticed fountain of blood leaking from all over his sliced open hand

Shawn grinned coldly and smashed a powerful kick over the face of noble once again sending him flying and crashing directly over the wall of another corner of huge room

"You all go over that corner, it's about to get bloody..."

As Shawn said that and girls over the room nodded but the one whose hand were just grabbed by noble looked weirdly lost in her own world

"How did you know I was virgin? Th-then please be ge-gentle okay?!"

As she said that the whole room had an overwhelming awkward silence for next 3 seconds and next moment Shawn glared at her and shouted in annoyance

"Come out of dreams lady! I'm about to butcher this pig here!!! Not eat streak of yours after kicking and slicing arm of city lord!!!"

As Shawn shouted that all girls immediately came out of their daze and rushed away over the corner as Shawn instructed

'Fuck! Who is adding funny elements in my serious revenge plot...'

Shawn shooked his head and once again moved his attention over the lord lying over ground twitching from all over his body with completely broken nose which also bleeded like a pond

"Hey pig... Are you already done here?"

Shawn said that as he slowly started walking towards the direction of the noble and next moment he grabbed the hairs of that noble and pulled his face towards him

"Don't you recognise me? The pawn you tried to dispose of?"

Shawn said that and pointed towards his face with cold grin, the noble on other side just had his whole life flashed before his eyes and suddenly his eyes widened in horror

"It-it wasn't a coincidence... You! You came back..."

Shawn grinned coldly like a devil as watched that reaction, the noble on the other side suddenly noticed the doors of the room slowly opening and a pair of eyes looking from there

A sudden light of hope suddenly emerged over his face and the doors opened in moment and a figure immediately flashed over the direction of Shawn at immense speed

"Yes Butler! Kill this bastard!!!"

The noble also got relived but just then suddenly the butler who had just attempted to kill Shawn from his back got suddenly stopped in mid and it felt like an invisible force had grabbed his throat over mid air

"You shouldn't have interfered Butt Licker..."

Shawn suddenly smashed the face of noble over the ground and looked back at the butler hanging in mid air with his eyes almost popping right out of his face

"You should have just watched just like you have been till now for you lord~"

"Ackj! Aah! Uuu! Khhaa! Akha!!!"

The butler continued to struggle while Shawn slowly started to turn his open palm covered in white aura into a fist

Over the course of few seconds the butler faced all kinds of worst fear he had and suddenly in mid air his head twisted completely 180 and his corpse dropped to ground completely lifeless

Next moment Shawn turned his gaze once again over the noble who was continuously bleeding from his face because of getting smashed on floor

The noble slowly moved his gaze over Shawn once again and his face and eyes were continuously twitching with pain and fear

Shawn saw that look and with a cold grin he commented while staring right into the eyes of noble

"I like that look in your eyes~"




Suddenly various noises started to come from outside of the room as if a group of people in armours were coming here at fast speed, the noble also heard that and a frenzy grin appeared over his face

"Kekekeke... It's over! It's over for you!!! My knights are here!!! Hahahaha! You are dead! No matter how good you might be! How dare you think you can defeat a noble like me!?!"

Shawn just remained silent hearing him with blank eyes and even a few drops of the noble's blood suddenly stained over his face

Next moment the door of the room was smashed open and dozens of knights were seen standing over there watching the event

"Hey! Get away from lord!"

"How dare you invade lord's mansion!!!"

"Kill this bastard!"


Shawn just quietly kept watching the lord's grinning face and next moment just silently wiped the blood over his with his finger and commented

"You shit too much with your mouth... It stinks..."

Shawn moved his head towards all the knights coming towards him and a white aura suddenly bursted out of his body

Just the shockwave from his aura alone pushed all the knights to the corners of the room, all the glasses and tiles over the place suddenly shattered by mere pressure

The doors and windows were completely smashed open along with a huge breath taking pressure over the bodies of all knights and the noble present in here

"I'm Shawn... Silver Batch Vessel of Brahm Dukedom and personally selected by Duke Brahm, I had investigated this City Lord and found him guilty of every fucking crime that had existed in this Empire

Now according to the Empire's law I hold authority to execute this piece of pig scum, if you dare to attack me I will take your act as rebellion against Empire, so just stand there and watch you boxes of tin..."

Shawn took out his batch with cold face and as he finished all his words the knights completely gave up over the fight and tossed their weapons away while the face of noble got filled with dark frown

"This can't be happening...n-no way... Commoner trash being vessel... Chosen by Duke... Why!? How!?! Fuck... This isn't possible he is inferior trash blood... He is just trash... No no way..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
