Chapters [101-102]

Chapter 101. Go Hand in Hand


After arranging the schedule, Lu Ze started searching for rabbit holes.

Ever since he became strong, he hadn't been going to those rabbit holes for a long time.

It's just that every time he encountered them, he would send them into the afterlife.

… It almost felt like there was a sense of guilt, and he had a change of heart?

Not too good.

It seems that if he was free in the future, he would need to go play with the rabbits more.

Moments later, Lu Ze's eyes gradually became kinder.

He disappeared from the spot and appeared a hundred meters away. In front of him was a cave with a diameter of 1.5 meters.

Lu Ze exclaimed at the familiar cave entrance and then crouched inside.

It almost felt like going home.

Today, it was as though the rabbits had not left their home yet. Lu Ze just came out of that dark tunnel, and then, the few hundred cute rabbits looked up at the same time. In the darkness, their red eyes shone, seemingly flashing with ferocity.

Then, the rabbits stepped on the ground and charged at Lu Ze.

Invaders! Die!

Lu Ze looked at the charging rabbits and smiled.

Indeed, they were just as hospitable when he first entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Since they were this fervent, he would send them more fire~

Then, a flame started to burn at the bottom of Lu Ze's eyes. The air became dry, and two soccer ball-sized flames rose up on his hands.

The rabbits felt the lethal threat from the air, but they couldn't stop themselves from charging at Lu Ze. They could only scramble their legs in the air anxiously.

Lu Ze smiled and threw the two fireballs amidst the rabbits.


A huge sound came and red flames filled the cave. The heatwave spewed out from the tunnel, and the inside of the cave seemed to be a blazing inferno.

When the flames calmed down, a roasted rabbit landed in front of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze glanced at it and gulped down some saliva.

Oh my!

Roasted rabbit smells really good?

Lu Ze's eyes were flashing. Just when he planned to pick them up and taste the meat, the rabbits slowly turned to dust leaving behind a pile of [light orbs].

Lu Ze looked at this, and his heart ached.

Oh my!

All the roasted rabbits flew away!

He hadn't tasted rabbits for so long. After all, this isn't Earth, there were no rabbits…

As a Chinese eater, he couldn't even eat Chinese food…

How sad was this!!

Lu Ze picked up the [light orbs] with disappointment. These were for Lu Li and Alice.

Then, he walked into the empty cave and started practicing fusing his wind and fire element god art.

Lu Ze's face was serious. He opened his hands. A faint red spark ignited on his left hand while his right hand had a gust of green wind spinning.

Lu Ze used his mental power to stabilize the flame and wind while bringing the two close.

The instant they came near, the flame flashed as though it was about to go out while the wind seemed to be close to dissipating.

Lu Ze's left eye flashed with the light of the flame, and his right eye flashed with a green light. He sweated a little on his forehead. He then carefully controlled the two to make the two fuse.

Elemental particles were different from ordinary atomic particles. They could affect atomic particles but won't be affected by atomic particles. At the same time, there was some connection between the two. However, the balance was hard to control.

Lu Ze's god art was to control wind and fire elements. It was like a natural ability, but time was required for the two to walk together hand in hand.

He extended his mental power to cover the two, making the red and green slowly fuse.


Suddenly, there was a heavy sound. The weak flame and wind disappeared from his hand.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Oh my!

He failed again!

This was the simplest mode.

Last night, he was young and naive. He used a whirlwind and flame to fuse, and the resulting flame wave burned his blankets.

After the previous series of explosions, he had kept reducing the difficulty, however, it was still not enough.


He must allow the fire and wind elements to go hand in hand.

They couldn't be single like him!

The breeze and flames appeared again, and Lu Ze began his practice once more.




A day and night passed, and strange sounds kept arising in the rabbit cave.

The sound came every now and then. There was even a rhythm to it.

Suddenly, a burst of huge laughter sounded from the cave, "Hahahaha~ I'm a prodigy indeed. I succeeded!"

In the cave, Lu Ze laughed like a 75 kg kid. The spark on his right hand carried a weak breeze of wind. The wind spun, and the spark grew bigger.

There was a balance between fire and wind elements.

Lu Ze raised his lips and looked at his work.

It wasn't easy, but they finally went hand in hand.

Lu Ze was touched.

After savoring this for a moment, Lu Ze collected his mood and began practicing once again.

With the first success, he slowly increased the power, and the fusion wasn't too hard. He would continue until his mental power couldn't take it anymore.

Due to using quite a lot of [purple orbs], Lu Ze's mental power wasn't weak. At least, it was enough to control his god art now.

Then, Lu Ze started to change it into a bigger flame and a small whirlwind.

Since he passed the low difficulty, he would try the medium difficulty.

Lu Ze calmed down his breathing and focused his gaze. His mental force emerged as he moved the two closer.


As soon as the two touched, there was a huge explosion. Red and green light flashed. The wind surrounded Lu Ze's body as he pushed the flame wave and wind away.

His mouth twitched. This was indeed much harder than before.

But as a persistent man, how could Lu Ze give up easily?

Thus, another strange sound came from the rabbit cave. It was much louder than before.

Lu Ze was immersed in his research. He would rest when his mental force was used up, and when it was recovered, he would continue.

Another day and night passed. When the sun of the second day slowly rose up, Lu Ze's eyes went dark, and he returned to his room before his wind and flame could come in intimate contact.

He blinked his confused eyes before realizing he had spent two days in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].


Chapter 102. Li, I've Come to Go to School with You~


Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief. Practicing in the rabbit cave for two days was a bit tiring.

He rubbed his aching head.

It was time to take pills!

Then, a faint [purple orb] disappeared from his mental dimension as a clear sensation entered his head. At the same time, his mind became clear.

Lu Ze laid on the bed and wrapped the blanket around him.

Mhm, there was no longer the aroma of Alice.

Hmm, such a complicated feeling…

Lu Ze closed his eyes and reminisced every fusion he had.

He couldn't use [light orbs] in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], so as soon as he came out, he used the [purple orb] to recover.

Every fusion was replayed in his mind. There were thousands of failures, but each one of them is an experience.

Failure was the mother of success. This was right.

When he had made enough mistakes and remembered every type of mistake and promised not to make the same mistake again, it was hard to not succeed.

But as the smart Lu Ze, he was able to derive new mistakes based on old ones after using the [purple orbs].

Time flowed slowly. He took an entire night to revise the few thousand experiments, and Lu Ze used six [purple orbs]. He used up all the [purple orbs] from the red lions and used up the [light orbs] from the two huge green wolves.

Lu Ze felt his mental force grew another level. There seemed to be some transformation brewing.

The day was getting brighter, and some strange bird was chirping. Carrying some humidity, the morning wind blew in from the window.

Lu Ze opened his eyes, which flashed with red and green.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Ze yawned, scratched his head, and stretched his back. He then slowly walked to the bathroom.

Just when he was about to open the door, the door opened from the inside, and Lu Li walked out.

She wore her loose rabbit pajamas. Clearly, she just finished a shower.

This was very normal during body refinement. Sometimes, Lu Ze would wash more than once just in the morning. He was almost used to it.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze suddenly wanted to have a shower.

He glanced at Lu Li's rabbit pajamas, and his mouth twitched. He couldn't resist doing something when he saw rabbits.

When Lu Li saw Lu Ze at the door, she got for a moment, and her face went red. After sensing Lu Ze's glance, her eyes flashed as she smiled. "Brother, do you realize that your current glance looks like you want to do something psychotic to your sister?"

Lu Ze heard this and his mouth twitched. He said, "Bullshit, even if I die! Even if I'm eaten by a cosmic beast! I wouldn't have any strange thoughts towards you!"

Lu Li narrowed her eyes. "Really? I seem to remember in the ancient past, such things happened."

Lu Ze's face changed, you know the stories of two thousand years back??

That's crossing the line?!

Lu Li said with a smile, "Go in brother. You're not allowed to do anything bad with Li's underwear?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "… Only a ghost would do that!!"

Did she really consider him a psychopath??

Lu Li looked at him. "Really? It seems brother knows what's bad?"

Lu Ze: "…"

What a joke, how could the innocent him know?

He just wanted to instinctively argue against Lu Li's words.

Seeing Lu Ze's face stiff, Lu Li smiled as she walked past Lu Ze with an aroma.

Then, facing away from him, she felt the white ring and smiled.

Lu Ze walked in and glanced around. There was no underwear. His mouth twitched; he was played by Lu Li.

He shook his head and cleansed himself before going downstairs. He found that Lu Li had started cultivation already.

Seeing Lu Ze come in, Lu Li stopped and smiled at Lu Ze. "Brother, did you try looking for Li's underwear?"

Lu Ze: "…"

She was definitely the devil??

He didn't want to talk.

Seeing this, Lu Li smiled and changed the topic. "Brother, can you give Li some pointers? I feel like my martial technique is about to have a breakthrough."

Lu Ze heard this and got shocked. He looked at Lu Li with surprise and nodded, "Okay."

It would be quite a boost to power if the foundational martial technique reached the perfect state. Lu Ze felt happy for Lu Li.

The two started sparring. Lu Li attacked and Lu Ze defended. Every time Lu Li showed an opening, he would casually point it out and tap there.

Gradually, Lu Li's attacks become more and more fluent. She had great flow in her palm technique and movement technique.

Moments later, Lu Li suddenly stopped and just practiced her palm technique by herself.

A black chi surged on her palm. Gradually, more black mist appeared on the surface of her body. It enveloped Lu Li like she was some sort of witch shrouded in mysteriousness.

Lu Ze watched silently and smiled.

She broke through.

An hour later, Lu Li finally stopped practicing. There was some excitement in her eyes. She looked up at Lu Ze. "Brother, Li broke through!"

Now, was she a little closer to him?

Lu Ze nodded. "That's right."

Then he casually grinned. "Li, this is all due to me!!"

He had been practicing with her every morning for a month. That was very tiring.

He should get some benefits right??

Lu Li heard this, and her eyes flashed. She smiled at Lu Ze. "Then, how does Brother want Li to repay?"

Lu Ze looked down and thought.

Would it be possible to ask her to delete the recording now?

That was his dark history. It was too embarrassing.

Just when Lu Ze decided to try again, the familiar jovial voice sounded from outside. "Li, Li, are you up? I've come to go to school with you~"

Lu Ze and Lu Li glanced at each other.

This voice belonged to Alice, right?

Why was she here??

At this moment, Fu Shuya's voice sounded, "Alice? What are you doing here? Li is in the training ground, go find her."

Then, Alice replied, "Thank you, Auntie. I'll go find Li then!"
