Kingdom of Elves (1)

The revenge story of Shawn finished while in the middle of the forest of Elves, Klaus watched all this through the eyes of Shawn and even he felt some twitching across his left eye

"Aiyaa~ scary bastard~"

Klaus's shining eyes shortly returned to normal, Klaus moved his gaze around and noticed the journey progressing just naturally without much changes except for increasing numbers of spirits sitting on top of his head

The princess of Elves walking ahead saw Klaus's all hairs being changed into the nest of all sorts of spirits and with an awkward smile she asked

"Haha... It seems you are really loved by spirits huh, why don't you try contacting the spirits?"

Klaus just shook his head and replied with a smile

"I can't..."

"But why!? If you make a contract with a spirit you can borrow their help at any time and on top of that spirits can't even die in this world! You are loved by all spirits even Spirit King will be glad to make contract with you right??"

Hearing Klaus's reply the Elven Princess suddenly got immensely shocked and started showing the benefits, after her even other Elves started to support her words with enthusiastic faces

"Yeah! The princess is right!?"

"Hero! You are really loved!"

"Not even us elves get this much favorability!"

"Not everyone has such compatibility with spirits!"

Klaus sighed and looked at their bright faces filled with excitement and enthusiasm and replied

"Well I didn't say I don't want to, it's just I can't due to my situations and don't think there will be anything when I would need to trouble these kids

Borrowing their powers huh... 'I want fruit...'"

As soon as Klaus said that suddenly an earth spirit suddenly placed a perfectly ripened red fruit over Klaus's hands

"Looks like I can do it without contacting"

Klaus commented while taking a bite over the fruit while all the Elves looked at him with blank eyes and jaws dropped to ground

'Fuck... Even as an elf my Earth spirit didn't do any work for me for the whole day...'

'This goddamn talent!!!'

'Let's compose myself or I will cry tears of blood!?'

'Dammit! These Chosen ones!!!'

The Elves quietly turned their faces ahead while the princess stated in emotionless tone

"We will arrive at the Elven Kingdom by noon..."

Klaus quietly nodded while chewing over his fruit, Zoya and the whole Dark Knight Order looked over Klaus's direction with non processing eyes

Marcos Deulake silently closed his distance with Klaus and wishpered

"Are you taking revenge on elf for some act in the past?"

"Eh? No, why will I have a grudge against Elves haha! You joke too much~"

Klaus smoothly waved his hand and continued his walk as others were left with chaos inside their heads

'This has to be the first human that made even elves cry the tears of jealousy in terms of spirit compatibility!'

"Aiyaa~ Klaus is cruel and dark hearted~"

"Hehehe~ why are you such an evil hero~"

"Dark Hearted Hero~"

The fairies as usual were having fun on their own way, while Elena just followed them along under the shadows of dense trees

And like that by the time of noon Klaus and others arrived over their destination and they currently stood in front of a gigantic tree that stood out even in the middle of such dense forest

Silvia, the first princess pointed over the place and explained

"This is the entrance to our Elven Kingdom, we will prefer if you keep this secret but well in a way it won't matter because till now no one had arrived here without our permission

And even if someone did they can't enter our Kingdom without our permission..."

As she said that suddenly the trees started to move or bend a little at visible pace and within seconds a straight path towards the place filled with lights emerged in front of them

"Hoo~ Earth Spirits are helping in masses for this eh~ No wonder Elven Kingdom is so mysterious and insanely safe ~"

Klaus nodded with an interested face, Silvia also nodded and once again everyone continued their journey and slowly the image of the Kingdom became much more clear

In about 15 minutes everyone arrived inside the Elven Kingdom and the path behind them vanished, the place in front of them was a huge open hilly area filled with earthen and wooden houses

Many of those houses were even made over the trees, Klaus looked around with an amazed face, the whole place was filled with elves wearing identically similar clothes and unmatched beauty

And the centre of whole civilisation was the 'World Tree', Klaus and others were standing more than a few miles away from it but even then with one glance they couldn't even see 10% of its whole size

The three fairies suddenly became excited and started floating around with excited faces

"This! This is almost like our fairy village!?"

"Wow! Even the houses!"

"It feels like I'm back home hahaha!!!"

Silvia saw their reactions and finally regained her confidence and smug look and stated in warm tone

"Then once again, I welcome you to our Elven Kingdom!!!"

"It will be a pleasure being here"

Klaus nodded with noble gesture and from there they once again continued their journey, Klaus walked by and observed various new things and this place

'These all Elves live closely with each other, throughout the journey they all live close like family huh, they don't differentiate and all come from the same bloodline one way or another

Is it because of their long lifelines? This is really advantageous and it also clearly explains why their bond with each other is so strong, all of them come from the same bloodline which can be traced back because of their long life...'

They continued on their way observing new life and new culture and seemed to be having quite the fun

"From here we can use carriage! Everyone please"

Silvia announced as they noticed the carriages ready on a rather clear path, Elena didn't even wait and immediately rushed inside while others followed quietly

From there they were escorted directly to a luxurious mansion with natural touch into it and Silvia reported

"Then you all can rest tonight! Tomorrow we will have the audience with the Elven King, if you need anything you can immediately contact me"


Klaus also gave the reply and like that the journey to Elven Kingdom ended


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
