Solo Rebellion (6)

"I'm Shawn... Silver Batch Vessel of Brahm Dukedom and personally selected by Duke Brahm, I had investigated this City Lord and found him guilty of every fucking crime that had existed in this Empire

Now according to the Empire's law I hold authority to execute this piece of pig scum, if you dare to attack me I will take your act as rebellion against the Empire, so just stand there and watch you boxes of tin..."

Shawn took out his batch with a cold face and as he finished all his words the faces of knights changed into dark frowns and they started looking at each other's faces

"Hey... What to do..."

"Why do you even need to think! Going against Empire for this pig???"

"Even if it's not Empire? Do you think you can survive wrath of Gods by going against will of Saint?"

"Fuck! I surrender! Please punish that pig! He is evil bastard deserves 1000 deaths!"

The knights completely gave up over the fight and tossed their weapons and backed away to another corner of room while the face of noble got filled with dark frown

"This can't be happening...n-no way... Common trash being vessels... Chosen by Duke... Why!? How!?! Fuck... This isn't possible because he is an inferior trash blood... He is just trash... No no way..."

Shawn heard the continuous muttering behind his back and as he turned back he noticed the face and gaze of the noble pig had completely lost the touch with reality

"What are you muttering about piggy?"

The noble slowly turned his face upwards and noticed Shawn cracking up his wrist and next with cold face, goosebumps ran throughout noble's body and he immediately started to crawl backwards with dark clouds over his face

"Hiiieekkkkk! Do-don't come near me!?"

Shawn grinned coldly grabbed his hairs and pulled him upwards

"Now do you think I need someone like you to teach me about what I can do and what I can't?"

As Shawn said that with smile a fist landed directly over the fat stomach of the noble which completely flattened his stomach for a second and at same time the impact and pain made the noble almost cough out all his organs through his face and once again the arm started to bleed out immensely


"Oh wait... Let me heal that arm, it will be a loss to let you die from here blood loss..."

*High heal*

Shawn moved his hand towards the direction of of the cut off arm of noble and just sealed the wound over there to stop blood leaking

The noble's eyes were filled with fear as he moved his another arm towards Shawn who was approaching him and started begging while being in immense panicked state

"Y-you! I surrender! Let the Emperor punish me! Hey! I surrender!!!"

To his begging Shawn just replied without a trace of mercy in his eyes or face

"Like I give a shit..."

Shawn said that and stepped over the left knee of noble's leg and looked straight in his eyes

"N-no! Please... Don't! Spar-!?!"



Shawn didn't showed any mercy and directly crushed his knees, the noble was now at dead corner of the room with no more place to retreat anymore, because of his fat stomach he couldn't even touch his crushed knee and kept crying with tears rushing out of his eyes

"Shut up!!!"


Shawn smashed his knee over the face of noble once again smashing his shattered nose while at same time injuring his back head through the wall

"Kuagh! Cough! Cough!"

The noble pig immediately grabbed his nose which was bleeding like a pool and looked at Shawn with fear filled gaze

Shawn gestured him the sign to keep silence with his finger and next moment commanded

"The more voice will come out of your mouth! The more pain you will experience..."

The noble immediately got silent and nodded without saying a word but just the next moment a straight dagger suddenly passed right through the middle of his both cheeks and even cut off the tongue inside his mouth

"Aaa... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"


The noble couldn't keep his scream in check because of cold pain over his face but Shawn also didn't showed any mercy and directly crushed the knee of his other leg

"Didn't I tell you to be silence? It seems you don't understand..."




Shawn continuously smashed his three forceful fists over the chest of the noble cracking up 5 ribs of his chest

The noble on another hand successfully managed to block his screams by tightly grabbing his fist with all his might but tears were still coming out of his eyes without any control

"Nice~ nice~ that's the way piggy~"

Shawn grinned with cold eyes and nodded but just the next moment his gaze went downwards between the legs of the noble

"Now then~ shall I take revenge for the women that were raped by you~"

As Shawn said that the eyes of the noble suddenly widened but by that time Shawn had already finished the goal inside the net with his legs



Despite the loud kick only two cracking sounds came but that was the most painful moment the noble has ever faced in his life

"Kahakk! Khaaackkk! Ouaaaa!! Iiiee! Hic! Hic! Pp-ww-ee.iiii..."

The eyes of noble had almost popped right out of his eyes face and he curved his body like a turtle because of pain but just then another grin emerged over the face of Shawn

"It seems the words don't get to you~"

The eyes of noble once again widened in realisation but as he turned back he only noticed a hammer coming towards his direction and within a moment his gaze moved towards his arm

The elbow of both his arms had been completely crushed and had lost to the touch and sensation with his brain


The noble himself tightly grabbed his lips to avoid more sound leaking out from his mouth but that was of no use cause there were already two holes inside his mouth

Shawn grabbed the noble's hair again but this time he completely forcefully pulled out his hairs by force in one go making his whole head bleed with blood


The noble felt so much pain that he started to have panicked attacks all over his body and mind, Shawn on another hand felt as if he spotted gold mine

Shawn directly took out a huge hammer from his storage in his shield which was almost a meter long and that hammer landed directly over thick thighs of noble completely crushing them like slime in one hit


The noble kept screaming and Shawn like a madman kept crushing all his limbs one by one, the knights and the girls standing in corners had completely closed their eyes in horror

At this moment Shawn seemed far more evil than any devil the world has ever seen, the blood had completely covered the floor, after the hammering of almost half an hour the noble had been long died

Not just dead, each limb of his body had been complete squashed like lemon and there was his body fleash stuck to cielings

The girls and knights had long left the room because of their fear and disgust and finally Shawn also released the hammer completely covered with blood and flesh of noble

The body or whatever was left of him couldn't even be called a piece of human or whatever it was used to be, the floor had also been completely crushed

"Guess with this... I don't need to worry about my inner demons..."

Shawn stood up and while dragging his hammer he crushed the window in front of him and left the place and while walking by he tightly gripped his fist which turned the lifeless mansion into a crushed mushed smooth sphere with the radius of 30 meter

With that the revenge story of Shawn finished while in the middle of the forest of Elves, Klaus watched all this through the eyes of Shawn and even he felt some twitching across his left eye

"Aiyaa~ scary bastard~"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
